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Theme : Health crisis

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10 Feb 2021

The today health crisis poses the problem of its financing in large part by public debt - With the subprime crisis, how can the impact of such a cost be sustainable on the budget ?

Dissertation - 8 pages - International economy

According to an article published on April 28, 2020, in the newspaper Les Echos and written by Renaud Honoré, the current rate of French public debt is twice as high as that of the subprime crisis in 2008. In fact, we never reached these figures since the Second World War. European debt...

21 Jun 2013

Opposing viewpoints: Autism is a serious public health crisis

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

According to Anne McElroy Dachel, Autism is now becoming an epidemic because of the increase of cases now being reported as compared to 20 years ago. Dachel, I feel is biased because her child was diagnosed with Autism almost 20 years ago and at the time of his diagnosis not much was known about...

29 Apr 2009

Comparing the response to cholera in Zimbabwe with SARS response in Toronto - Public health systems in crisis

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This is an article about two diseases: cholera and SARS. Pandemics today potentially can spread from one part of the globe to another. The spread of SARS from Hong Kong where it was first identified and isolated, to Toronto (which was particularly hard hit), in part has to do with the new...

04 Jun 2023

What future for the French economy after the Covid-19 crisis? - The "France 2030" investment plan proposed by President Macron

Essay - 6 pages - Economic politics

In 2020, the health crisis caused a recession of -7.9% for France. France had a fairly stable economy before the crisis and the various confinements led to a negative evolution of the economy as well as a recession in GDP. The French economy is growing little but resisting...

02 Aug 2024

Public health - The speech to Taru's Parliament

Creative writing - 1 pages - Economic politics

First of all, we must fully consider the threat posed by the virus circulating in our nation. When we know that about 25% of the population is infected and that this figure is tending to increase rapidly; distributing a remedy quickly seems to be indispensable. So we all agree that the entire...

12 Feb 2021

How are companies adapting their activity to the COVID-19 crisis?

Case study - 9 pages - Management

In this argument, we will try to explain a management problem that companies constantly encounter in their environment, whatever their sector and size, taking into account more particularly in the current crisis context. Thus, the following question will be answered more precisely: "How...

23 Aug 2022

Politics and crisis management

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Crisis management has certainly become a critical feature of contemporary management and governance. During periods of crisis, members of organizations and communities expect leaders to work out strategies that minimize the impacts of crises at hand, while bureaucratic competitors...

12 May 2024

The Quiet Crisis, Conservation and the future - Stewart L. Udall (1963) - Is science the key to a kingdom of conservation? Introduction and detailed plan

Text commentary - 3 pages - Modern history

'The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it: If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something' (Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1932). This quotation highlights...

09 Feb 2021

Greece - Economic, Social issues and Migration crisis

Essay - 5 pages - Foreign markets

Greece is a country located in the South East of Europe. It is a member of the European Union and its population is about 10.75 million inhabitants. It's a member of the EU since 1981 and joined the Eurozone in 2001. In the past few years, Greece experienced an economic crisis, social...

04 Nov 2022

Essay: the coronavirus crisis, a result of political mistakes across the world?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Mistakes often take place when critical policy-making institutions and politicians take wrong decisions - for instance through under-reaction or overreaction to critical issues, as a result of preoccupation with symbolic and ideological concerns - or as a result of the adoption of wrong policy...

28 Apr 2023

Health systems

Course material - 3 pages - Social security law

Security is a package of four government insurance programs which provide Americans with minimum coverage. They include retirement pensions (to which all Americans over 65 are entitled), benefits for disabled, unemployment insurance and Medicare, a program which covers the medical expenses of...

07 Nov 2014

The Euro crisis and its impact

Case study - 19 pages - Political science

The Euro crisis is an economic crisis which not only points to the weaknesses of economic integration, but also points at the consequences of poor economic policies at the state level. The aim of this paper is to synthesize literature on the causes, progression and impacts of the...

24 Mar 2015

Public opinion & responding to crisis

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

A crisis is an unstable condition or situation or a stage in a series of events at which the inclination of future events, in most cases for the worst, is determined. How issues are handles at this stage, is very vital in determining the extent to which the future events may be favorable...

18 Feb 2021

Mass consumption and crisis situation - Parallel with the Coronavirus

Case study - 4 pages - Clients and users behaviour

In recent days, panic has invaded the homes of French consumers, since the Coronavirus has officially arrived in France, causing in particular the closure of schools. In these moments of doubt, fear and anguish, some consumers have tended to rush into the supermarket shelves in order to provide...

20 Apr 2015

The economic crisis - external debt

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The economic crisis in Brazil at the beginning of the 80 forces the company to maintain, throughout the decade, approximately the same number of pigs slaughtered in 1980. What is striking is that in 1986 the Concordia plant of Sadia group hit 855,501 heads and in 1989, only 601 507 (almost...

27 Aug 2014

Health Insurance and Financing in United States

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

The U.S health care spending has been characteristically among the costliest per individual, despite which the service quality lies overall below the anticipated delivery level. Unlike the single-payer healthcare system in the United Kingdom, the U.S operates a blend of market-based and...

24 Nov 2014

Health Insurance Cost of University Employees - Research paper

Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies

Employee health insurance is a benefit provided based on the length of service, commitment, the position of the employee and the specifications of the scheme set by the employer. Employees of various US universities have a package that they are able to take advantage, of, however, the cost...

29 Sep 2016

The subprime loan crisis

Thesis - 9 pages - Finance

There is always debate during an election year whether there is too much or too little government intervention in the social or economic realm, but whatever a person's personal beliefs are, the truth is that government regulation is a fact of life. The topic of this paper is the role that the...

25 Nov 2013

Single motherhood and its Impact on the UK public health sector

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

In many western countries, there has been increased pressure to reform the public health system because of increased healthcare needs among citizens (Beaglehole 2004, p. 199). For instance, the US has recently undertaken several legislative changes to its healthcare policies to cater for...

12 Jul 2010

The persistent health weaknesses in prison

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Successive reforms have attempted to promote equal treatment for inmates and the general population, but it appears that access to health care remains problematic. Section A of this document will study the living conditions of the detainees and their health, and section B will focus...

29 Sep 2010

Crisis Management: a Report on Pfizer and the Trovan Crisis

Case study - 14 pages - Management

We decided to study the Trovan crisis that affected Pfizer as we found it particularly interesting. If one delves into the circumstances which contributed to provoke the Trovan crisis, it is indeed an intriguing story. We also thought that it would be quite enriching to analyze how...

20 Aug 2012

The use of intervention crisis to help individuals suffering from drug, alcohol or substance abuse

Case study - 4 pages - Political science

Drugs, alcohol and other substances can have a very significant effect on the homeostasis of the people who consume them. There 3 main approaches to drugs: 1.Drug Use, using drug for health and therapeutic reasons, commonly after medical advice. 2.Drug Misuse refers to the use of drugs...

16 Jan 2009

L'Oreal crisis scenario (2006)

Essay - 19 pages - Management

This summary has been provided to allow top managers and executives at L'Oreal a rapid appreciation of the content of this report. Those with a particular interest in the crisis scenario management and communication may read the report to take advantage of the more comprehensive...

19 Nov 2010

France telecom: The suicide crisis

Thesis - 17 pages - Management

France Telecom S.A. is one of the world's leading and largest telecommunications operators in the world. It is the main telecommunications company in France, and the third largest in Europe. The French Telecom/Orange Group is also a world leader in telecommunications services for multinational...

13 Jan 2009

The Health Care System in the UK

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

The first national strike in the NHS for nearly 20 years took place in London in September last year. This seems to be of bad omen for the British Health Care system. Before we go further into the subject, let us remember how health care used to be before any protection system...

10 Jan 2011

The subprime crisis in the United States and its impact on the European financial markets

Thesis - 91 pages - Economy general

It was in February 2007 that the current financial market crisis was revealed to the United States. Institutions specializing in subprime loans announced their first losses and provisions. The financial experts compiled several scenarios. Was this a temporary crisis that would...

12 Mar 2009

The alleged 'crisis of the welfare state' and the failure of the traditional defenders of the welfare state to respond to the New Right's critique

Thesis - 9 pages - Political science

Nowhere do competing theoretical, ideological and political views rage more fiercely, than in the debates surrounding the existence and organization of the modern welfare state. For some, the welfare state stands as a testimony to human achievement and social progress, it represents a refusal to...

25 Nov 2009

Examining California's prison crisis: Where we're at, how it happened and what we can do

Thesis - 3 pages - Administrative law

Even without the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression on hand, California's notoriously dysfunctional prison system requires a much needed in-depth examination. More so, California requires much needed action in a very different direction from the consistent trends of...

03 Sep 2009

A research on women's health in relevance to their rights and freedom

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

In the span of our lives we have seen national crisis come and go: The Vietnam War in the 60's, the drug epidemic of the 70's, and the AIDS crisis in the 80's. Most of these conflicts were managed by government control with plans and policy making they slowly settled. Today, in...

05 Mar 2009

Five strategy innovations to redefine the debate surrounding baseline national health coverage in the United States

Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Healthcare is the single most pressing domestic issue in American politics. Over 45 million Americans are uninsured; likely twice that are underinsured. 80% of the uninsured are workers, or live in families with workers. Extensive work has documented the market failure related to health...