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Theme : Safety

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02 Sep 2022

Can the use of EHR in healthcare settings increase patient safety and efficiency of work?

Essay - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Electronic health records come at a time when the hospital environment is undergoing a revolution with the idea of fully utilizing the benefits of communication technology. This is driven by the need for quality and efficiency of work in the hospital environment through improved record-keeping...

28 Jul 2015

Managing Work Health and Safety

Essay - 2 pages - Management

WHS stands for Work Health and Safety. Its main aim is to give organizations great ideas on how to make the work places conducive for the workers and eliminate any imminent danger that the workers are likely to be exposed to while working. It is helpful in preventing disasters from...

08 Oct 2015

Airline and pilot safety

Essay - 25 pages - Other law subjects

Safety has consistently been one of the primary concerns in the aviation industry. The crucial nature of safety in this sector is accentuated by the fact that most airplane accidents result in catastrophic loss of life. Such accidents also lead to incurrence of significant costs in...

22 Jul 2015

Construction Safety

Essay - 2 pages - Human resources

The construction sites are ranked high in the rates of extreme and deadly word related wounds because of the intricacy and unusual nature of the assignments. Decades long endeavors to battle word related mischances by utilizing different safety change methodologies have arrived at a level....

21 Nov 2014

Health and Safety Policy

Case study - 11 pages - Educational studies

The evolution of the contemporary health and safety policies across the construction industry, traces to the provisions of various legislations. They aim at secure and healthier construction sites, where all duty holders team up for the success of the health and safety initiatives....

03 Sep 2014

Safety of Immunization for Infants

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

In the following study we are going to evaluate the risks involved when immunizing infants. There have been different studies concluded, and research made, in order to determine if the risks of the immunization or getting the illness are larger. There is a discussion among experts, so we will...

19 Nov 2014

Health and Safety Legislation

Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies

The enactment of the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 outlined a fundamental structure, upon which other regulations have advanced. This report captures the emphasis demonstrated in its provisions requiring employers and self-employed to prioritize workplace safety. The report...

01 Aug 2013

California traffic safety

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Traffic and traffic safety, especially in urban environments, tend to be at the forefront of most local government agencies. Statistically speaking, the numbers of accidents in an area are what drive the conclusions, decisions, and actions to be taken to better protect the population....

16 Dec 2013

Lab Safety audit of A University Mechatronics Laboratory

Case study - 20 pages - Biology

Workplace safety inspection is important in maintaining safe working environment for students and staff in a laboratory. All students and staff are exposed to lots of possible incidents in the laboratory when rules and regulations are not followed. A workplace safety inspection or...

17 Dec 2010

Automated to Death? - Safety concerns with automated systems

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This is very interesting article which brings our attention towards the safety concerns with automated systems. Several incidents are discussed in the article that is related to automation of the respective systems ranging from the metro crash in Washington DC to the presence of faulty...

02 Aug 2010

Public safety versus civil rights

Thesis - 4 pages - Administrative law

When comparing the rights of one's safety to one's right to privacy the welfare most citizens favor public safety. Privacy is an important right that society needs to protect but not at the expense of safety. Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools...

22 Nov 2010

Need for the safety of port zones

Case study - 8 pages - Logistics

Today, the obligation of ensuring the safety of ship and port facilities has become mandatory. Yet, its scope is limited, as it merely pertains to the security of a link in the chain of ports. The subject we discuss in this document relates to the intricate dynamics within the partnership...

30 May 2009

Airline safety after September 11th

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In order to examine the national and New York City-specific changes to air travel that have been put in place after the September 11th, 2001 attacks and then analyze whether or not additional security measures are warranted, it is important to discuss September 11th. From there, it becomes...

30 Jun 2008

Food and water safety

Presentation - 21 pages - Medical studies

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that the public has the right to safe food and water supply. The association supports collaboration among dietetic professionals, academics, representatives of the agricultural and food industries, and appropriate government agencies to...

07 Jul 2008

E-commerce safety guide

Essay - 14 pages - Educational studies

Few developments have altered America's lifestyle more quickly and more completely than the Internet. Online access has enabled people from all walks of life to bring entire libraries, entertainment venues, post offices and financial centers to a workplace, to a desktop or to a shirt pocket. The...

27 Feb 2007

"In sum, at night, young people seek excitement in cities, not safety": discuss the relationship between young people's leisure activities, crime and the fear of crime.

Essay - 8 pages - Criminal law

Young people's behaviours are seen in the society as a catalyser of change, a vector for social and moral evolution. Usually our societies, often driven by a sense of cautious conservatism, are prudent or even resistant towards youth's attitude. Contrary to the common thoughts youth delinquency...

10 Dec 2023

5 questions on effective communication

Case study - 5 pages - Communication

This document aswers the following questions : 1. You are asked to provide a communication plan to discourage online shopping. What would be the key elements and structure of your plan. 2. You are asked to provide a communication plan to generate interest and support for the European Union in...

03 Oct 2022

Practical case : Employment Law

Law case study - 6 pages - Labor law

1/ David has spent the last two decades working as a security officer for Big Gigs and Loud Sounds Ltd. His contract with Big Gigs and Loud Sounds Ltd expressly declares that he is ‘self-employed' and emphasizes at various points that the basis on which he receives his shifts to work for...

15 Apr 2022

PESTEL Analysis - Merck Millipore

Case study - 6 pages - International marketing

Merck Millipore is a leading German life sciences company. Their headquarters are in Darmstadt, Germany. Founded in 1668, it operates in the fields of pharmaceuticals and chemistry. Indeed, the company's goal is to solve the most complex problems in the field of life sciences by...

30 Jan 2017

Advanced knowledge for nurse educators

Essay - 6 pages - Medical studies

Concerns are raised concerning the safety of patients as cases of error and injury escalate globally. To improve the security of patients, nurses are thus supposed to recognize variations in the condition of the patient. Besides, they should be in a position to anticipate orders,...

04 Apr 2022

Booking system for on calls rooms in hospitals

Case study - 6 pages - Management

KFSHRC-R hospital needs a monitoring and updated booking system for on calls rooms in hospitals. In this report, we are going to discuss a problem that the hospital is facing related to on calls rooms for a physician. After elaborating the issues associated with management that hospital is facing...

13 Oct 2020

PESTEL Analysis - The aeronautical sector

Case study - 5 pages - Tourism marketing

Aeronautics is the science around the designing, building and flying of aircraft. Ranging from non-powered aircraft to supersonic space transport, and it is one of the world's largest industries in terms of product output, employment and monetary value globally. The freedom of flight opened...

25 Apr 2022

How Bluetooth works and its advantages

Worksheets - 1 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Bluetooth gadgets can mostly function at a couple of 4 GHZ with inside the license free, globally available college of notion radio band. The gain to the modern-day band consists of global availability and compatibility. A downside to this, however, is that the gadgets need to percentage this...

06 Jul 2022

Gasifier installation

Presentation - 18 pages - Chemistry

This presentation explains the regulations, the procedure and the consequences of gasifier installations.

01 Aug 2022

Pestel Analysis - The real estate market in the US

Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

The United States' housing market is experiencing a considerable shift. As the government tries to quell the impacts of inflation with relatively higher interest rates, every other aspect of the economy from foreclosure rates to housing market prices remains in flux. As such, housing prices...

05 Sep 2022

The impact of evidence-based methods in nursing

Dissertation - 7 pages - Medical studies

In the field of nursing, evidence-based practices have been frequently utilized as a way of improving the practice and the quality of care that nurses provide to their patients. This approach is founded on the independence of research and patient experiences where nurses are supposed to utilize...

12 Nov 2014

Punishment vs Rehabilitation for Criminals

Case study - 25 pages - Criminal law

In history, the citizen safety holds a fundamental priority in successive governments'policies protecting the basic human rights. Naturally, everyone is expected to respect the right calling for human safety at all places; walking along the street, relaxing at home or in public...

25 Aug 2009

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M): A look at its operations and organization in India

Tutorials/exercises - 23 pages - Management

For nine of the past 10 years, 3M has ranked in the top 10 of Fortune's annual survey of "America's Most Admired Corporations." In 1994 alone, major reporting about 3M included articles in Fortune and Business Week in the United States and 3M's success can be measured by the fact that...

29 Sep 2010

Chernobyl disaster

Essay - 17 pages - Modern history

In what is now a cold barren wasteland, lays the abandoned city of Pripyat and the lifeless Red Forest. Its silence is a deafening reminder of the tragic events of April 26, 1986. Lives were shattered and perceptions were changed forever. What was scheduled as a safety test ended up...

16 Jan 2007

Principles and practices of consumer's protection within the European Union

Thesis - 19 pages - European law

The European Union aims at protecting the health, safety and economic well-being of its citizens. It promotes their rights to information, helps them safeguard their interests and encourages them to set up consumer associations. Consumer policy is designed to improve the quality of life of...