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Thesis in journalism

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185 results

25 Oct 2010

Feminism and Gender Sensitivity in Reporting

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism

There is no doubt a thin line between the concepts of feminism and gender sensitivity in reporting. Sometimes these two concepts are interchanged. It is our view, however, that there is a significant difference between these two concepts. This report aims to clarify this difference particularly...

24 Aug 2010

Online journalism vs. traditional journalism: The effect of citizen journalism on professional journalists

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

The surge of online media content proliferated by bloggers and citizen journalists has created a number of issues for those within the traditional newspaper industry, especially for professional journalists. Professional journalists are seeing the requirements, tools, strategies and knowledge...

23 Aug 2010

Charlton Heston: Winning the cultural war (An analysis of the speech)

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Charlton Heston was often considered as one of the most talented actors of our time. On the big screen, the Broadway stage, and on television, Charlton Heston repeatedly proved himself as an excellent portrayer of human character. He was born as John Charles Carter on April 10, 1924 (IMDb, 2009)....

12 Aug 2010


Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

From the early days of the printed word to the advent of the internet, the mass distribution of ideas has raised concerns of overexposure and censorship. Today censorship is the center of one of the most heated debates in America. Those fighting for censorship of the media and those working to...

10 Aug 2010

Effat's new roses

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

The article “Effat's new roses,” from the current issue of Saudi Aramco World, opens with a sense of anticipation. The lead welcomes readers to graduation night at Effat College, the first private women's college in Saudi Arabia. The article goes on to detail the founding of the...

10 Aug 2010

Narration and trauma

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

In numerous texts that we have read in class so far, the intersection of the personal and the political has been prominent in the study of trauma. Many of the articles and authors we discuss in class have experienced their own traumatic events as well as captured other people's traumatic...

10 Aug 2010

Addiction and drugs

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism

Addiction is a disease that doesn't discriminate- it can affect anyone- young, old, rich or poor. You may think that you are alone in dealing with a drug or alcohol addiction, but the truth is, many have traveled this path before you. You may want to get help, but aren't sure how to go about...

09 Aug 2010

Changing the roles of women as seen through art

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Mary Stevenson Cassatt was a unique woman in many respects. Her family's wealth allowed her to travel extensively during her childhood and eventually move to France to pursue painting with prominent French painter Edgar Degas. More extraordinary than that however, is that she was just one of...

06 Aug 2010

Humanitarian diplomacy

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Minorities are oppressed by cruel dictators, buildings are blown up without remorse, terrorists are hailed as heroes, and impoverished civilians are ignored and left for dead. At the moment, such global chaos seems to result from a lack of sufficient values—the value of education, the value...

06 Aug 2010

Memoir of a Greek trip

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

I closed my eyes and all I could think about was how beautiful Greece was going to be. I was convinced that Greece was a magical paradise where the crystal blue horizon lasted forever, the sunsets were so vivid that they couldn't be caught on camera, and the freshest fruit could be picked right...

06 Aug 2010

PNAC: Project for the New American Century

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism

Many of the founding members and supporters of this group now hold high positions in Washington and are, to this day, practicing much of what was written up in their 2000 report “Rebuilding America's Defenses” (see attached in it's entirety) which was a blueprint for what is now known...

06 Aug 2010

The concept of hero

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

The concept of a hero has pervaded throughout history. Many times, heroes are thought of as individuals who have extraordinary prowess in battle or who perform some amazing feat like saving the lives of others. During the past ten weeks, I have examined my definition of a hero based on criteria...

05 Aug 2010

Satirical approach highlighting concern

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

In 1952 the United States successfully detonated their first hydrogen bomb, which was 700 times more powerful than the atomic bomb from Hiroshima (Maland 252). Less than a year later, the Soviet Union made it known that they had accomplished the same feat. Not wanting to be outdone by each other,...

05 Aug 2010

Letter from a Notre Dame classroom

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

In response to your March 28 criticisms of Notre Dame's decision to invite President Obama to give the commencement address, I noticed you chose the words, “no institution that calls itself Catholic can be unilateral.” As a busy Notre Dame undergraduate, I would like to set some time...

05 Aug 2010

Obama vs McCain: An analysis of conflict

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

Conflict permeates the world that we live in. It is present in every country, in the range of small-scale to large-scale. On the micro level, conflict occurs all the time between as little as two people. Bartering in a market place, arguing over a final grade, and yelling at the car that just cut...

30 Jul 2010

Using arguments put forth by Paul Collier and Ted Robert Gurr to provide a brief comparison of works related to the causes of civil war

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Napoleon Bonaparte once said that “a man will fight harder for his interest than for his rights.” In a time where individual ‘wants' and the protection of singular self-interests has become a primary focus for the average citizen, governments have been daunted with the task of...

30 Jul 2010

Betterment of men or betterment of me?

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

To regard one person's life as more important than another's can present a morally disturbing argument. If the death of one individual can prevent the deaths of twenty, do you sacrifice that one person? What if, to save those same twenty, two must be killed? How about five? Can one rationalize...

29 Jul 2010

Come as you are

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Come on! You're holding up the line!” yelled a woman near the end of the line. With a dazed look on her face, Nina moved forward and grabbed the toothbrush, toothpaste, and washcloth and continued on. She shoved the items in an old, brown, over-the-shoulder bag. She wore a ripped pair of Gap...

29 Jul 2010

Cultural reflection: M.I.A.

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

It was another normal drive to work one morning when the radio D.J. mentioned that there was a new song that he was about to launch from an up and coming hip hop artist. Also, he mentioned that he wanted our opinion on what the listeners thought about what they heard. After listening to the song...

29 Jul 2010

Defining the new right

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

This is commentary I wrote in response Richard Thornburgh's to article defining the “new right.” Thornburgh was President Reagan's third Attorney General, he continued serving into the first few months of President George H.W. Bush's Justice Department before resigning in August 1991....

29 Jul 2010

Organizational challenges: Subtropics

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Readers ask a tall task of our authors: to entertain us for as long as they have our attention, to transport us, to paint a vivid picture, and to give the reader a peek into the author's mind. And while each reader enters into this journey with a different perspective, for an author to be...

29 Jul 2010

Getting naked for Britney

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism

Lately it seems like you can't turn on the news without hearing about another Britney Spears meltdown, car accident, or the latest in her ongoing custody battle. But where's the press about her latest album, Blackout, or her club-smashing singles? Spears used to be known for her catchy dance...

29 Jul 2010

The United States Presidential election in the rest of the world

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism

According to the latest Gallup poll, the presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain remains close. Forty-five percent of registered voters support Obama, with McCain close behind with 42 percent. Among respondents 5 percent did not have an opinion. This poll has a margin of error of...

29 Jul 2010

Comparing the development ideologies of Cuba and Nicaragua

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

The Cuba and Nicaragua Revolutions both took place in order to achieve widespread changes in the economic and social conditions of the countries. Both nations are poor and struggling to revive their economies after years of instability due to internal conflicts and external influences, mainly...

29 Jul 2010

Analysis of new coverage on proposition 8 from Los Angeles and Ireland

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

The elections that took place in November 2008 provided historical opportunities for change in many areas of social and political concern. While the Presidential race was consuming the majority of news coverage, another election in California was also recognized as having national importance and...

29 Jul 2010

Expropriation in Africa

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism reported on Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006 that the South African government may increasingly continue to seize land from white owners in order to restore land ownership to native blacks. Officials from South Africa also said that they would not consider replicating the violent land seizures that...

29 Jul 2010

Audio and visual analysis: 1988 Inside edition report on Nintendo and the super Mario brothers

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

In 1988, Inside Edition reported on the new craze to be sweeping the nation: the Nintendo video game system and, in particular, its super-hero characters, the Super Mario Brothers. The piece begins with a short introduction inside the newsroom, followed by report by Joel Loy. The piece focuses on...

29 Jul 2010

Hannah Montana tour prompts lawsuits and advocacy against ticket brokers

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

This phenomenon is nothing new, but the freshest teen singing-acting-Disney sensation, Hannah Montana, real name Miley Cyrus, 14, is shaking up the concert industry like Britney Spears never did. Parents even join their youngsters in enjoyment of her music and hit television show, also called...

29 Jul 2010

The Philadelphia Eagles: Champions of 1960

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

It's no longer at the corner of 62 Street and Walnut, but Bill Barnes will never forget Donahue's. The former Philadelphia Eagles running back remembers going to the restaurant every Monday before a game with the team. The 1960 Eagles would discuss the game, eat and have fun. “We were very,...

28 Jul 2010

Human trafficking and trading

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Human trafficking is the politically correct term for modern slavery. There is nothing polished or proper about this trade of human flesh. Most modern day slaves are women and children. The women are addicted to drugs by their pimps, then used as prostitutes. The girls are often lured away from...