Indeed, this has become essential in order to be able to counter increasing competition in all sectors of activity. The subjects proposed below can be carried out within the framework of a research thesis or during the realisation of an internship in a company.

TOPIC 1: Digital Marketing and Business Performance

In this subject, we highlight the link between digital marketing and business performance.

Problem: how does the performance of companies in almost all sectors of activity depend on the effectiveness and implementation of digital marketing?

In order to do this, after having defined the concepts involved, namely digital marketing and performance, give the different types of digital marketing that exist and those that are used the most in the various sectors of activity. Also, talk about consumer behaviour towards advertising in general and why it is essential to break away from old forms of advertising in favour of digital marketing. What is the role of social networks? How to measure the performance of companies following the implementation of this marketing strategy? Talk about performance indicators, results and changes that occur in the way companies and teams operate.

TOPIC 2: The customer relationship in digital marketing

In this topic, we discuss digital marketing and its link to customer relationships, a subject that is the basis of all business strategies in 2022.
Problem: how to set up an effective customer relationship over time and relevance to digital marketing?

Define the concepts and give the main changes that have taken place in recent years in terms of marketing? How has this also changed consumer behaviour? What are the new expectations, the new needs? How can companies stand out from their competitors through customer relations, how to keep in touch with customers in a world where everything is digital? What are the pain points of brands, and how do the best ones manage to retain their customers?

TOPIC 3: Digital marketing in the tourism sector

It is about the marketing tools used in the tourism sector in 2022 and in the years to come. The sector is constantly reinventing itself to recover from the health crisis on the one hand, but also to attract consumers.

Problem: How has digital marketing become the best way to increase sales in the tourism sector?

After defining the concepts, digital marketing and tourism, and giving the main figures of the sector, talk about the main advantages of digital marketing in the sector. What are the new developments in tourism that facilitate purchases and consumer decision-making? Talk about artificial intelligence, augmented reality, or even remote visits, immersion. Travel agencies are increasingly using social networks for their marketing. Explain the techniques present on these sites.

TOPIC 4: The place of influencers and social networks in digital marketing

Digital marketing is an essential data of social networks since these are sites that are visited thousands of times a day by consumers.
Problem: Why are influencers essential in establishing digital marketing?

Talk about social networks, give the definition and main characteristics of influencers, their usefulness, consumer behaviour. How do brands choose their influencers? Also, talk about the lack of consumer interest in traditional advertising, which has become obsolete and useless, since a large number of consumers block them. Why is it important today to find the right content according to the chosen target? Talk about social media as a way to generate mass word of mouth.

TOPIC 5: Digital marketing and communication (internal and external) in companies

The two themes present in this subject are digital marketing and communication. All companies need to establish effective and relevant communication to improve their performance, but also to establish a better relationship with customers and counter rising competition.
Problem: Why is it necessary to establish good communication to improve your digital marketing?

Define the notions of digital marketing and communication, internal and external. How has communication become necessary, and above all, vital for companies, but also  consumers? How do Internet users perceive communication? How does digital marketing use communication to retain and attract a company's customers? Also, talk about the difference that must be established between digital marketing and digital communication. What is the role of social networks in this communication?


Digital marketing is, therefore, the most used marketing format today, simply because, over time, companies and brands have had to reinvent themselves to be able to adapt to new consumers. Digital marketing is present on the net, with considerable importance given to social networks and the importance of communication in companies.