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Dissertation topics on risk management

Here you will find some ideas of topics to write about in a dissertation on risk management.

Dissertation topics on risk management

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Subject 1 - Assessment of risk management in credit institutions
Subject 2 - Risk management and new technologies
Subject 3 - The place of internal communication in risk management
Subject 4 - The impact of risk management on the working conditions of employees
Subject 5 - Performance and risk management

Subject 1 - Assessment of risk management in credit institutions

The topics covered are risk assessment and credit institutions. It is important to start by defining the two concepts by establishing the link between them, whether from a personal or professional point of view. The risks are certainly different, but they nevertheless exist in both cases.

Problem: in what way is it essential to know how to evaluate the risks to manage a credit institution?

The first part can be devoted to generalities, with an emphasis on the definitions and characteristics of credit institutions, banks or others.

Then the candidate will be able to give all the management tools which allow evaluation of these risks and the solutions to avoid them or at least to reduce them in the long term.

What are the prevention techniques, how to improve its environment and its diagnosis to combine customer satisfaction and the sustainability of the company?

Subject 2 - Risk management and new technologies

We are talking here about risk management linked to new technologies, which have taken a considerable place in all companies, including credit institutions.

Problem: how can new technologies make it possible to better understand risks in a company, financial or otherwise?

The candidate can first give all the risks that are likely to appear in a company or in the company in which the internship is carried out.

Also, give all the technologies put in place to more effectively manage all the risks involved and possibly make the link with the past and old techniques.

Subject 3 - The place of internal communication in risk management

A parallel is drawn in this subject between internal communication and risk management. Internal communication plays a vital role in every company, regardless of its sector of activity or the number of employees. In risk management, it's the same thing, good communication can resolve a good number of disputes in the long run.

Problem: how is internal communication effective in risk management?

The candidate will be able to define the concepts, and more particularly, that of internal communication, by giving his objectives and challenges. Also, talk about new technologies which are linked to new modes of communication in companies and which allow instant access to information. Also talk about risk management and its link with corporate communication.

Subject 4 - The impact of risk management on the working conditions of employees

Here we discuss risk management and working conditions. Risks within companies have become, over time, diverse and unfortunately numerous and each manager must develop the best possible working conditions for employees, regardless of their rank.

Problem: how does risk management influence working conditions?

The candidate will be able to talk about the challenges of risk management with new management methods. Also, deal with the subject of working conditions and their link with types of management. Talk about employee motivation, their involvement in the face of risks and their desire to change the company for a more secure world, all in-connection with management methods.

Subject 5 - Performance and risk management

This refers to the performance of a company and to risk management.
The objective of risk management is to achieve an excellent level of compliance in order to avoid accidents and consequently improve the performance of the group.

Problem: how does risk management work in favor of company performance?

It is a question here of giving all the potential risks and their characteristics. How to master them, what are the tools to avoid them or master them as soon as possible?

Also, talk about knowing how to judge the criticality of a risk for the group and for employees through ever more rigorous planning and organization.

Sources :
- Management des risques bancaires - Savoir gérer les risques dans le contexte Bâle III 2ème édition, Henri Jacob
- Évaluer et prendre en compte les risques liés aux innovations technologiques, Face au Risque n 544 juillet-août 2018
- La place de la communication dans la gestion du risque sous l'angle de la responsabilité sociale : le cas des entreprises seveso, Maïté Frau et Jocelyne Robert
- Puissance du management des risques dans la performance globale, Iacolare Vincent

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