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How to create a plan for your final dissertation

Once you have chosen your subject, your problem, your brief axis that you know more or less what your dissertation is going to dissect, the major question remains, how? It is difficult enough to have solid ideas, knowing how to arrange them is an additional challenge, we are going to help you overcome this challenge by giving you some advice on how to plan your thesis.

The plan should have the following typical structure and qualities:

To have a relevant reflection is also to know how to present it. Otherwise, a brilliant idea can go unnoticed, or at least not heard at its true value; in communication, marketing, even politics, there are many examples. It is not always the most brilliant presentation that we listen to, but often the best speaker or author.

You should take this into consideration when writing your final dissertation. The plan must be a service to your thinking, it must support it, contribute to making it better understood, give it the best assets. Thus it must appear coherent (your thinking and the sequence of your ideas must be articulated), well-distributed (one part of your development must not be much more extensive than another) and as simple as possible (intelligible to the greatest number of readers, even someone who does not know the subject.)

This may depend on your field of study, but as a general rule, all dissertations should contain:

A) An introduction preceded by the acknowledgements and possibly a preface in which you briefly introduce yourself.

B) After the introduction move on to the development, this divides your thesis into large chapters and then into sub-parts, the content of your reflection, mixing personal or professional experience and theoretical contributions seen in class.

There are different possible development plans that you can choose according to the mode of reflection that best corresponds to your way of working and your problem: dialectical plan (thesis, antithesis, synthesis), scientific plan (preliminary analysis, emission of a hypothesis then verification or not) or diagnostic plan (analysis of a problem and proposal of solutions).

C) After the development, logically comes the conclusion, which summarises the crucial points and includes an opening, letting the reader see what your reflection can reach beyond what he has just read.

D) The bibliography (this is indispensable to show the reader that you have the culture of your subject) and the accompanying documents finally complete your brief. An afterword can also be proposed, describing a little about your feeling and your perception of your research work.

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