The marketing mix or the analysis of the various marketing components (product policy, price, distribution and communication) of the Nintendo Switch explains the marketing choices of the company that helped make the Switch a commercial and strategic success.

Product policy

The Switch quickly became one of the best-selling consoles in the world. The product mix is based, first of all, on a name that fully embodies the possibilities offered by this console: it is both a portable console and a fixed living room console. Thus, the product has the following features: switch portability and third-party support. Nintendo has bet on the fact that every member of the family can have and take their Switch everywhere. The product, therefore, offers a significant differentiator. The possibility of switching from one mode to another offers extreme manoeuvrability.

Price policy

Nintendo uses a price-skimming strategy, which is when the product is new to the market and is sold for a relatively high price. After a while, the price may decrease depending on demand and competitive supply in order to remain competitive. The price of the Switch has remained broadly stable for the time being, as other such innovations have yet to be released.

Distribution policy

Although based in Japan, Nintendo has multiple physical distribution networks around the world and also uses online commerce through various platforms whose use is growing exponentially.

Communication policy

Nintendo was able to hit hard by communicating well in advance of the launch of the Switch. Codenamed the console let suspense hover around it, arousing curiosity and envy, before coming out with new games popular with current users of the brand like Zelda and Mario. The marketing campaigns associated with the device and the games all made logical sense: to demonstrate that the product is unique. This tailored communication also aimed to prove to consumers that the product is versatile, different and that no other console looks like it. The communication campaigns were aimed at a young target market in order to encourage parents to make the purchase, but many adults have been won over by the controller and its multiple possibilities. The advertisements around the product were relatively straightforward and informative, but also impactful. The Switch brings together two different uses in one console, usually requiring two separate purchases.

Nintendo has designed a unique product that has allowed it to remain competitive and assert itself in this highly competitive industry.


- Why is Nintendo Switch so successful in marketing? -Linkedin
- Nintendo Switch - Wikipédia