Research article: definition
A research paper is, as we said above, based on a structured body of research and organized work. It is mainly present in the academic field, and more generally in communication, regardless of the subject. There are indeed research articles in science, but also in psychology or others.
More precisely, it is a document that highlights a whole set of research on a given issue on a given subject.
The most important thing is that the article in question is focused on reliable data, and that's precisely what is complex today, with the sometimes-erroneous data from the net and generated by artificial intelligence.
It is a question of responding to a problem, but not only, since it is also necessary to respond to one or more hypotheses.
A research article should not be confused with an essay, because the former is truly based on a series of experiences, it does not just relate facts. It is a question of proving something, not of giving an opinion on a subject.
Objectives and challenges of a research article
Research articles have several purposes.
Initially, the primary objective is to bring added value to knowledge, scientific or otherwise. Research papers, as the name suggests, have researched something, they prove something at some point.
They must also be used at one time or another for decision-making, regardless of the field. It is therefore a question of being useful and demonstrating one or more facts, it is the experts who write this type of article, with an educational and/or informative purpose.
Another objective is to ensure that there is communication on the article in question.
Of course, it's about finding a topic that brings something to the field, not one that hundreds of articles have already been written about. The reliability of sources is also important, because sources serve as references, they serve to prove the authenticity of a document at a given time.
Areas of use
Research articles are carried out in several fields of activity.
The first, and the one that comes to mind first, is the academic field, everything that concerns universities and the research framework, both theoretical and practical. All subjects are affected, literature, law, medicine, etc...
In addition to the academic field, companies can also be affected, as they can use these methods to develop new strategies and bring something extra to the strategic field. Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve their competitiveness and performance.
In the world of education itself, some researchers will develop ways to improve the teaching methods in place, etc.
Guide to writing a research article
Step 1: Choosing the subject
The first step is to choose a topic, and it can be more complex than it seems. Indeed, as we said above, the subject must be relevant to bring something to the table. It must be specific so that research is also specific, and it must allow for possible expansion.
Also, the research needs to be thorough, so the topic should be consistent with this idea.
Step 2: the first searches
Once the subject has been chosen and delimited (so as not to risk being off topic), it is a question of setting up the first research. This research, which is often referred to as preliminary research, serves to set the context, and to identify any difficulties that may need to be faced. In addition, it is also necessary to look for missing information, because as we said earlier, one of the objectives of research articles is to bring novelties, and not to settle for what already exists.
Step 3: the problem
The problem is posed in the form of a question, to which the entire article will have to answer. It is essential, because it places the article in a certain context and in a certain dynamism.
It is in the introduction, just before the announcement of the plan if necessary.
Step 4 : Le plan
The outline of the article should be clear and structured, so that readers can find their way around, especially if the article is long.
The various sections are the introduction, which therefore includes the context, the problem and the plan. Then comes the literature review, which will include all the research that has already been done on the subject, what it has brought to the problem and what is missing to be able to go even further.
Once the literature review is posed, the author of the research article will give the method he used to carry out his research, the development and explanations come next, with the course of the experiments if necessary.
The results follow, and these will give rise to a discussion, which can be opened and enriched by other authors. The conclusion closes the article.
Step 5: Further research
In-depth research comes next, and this is when reliable sources must be used, to maintain ethics and develop credibility.
Step 6: Writing the document, proofreading
Once the article is fully written, it is important to proofread, correct mistakes, and make sure that everything is coherent.
Verify that all sources are verifiable and credible, to ensure the authenticity of the statements and the experiments carried out.
Writing a research article requires a few skills, including coherence and organization. The objective is to bring to light data that do not yet exist from already existing experiments or theories, without however repeating itself to ensure the relevance of the remarks.
To ensure quality work, the plan and all its steps must be meticulously prepared. Research articles can be found in multiple fields, such as academia but not only, since many other sectors are concerned, such as medicine or science.
It is important to pay attention to the credibility of the document, especially in an era where disinformation is increasingly present on the net.