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How to write a research paper?

To carry out a research paper it is above all necessary to be rigorous, methodical and coherent. To do this, we must not forget that your investment capacity will also be an important element. In other words, you are going to devote a good part of your time to it, especially do not think that a research paper can be done in a few days.

How to write a research paper?

Photo Credit: Freepik jcomp

What is a research paper?

A research thesis is a piece of writing that must be very well structured in order to put forward an argument based on extensive research work.

To succeed in this type of paper, it is better to set up a strict methodology so that the writing stage is done in a natural and simple way.

Before, but also during the writing of a research paper, we will think about the following:

- looking for a bibliography,
- the formulation of a problem,
- the structuring of the speech (argumentation),
- writing techniques.

By following a proper methodology, you facilitate the structuring, which is, therefore, one of the key factors to the success of the paper.

The topic of the research paper

Before starting the stages of preparing the research paper, the question of the topic will arise. Depending on your field of study, the topic will obviously relate to a specific field. Certain criteria should be taken into account:

- The topicality and originality of the subject.
- Interest: it must interest you, but also your teachers.
- Feasibility: okay, the topic must be current and interest you, but you must also be able to find information and data.

The steps to write a research paper

1. Initial questioning
The starting question is closely related to the chosen topic. It is also this question that, over the course of your research and analyses, will bring you to the issue. The initial question you are going to ask yourself should help you see the structure more clearly. It is with these questions that you will be able to know whether or not you are able to move forward on the topic of your choice.

2. Exploration
This second step is crucial. What do we mean by exploration? It's time to browse the literature, to summarize, to compare, to analyze the texts and to take note of them. During this step, you can meet experts, set up interviews, etc. Exploration is the work of the inquiry.

3. Problem
This step is used to theorize and set a framework for the elements resulting from the exploration. You will cross-reference the data, the annotated ideas, the interviews carried out and make the problem explicit.

4. Construction
Now is the time to start building your paper. Here, it is necessary to argue, to create links between the various concepts studied and the hypotheses posed.

5. Observation
The objective of this step is to delimit the fields and collect the information that will serve as a scientific basis to illustrate the paper.

6. Analysis
This is where you will describe the data, the measurements, present the variables and compare the results. Finally, you will not be satisfied with a simple presentation but with an analysis of the significance of the results obtained.

7. Conclusion
In the conclusion, you will go back to the beginning of your paper in order to recall the process followed and, at the same time, present the new information resulting from this research.

Sources : Corep, Sciences Po Lille

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