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Essays in accounting

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21 results

21 Jul 2015

Accounting for Customer Incentives

Essay - 2 pages - Accounting

In an effort to increase its customer base, Runway implemented a customer referral marketing campaign. Here, existing customers of Runway can refer a friend to it and receive $25 credit towards purchase of future merchandise. The terms and conditions are that the existing customer should refer a...

15 Feb 2012

Strategic analysis of Mercedes Benz

Essay - 28 pages - Accounting

Mercedes-Benz is a German brand of automobiles, buses, coaches and trucks from the DaimlerChrysler company (formerly Daimler-Benz), commonly known as Mercedes. Mercedes-Benz is the world's oldest automobile manufacturer and the origin of the company dates back to the 1880s, when Gottlieb Daimler...

11 Apr 2011

The link between financial reporting and capital markets: Evaluating the extent of development and use of International Accounting Standards

Essay - 4 pages - Accounting

“As capital markets play an increasingly central role in today's modern economies, policy-makers are confronted with the question of how to assure the continued effective functioning of these markets and, in particular, how to develop a sound financial reporting infrastructure.”...

16 Feb 2011

The Enron business and the financial statement of Michelin (2008)

Essay - 4 pages - Accounting

Enron was founded in 1985, and was one of the largest global corporations and the seventh biggest U.S. Company. It had become the world's leading energy brokerage firm. As a flourishing company, it publicly traded, and it seemed like a success story in the world of energy. But in 2001, the...

16 Feb 2011

Do IFRS have a share of responsibility in the current financial crisis?

Essay - 13 pages - Accounting

The fourth quarter of 2008 witnessed a stock market crisis without precedent, perhaps the most violent ever known in the history of capitalism, as its aftereffects rippled throughout world economy. The implosion of the ‘sub-prime' mortgage market in the US caused major stock market crashes...

29 Sep 2010

International Accounting and Finance

Essay - 6 pages - Accounting

Since 2005, companies listed in the European stock exchange have to present their financial statements in accordance with the International Accounting Standards (IAS), rather than comply with their national reporting standards. According to the European Parliament, the creation of such standards...

29 Sep 2010

German accounting rules are suitable for solely domestic companies but not for multinational enterprises. Discuss

Essay - 6 pages - Accounting

Following the Industrial Revolution in 1850 or so, the traditional German accounting appeared in an economic context fiercely influenced by banks. Indeed, for almost a century, banks had been the major financing sources for enterprises. After the WWII, the internationalisation of markets has led...

29 Sep 2010

The accounting harmonization

Essay - 9 pages - Accounting

Firstly we will have to consider the relevance of international accounting in history and its requirements to be successfully implemented. Secondly we need to examine the benefits of implementing these international standards. Finally we have to conclude by sighting the significant obstacles with...

09 Aug 2010

Account assignment notice to debtor: Format

Essay - 1 pages - Accounting

Account assignment notice to debtor is important to implement and is extremely an useful way to get prompter collection from late payers as well as giving firms liquidity by signing over these debts (debtors) to financial companies, and then drawing down advances as negotiated with these...

27 Jan 2009

Human resource guide for managing the Forensic Certified Public Accountant

Essay - 8 pages - Accounting

Four tools exist, which assist the Human Resource Department in obtaining and informing employees for the position of the Forensic Certified Public Accountant (FCPA). This guide will provide management with the needed tools to contribute to the world of Forensic Accounting. These tools consist of...

16 Jan 2009

Olympic accounting authority- cost control systems - published: 16/01/2009

Essay - 4 pages - Accounting

In your role as head management accountant, you have been asked to prepare a report for your new junior colleagues in the organization who are new to accounting and have little management accounting experience. In your report you may decide to focus upon a broad range of issues relevant to the...

17 Jun 2008

Alternative accounting practices: earnings management using loan loss

Essay - 4 pages - Accounting

Critical examinations of recent corporate scandals that have occurred—i.e. Enron and WorldCom in particular—demonstrate that the accounting practices utilized by the organization were less than ethical. However, in most instances the accounting principles used by the organization were...

15 Jun 2008

How the American civil war medicine has influenced modern medicine

Essay - 7 pages - Accounting

Over the course of the last century notable advancements have been made in the area of medical science. In addition to improving the technology available for use in medicine, professionals have come to realize the importance of basic hygiene as a means for infection control. As such, the quality...

15 Jun 2008

Specific considerations that would have to be made by a Chief Financial Officer working with a non-profit organization with respect to borrowing and depositing monies in Triodos Bank.

Essay - 3 pages - Accounting

Identification The development of Triodos Bank is one that has notable implications for the development of both the banking and nonprofit or voluntary sector. With the ability to match investments with deposits in an environmentally friendly manner, the organization has created a positive...

10 Jun 2008

Illegal/deceptive accounting practices in today's business organizations

Essay - 3 pages - Accounting

Over the course of the last decade, the number of companies using legal, but deceptive accounting practices has increased dramatically. Sunbeam, WorldCom and Enron are among some of the most notable organizations to utilize accounting practices that were clearly unethical. While the public has...

04 Jun 2008

An essay on how Islamic fundamentalism has promulgated problems for members of the Muslim community in Europe

Essay - 3 pages - Accounting

The September 11th terrorist attacks and other international acts of terrorism that have been carried out a recent years have had a significant impact not only are the United States, all the international community as well. Unfortunately, for many Muslims living in various parts of the world, the...

04 Jun 2008

Critical review of the methods used by GM to mitigate against risks in a multinational context

Essay - 5 pages - Accounting

General Motors (GM) is one of the 10 largest multinational corporations in the world. Although the organization has enjoyed a considerable amount of success in a multination organization, the reality is that the company has had to take a number of steps to ensure its financial security in the...

04 Jun 2008

Critical Review the Development of Human Resource and Culture at Microsoft

Essay - 3 pages - Accounting

When Bill Gate started the Microsoft organization 3 decades ago, he did not envision the significant growth and prosperity that would take place in the organization. As a result, Gates founded his organization on basic principles of organizational development and human resource management that he...

23 May 2008

Corporate social responsibility is not an integral part of business: Hence accountants should have little to with it.

Essay - 2 pages - Accounting

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become one of the leading topics of discussion and deliberation in today's modern business environment. The main reason for this is due to the fact that climate change has become a very important agenda for many business, governments and non-profit...

28 Aug 2007

Tax News 2007

Essay - 3 pages - Accounting

A collection of analysis of recent tax news, here is an excerpt from one of them: There are some US cities and states that already have levied taxes on soft drinks and junk foods. Money is exchanging hands in this "taxing" process, but what is the point? This tax would simply make the government...

28 Sep 2006

Comparative international accounting systems and practices

Essay - 26 pages - Accounting

There is no doubt that Anglo-Saxon accounting can be distinguished from accounting in continental Europe, Asia, Latin American, and many other parts of the world. It is practiced not only in the United States and United Kingdom, but also to an important extent in countries where, for example, the...