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432 results

30 Mar 2015

Campaign Funding- Presidential

Case study - 3 pages - Management

There is a hot contest in the nation about the ability of corporate to finance presidential campaigns in the country. The issue of campaign funding is not new; it has been a source of concern since the turn of the century. In addition, other countries have experienced the same problems and had...

27 Mar 2015

Ethics in strategic management

Case study - 2 pages - Management

The past strategic management models focused much on application of resource and external threats. In the 1970s, the technique of strategizing thrived in business schools. Corporate strategy if defined as decisions pattern of a company that reveals and determine its goals, objective or purposes,...

27 Mar 2015

Management accounting information for decision-making

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Accounting has been clear as the progression of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating financial information of an entity, so that this information can be utilized in making decisions. The primary objective of accounting can, therefore, be seen as that of helping users of accounting...

26 Mar 2015

Crossroads Juvenile Center - detention facility

Case study - 3 pages - Management

In contemporary times, there is an increasing tendency for juvenile involvement in crime. The frequency and the severity of the crimes has increased so much that there are call for trial of delinquents as adults in extreme cases. The juvenile justice system however has a stronger emphasis on...

25 Mar 2015

Know closer: merchandise

Case study - 3 pages - Management

Entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and dare to risk to create new businesses and business opportunity, while entrepreneurship is a value that is manifested in the behavior of the resource base, propulsion, goals, tactics, tips, and business results. What is the purpose of...

12 Mar 2015

ABC COAL - Talent Management Plan

Case study - 5 pages - Management

Strategic issues are critical challenges that affect the general performance of an organization. In connection to this, strategic planning is concerned with determining the future of an organization, achieving the set goals and working towards them. ABC Coal is one of the biggest companies in our...

10 Mar 2015

Organizational Dynamics of Implementing Business Intelligence Initiatives

Case study - 3 pages - Management

Business intelligence is the capacity of a industry to be able to extract actionable insight from business as well as market data, which is used to make better decisions in business; and to improve the corporate performance of the business. Business intelligence must exist for businesses in the...

10 Mar 2015

Privacy Issue Problems for emailing, AIM and MSN

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Complaints about a in, day out. These complaints range from search engine complains, to complaints about web sites accessing people's private information without their consent. There have been many concernsraised as far as from lack of online privacy is concerned. Most of these concerns are...

19 Feb 2015

Ferdinand Porsche Volkswagen - Operation and Supply Management

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Ferdinand Porsche together with his son and son-in-law, Anton Piech founded Porsche in 1931 as a design and engineering firm that sold it services to other automakers. It was until 1948 that Porsche produced its first car, a Porsche branded sports car. However, in early 1930s Porsche had been...

12 Feb 2015

Efficacy of a Web Site Evaluation Checklist - What To Look For

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Content:the site being made should contain information that is useful and of value to both the client and the intendeduser. The valuable information ensures that the objective of the website is achieved. The content provided by the site should be original and extensive. The information should be...

30 Jan 2015

Crowdsourcing - Hypothetical Designs

Case study - 2 pages - Management

A popular, large-scale data processing technique that has been extensively utilized in recent times for tasks that need directhuman input is crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing, according to Howe and Robinson (2006), refers to a novel online business model and problem-solving technique that utilizes the...

30 Jan 2015

Chocoberry case study - business idea development

Case study - 3 pages - Management

Three types of concept generation techniques that would be ideal for CB in generating viable ideas include: CB could consider evolutionary ideas generated from somewhere else; they could take existing product ideas and improve on them. Alternatively, CB could considers using the symbiotic idea...

30 Jan 2015

Consumption of alcoholic beverages by students

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Consumption of alcoholic beverages by students in campuses in Colorado has been converted into the order of the day. This proposal purposes to find out the dangers and effects of alcohol consumption by students in the institutions of higher learning. Students are so much engaged in the act of...

27 Jan 2015

Web Design in E-Business - Interface Analysis

Case study - 6 pages - Management

In this day, internet takes a vital role in many facets of an online business' life and process (Krug 2005). It can be defined as a tool where goods and services are provided well to reach customer needs and satisfaction. It is a way of attracting people's attention, arousing their interests,...

11 Dec 2014

DHL Express Competitive Advantages

Case study - 2 pages - Management

DHL Worldwide Express is a good example that helps illustrate the dynamics of the international air express industry and how the market is growing in the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions (Diego, 1999). It demonstrates how DHL and its competitors have embraced latest technologies, reviewed...

11 Dec 2014

Chipotle Company

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Having the ability to reach international markets is one objective for any company in the world. A company such as the Chipotle Company should be in the front line in offering its services overseas. Chipotle has been a fast casual dining experience whose services range from high ad fresh quality...

25 Nov 2014

The gaming console industry competition: Sony vs Microsoft vs Nintendo

Case study - 21 pages - Management

Unlike in other electronic industries such as PC, Camera, Smartphone etc only 3 majors companies lead the gaming console market: Microsoft XBox, Sony Playstation and Nintendo Wii. This industry has become more profitable year over year, but remain a really competitive business where companies...

25 Nov 2014

Systems and Operations Management

Case study - 4 pages - Management

The need for information systems is facilitated by numerous factors for instance, transformation in the industrial economies, emergence of global economies and changing business enterprises. The emergence of digital firms has also necessitated improvement in the information system. Firms rely on...

24 Nov 2014

Exxon Mobile Merger - The Impact of Globalization

Case study - 4 pages - Management

There was a tendency in the economical world between 1994 and 2000. This movement was the result of business and technological changes and the globalization of markets. (Weston, 2002. pp.1.) With the development of technology worldwide, it is evident that technical development and operations...

20 Nov 2014

Risk Management: JCB Case Study

Case study - 6 pages - Management

Every organization obligates its people to understand comprehensively the risks it experiences. This allows the management in reaching informed decisions on how to develop required capabilities to manage the risk. However, the current risk management approaches reveal a tendency to emphasize on...

20 Nov 2014

Restricted Entry of Global Retailers in India

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Conducting sufficient analysis of the management issues facing organizations facilitates the identification of contextual tenets and cross-cultural factors affecting their entry ambitions in different territories. Blending the contextual analysis with adequate environmental scans generates vital...

20 Nov 2014

Organizational culture case study of BHP Billiton Company

Case study - 8 pages - Management

Understanding of the entity culture is vital in the description of the immediate organizational phenomena to which glues and aligns the operation elements into a shared system that delivers desired results. For some, culture is perceived the entity's compass that provides direction while others...

19 Nov 2014

Workplace Carcinogens

Case study - 3 pages - Management

According to the Canadian Labor Congress (CLC), 60 occupations have been pointed as posing a rising risk of developing cancer to employees. The steel industry stands at the forefront of such industries; steel workers are likely to develop lung cancer mostly from metal products (Ehans 2010). A...

19 Nov 2014

MacDonald's business assessment

Case study - 3 pages - Management

MacDonald's greatest strength is its ability to reach many people. The giant food supplier has over seventy million customers spread over more than 100 countries. These provide it with steady revenue and continuous ability to expand. This vast outreach has a variety of advantages, for example, a...

14 Nov 2014

Analysis of the BP (British Petroleum)

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Over the years, organizations in the petroleum sector strategically prioritize customer winning approach in their product offering in response to the dynamic environment. However, attaining such goals for most organizations is curtailed by the competitive nature of other players offering better...

10 Nov 2014

Citibank Analysis

Case study - 4 pages - Management

Citibank in UAE was founded in 1964. Since then, it has excelled in the field of banking. It offers a variety of services across the region including trade finance, advisory services, syndications and security in financial services. Citibank has worked to become the world's leading international...

03 Nov 2014

Bill Gates Entrepreneurial Activity

Case study - 16 pages - Management

The popular thinking of entrepreneurs in the recent past has often aimed at accomplishing what one wants by studying the opportunities and putting their strategies in shapes that work for them. Besides, entrepreneurs prefer embracing emerging opportunities through sheer persistence and setting...

03 Nov 2014

Analysis of Sony Corporation

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Today's business environment is rapidly changing prompting organizations to have agility towards change direction and speed their responses to dynamic macroeconomic elements. Grounding operations for efficiency and existing strategies is not enough for organizations to thrive given the...

03 Nov 2014

Bicultural approach to natural resource management in Australia

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Natural resources are those that occur freely in the environment, without the influence of man, these resources are said to exist relatively undistributed by humanity. Natural resources have often been characterized by the amounts of biodiversity and geodiversity existent in different ecosystems...

03 Nov 2014

Customer Relationship Management in Riyadh Bank

Case study - 15 pages - Management

Customer Relationship Management is a tool for attracting and retaining customers that a business has identified as potentially profitable in the long term. CRM can help businesses to build sustainable competitive advantage and protect their market share from possible erosion by new entrants. It...