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Essays in educational studies

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113 results

12 Dec 2024

My Goals in Early Childhood Education

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

My short-term goals are to complete college completion and, afterward, continue working on my skills as an early childhood education teacher. Also, I have set a goal of becoming a kindergarten teacher as soon as I have the teaching certifications. My long-term goals are to enhance my...

04 Dec 2024

Why should high school graduates take a gap year?

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

The gap year is a year where students don't just learn about the world but actively shape their place within it. « A gap year is a wonderful opportunity for young people to take a year to follow a passion before attending college, » said Avis Hinkson, dean of Barnard College in New York. A...

18 Nov 2024

Sociological Aspects and Education

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

Today's contemporary teacher does far more than educate her students. She often finds herself playing nurse, psychologist, confidant and often, she might be the only one who ensures a child has a meal from one day to the other. It's overwhelming and does not stop when the 3 p.m. bell...

02 Nov 2024

Special Education Leadership

Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies

A woman administrator in a special education leadership role is involved in very complex work, which requires imaginative flexibility involving both advocacy and politics. Weir et al. (2023) argue that the process of women's leadership is extremely complex as women leaders firstly undertake...

21 Oct 2024

Balancing Trust and Safety: Ethical Considerations in Confidential Student Disclosures

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

As a high school teacher, I am accustomed to confronting ethical dilemmas whose primary responsibility is to care for my students' well-being and academic growth. Making ethical decisions becomes extremely difficult in these cases, requiring careful consideration and weighing opposing moral...

20 Oct 2024

Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

The Metaverse, a vast virtual world where digital and augmented realities meet, marks the start of a new era for higher education. Combining technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and immersive game-based learning can bring the emergence of a digital frontier that will eliminate...

18 Oct 2024

Nurturing Diversity in Early Childhood Education

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

This paper comes up with strategies that fit diversity and advocate encounters in the early-childhood educational center. The inclusion of the multifaceted backgrounds, encounters, and characteristics of families and children by ECEC professionals and other early years professionals can be used...

04 Jul 2024

Does good quality education necessarily depend on important financial investment?

Essay - 1 pages - Educational studies

Education is a very important thing in today's society. A lot of families consider education as an investment for the well-being of their children. Indeed, they want the best and some are willing to pay a very high tuition fee to make sure their children are given the best education possible....

23 Oct 2023

Three English essays

Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies

Children's stories often evoke the importance of family for the happiness of children. It can be demonstrated through the presence of strong parental figures in the stories, but on the contrary, by showing the lack of love resulting from broken or absent families. In this case, it is common...

25 Mar 2023

Cheating at school

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

If there is a phenomenon that is growing more and more in the school field, it is, of course, the phenomenon of cheating. Indeed, cheating is a widespread and ancient practice in teaching and learning environments. What is cheating? What are the causes of this practice and the motivations of...

02 Mar 2021

Distance learning and virtual classes

Essay - 1 pages - Educational studies

As a result of the global epidemic, the education system has been oscillating between distance and face-to-face classes for several months now. This unprecedented adaptation of education nowadays 'at home' arouses both deep concerns regarding the inequalities it can generate or...

22 Aug 2020

The American Education System

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

Let's start with the courses, and the different grades. In the USA, compulsory education begins at 5 years old, in the Kindergarten, which is the equivalent of La Grande Section in France. Before 5 year-old, you can go to Preschool and Pre-K, which are fee-paying schools, and it's really...

25 May 2020

Space and Exchange - Why Is a Gap Year Useful and Can It Change Our Lives?

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

I will present to you the concept of space and exchange. Spaces are possible places of exchange which can be virtual, like the Internet or also geographic, like countries of the world separated by borders. The exchanges are produced by the use of these spaces, namely different aspects such as...

01 Apr 2020

Academic English (IELTS) - Example and writing guide for an "agree/disagree" essay

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

Sample IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 In this document, I have included: A sample essay title for an IELTS academic writing exam A sample plan which I used to help structure my essay A sample essay Some tips for writing "agree/disagree" essays Title: Planting trees is very important for the...

04 Jul 2017

Pedagogy with middle school students

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

Adolescences undergo a remarkable and rapid developmental change. Understanding and responding to the unique development characteristic is critical at the middle school level. The teacher education system should prepare all teachers for middle school students to face the challenges that emerge at...

15 May 2017

Professional misconducts of teachers and way out

Essay - 10 pages - Educational studies

Teaching is regarded as a noble career just as teachers are considered as role models to pupils and students. These days, a lot of professional misconducts could be noticed among teachers. Many teachers are now disillusioned, lazy, uncommitted, and unpatriotic. This paper is an examination of the...

05 May 2017

Towards effective management of pupils/students feeding in a boarding school: issues and strategies

Essay - 8 pages - Educational studies

One of the sensitive areas in a boarding school administration is the feeding of pupils/students. Although many advantages accrue to boarding over day school, some parents/guardians are still skeptical of enrolling their children in a boarding school because of the issue of inadequate and...

30 Jan 2017

Action research: definition, application, methods...

Essay - 13 pages - Educational studies

Recently, most researchers have cited that they incorporate action research in the problem solving initiatives (Groundwater - Smith, 2009; Dick, Stringer, & Huxham, 2009). As a result, this paper discusses what action research is and how it can be applied to produce actual solutions for actual...

21 Sep 2016

Oscar Wilde and Martin Luther King: "Life is never fair"

Essay - 1 pages - Educational studies

Oscar Wilde once wrote "Life is never fair... And perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not." With this quote, Wilde meant to suggest that a life that is "fair" may become too boring, predictable, and simply bland. Often, the unfairness in life is what makes our blood boil, it...

07 Sep 2016

The right way to study - From a psychological point of view

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

There are many different ways of studying, and some methods are more effective than others. The method I described here is effective for students who are learning just about any subject, and if they follow the steps correctly, they will be able to do well in the given subject. This method of...

22 Mar 2016

Use of multiple methods to examine risk in project appraisals

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

Project appraisal is the methodology of evaluating and addressing proposition before assets are conferred. It is a key device for successful activity in group re-establishment. It's a method by which organizations can pick the best projects to help them attain to what they need for their...

17 Sep 2015

College education issues : My struggle with anti intellectual

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

Paul Stoller's writing “My Struggle with Anti-Intellectual” is an encouragement to students on their need to think critically. According to the writer, the Huffington post readers responded furiously towards the writing. Charles Murray who is a scholar within the American Enterprise...

09 Sep 2015

Student attitude about learning Arabic and English at the same time

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

English has been one of the subjects that have been in use in many countries for many years. However, the use of Arabic has been in the Middle-Eastern and North-African countries where it does not have as many people as the English language (Starks & Paltridge, 1996). Typically,...

24 Jul 2015

Charter schools and the future of public education

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

According to Karps analysis on the issue of charter school in relation to the role played by the public schools, he thinks that there are many devoted charter school educators who share the dream of schooling in a advanced, student-centered institute. And he also indicates that there are more...

24 Jul 2015

Reasons for attending college

Essay - 1 pages - Educational studies

Intentions and the nature thereof may define a person. Each human being has a different set of goals and reason for action. Whenever education is mentioned, one assumes the individual has the most honest intentions. However, each person's reason for pursuing an education is different. Multiple...

21 Jul 2015

Initiate Change

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

Change can be defined as the alteration of procedure, behavior, purpose, structure or output of a given unit within an organization (Razik, 2010). It involves working with a diversified population and striving hard to motivate and encourage others to adapt through change as it is required. Even...

14 Apr 2015

Technology As A Function Of Religion And Science

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

The rising usage of technology in the society has raised questions about the relevance of religion. Advancement in science has enabled man to play roles akin to those described as being in the exclusive domain of God. For example, cloning and inter-genetic crossbreeding in contemporary times...

03 Nov 2014

Essay - Tolerance for Hate Speech

Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies

Upholding tolerance of each individual viewpoint is often met with mixed response in different circles. In reality, tolerance in the social settings is championed as an adorable accomplishment in the contemporary global order seeking diversity and equity. The desire to attain tolerance is hyped...

22 Oct 2014

Discussion Essay-Should we Encourage Population Control by Limiting Family Size Given our Obligations to the Future Generations?

Essay - 8 pages - Educational studies

Increase in population has become the concern of many countries in the world. Statistics show that there has been a tremendous increase in population in the recent past. The increase in population has its positive and negative effects as well as the influence it has in the world. Availability of...

12 Aug 2014

Philosopher Ibn Sina, Avicenna

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

There is little information acknowledged about his early life. The sole source of information was an autobiography that was written by his student. The lack of any other source implies that the information in this autobiography has to be taken at face value. Ibn Sina had an extra ordinary level...