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1982 results

22 Oct 2023

Beloved - Toni Morrison (1987) - Black people's conditions in the seventies

Book review - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Beloved is an American fiction novel by Toni Morrison, published in 1987. Its story's plot is based on the notorious real adventure of Margaret Garner, an African American slave who succeeded into escaping to Ohio, murdering her last child rather than offering a new slave to the world. The...

19 Oct 2023

To what extent did the abortion debate after Roe v. Wade mark the entry of Christians into politics?

Essay - 7 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

Abortion, a widely practiced method of terminating a pregnancy, is likely the most polarizing issue in the United States. Before 1973, in a majority of states, abortion was a crime, except to save the life of the mother. Tight regulations had made it difficult for clinics to operate, and women...

17 Oct 2023

Because of Stereotypes About Native American Women, Can It Be Said That They Were Totally Enslaved by Their Husbands and Male Relatives or Whether, They Had Any Kind of Autonomy, Importance and Influence Within Their Tribe?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The study of women in the chronicles of India has focused mainly on the odyssey of Spanish women who migrated to the New World, relegating the experience of Amerindian women to a second level. In the event that the latter appear, we encounter a fundamental problem: although the range of women...

22 Sep 2023

Immersive Media Course for Deep Meaningful Learning for a Physics Course

Course material - 4 pages - Educational studies

The constructivist learning technique acknowledges that learners are more capable of understanding course content when they can relate new information with the existing knowledge (Thomas et al., 2014). It is worthwhile to observe that evidence in the field of education has established that...

14 Sep 2023

Exploring Gen Z's perception of social media: the line between intrusiveness and engagement

Thesis - 24 pages - Sociology & social sciences

We live in an era that is marked by the omnipresence of social media and it is irrefutable that over the past few decades, social media advertising has undergone a profound transformative evolution. Generation Z (Gen Z), often considered to be the first generation that has been brought up in an...

07 Sep 2023

Ecology: Football and Sustainable Development

Presentation - 8 pages - Sports

Sustainable development and ecology are clearly the stakes of this 21st century. Political, industrial and citizens, all the people are involved in trying to save our planet from past setbacks and thinking about future generations. As far as football is concerned, we all know that it is much more...

28 Aug 2023

Cover Letter for a MEEF Master's Degree Application

Cover letter - 1 pages - Educational studies

This document is a cover letter for a MEEF master's degree application.

27 Aug 2023

Fighting animal abuse

Speech - 1 pages - Everyday's life

Every year, one hundred thousand dogs and cats are abandoned. And every year, it's exactly the same thing. Before the summer holidays, the number of abandonments shot up. We find hundreds of dogs on the highway because they can't be taken on holidays.

26 Aug 2023

How did fashion contribute to women's emancipation?

Presentation - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Innovative, shocking, empowering, fashion has always reflected the society in which it evolved. It had a huge role in the progress of women's place in society. The definition of progress is a forward or onward movement towards a destination. How did fashion contribute to women's...

19 Aug 2023

To What Extent Does the Expression of Emotions Influence Relationships?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Psychology

Emotions play an important role in our daily lives, they are affecting everything from our behavior to our decisions, and contribute to the construction of our own- identity. So they represent a crucial part of the communication between humans and relationships are based on communication,...

18 Aug 2023

Grammar Revision Worksheet

Course material - 4 pages - Educational studies

This 6 pages revision sheet will help you to master the English grammar. No mistake anymore! It can be addressed to an English public or to anyone learning the basics of the English language.

08 Aug 2023

Supporting Newly Arrived Migrant Students in the Education Domain

Thesis - 6 pages - Educational studies

Newly arrived migrant students encounter unique obstacles in their lives, and the school setting may either foster positive or negative student experiences depending on the structure of the learning environment. European countries have adopted several measures and programs to facilitate positive...

03 Aug 2023

Physics through two Nobel Prizes: François Englert and Richard Feynman

Course material - 2 pages - Educational studies

The instruction of physics in all its forms is a baffling problem for teachers, by the complexity of phenomenons to study, their correlation with mathematics, and by their "abstract" aspect in students' minds in the quantum domain in particular. Whatsoever every teacher suits his methods to...

03 Aug 2023

What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying the latest technology?

Essay - 1 pages - Everyday's life

Our society has changed a lot over the past thirty years, and even more recently, with the digital revolution. Today, we can't imagine our everyday life without a smartphone or a Global Positioning System for example. In such a context, we can wonder what buying the latest technology means...

13 Jul 2023

Navigating the Hybrid Threats of the Paris 2024 Olympics: How Can Future Olympic Games Handle These Challenges?

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Sports

The Olympic Games represent a major security issue. Indeed, two years before the event, French authorities are already working hard to make Paris safe for the hundreds of thousands, even millions, of people who should gather there for the Olympic Games. In 2021, the Minister of the Interior...

18 Jun 2023

Ancient angel cosmic archaeology

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

The present work attempts to approach and the restore the real meaning of patterns of the future it is the field of spirituality more than 700 in the level of consciousness is not a field of science or the field of the technology let me explain to you that the field of science is about only 400...

08 Jun 2023

Cover letter for the British international section

Sample letter - 1 pages - Everyday's life

This is an example of a cover letter for a British international section (the letter is often part of the file you send before the written and oral exams). To personalize it, all you need to do is change what's in bold and italics, but you can also add something a little more personal (like...

31 May 2023

Presentation of Japanese educative system

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

I would like to present you the Japanese educative system, which is a bit different from ours. Nevertheless, the base is quite the same. As you can see, children can go to kindergarten until the age of six. Then, they enter in elementary schools for six years before going to middle school until...

25 May 2023

Sport and Diet

Course material - 29 pages - Sports

Health: Complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Physical activity: Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles, for any purpose, that is accompanied by an increase in energy expenditure. Sport: is a physical activity which...

25 May 2023

Digital society

Course material - 33 pages - Sociology & social sciences

ICT is a major technological change whose effects have only begun to be measured for about ten years. Beyond the appearance of new activities related to ICT, such as start-ups, online shops for example, digital technologies have considerably facilitated the production and exchange of information....

21 May 2023

James's Holidays in Dominica: English Comprehension

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Educational studies

The document is a set of corrected exercises on the comprehension of the text "James's holidays in Dominica". It includes exercises of comprehension and grammar.

21 May 2023

Skills assessment test - Questions and answers

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Educational studies

The document is a corrected skills assessment test in English. It includes exercises of comprehension and grammar.

21 May 2023

Cheese-Making Process

Presentation - 11 pages - Nutrition, alimentation and dietetic

The different stages in the production of Emmental cheese.

23 Apr 2023

Home help service O2

Internship report - 3 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

O2 care is a company of the "Oui care" group, which has a range of home care and services. Indeed the company O2 offers many services and can provide children care (babysitting and tutoring), help for the elderly (to help them to outdoor activities, home care and look after their pet animals)...

25 Mar 2023

Cheating at school

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

If there is a phenomenon that is growing more and more in the school field, it is, of course, the phenomenon of cheating. Indeed, cheating is a widespread and ancient practice in teaching and learning environments. What is cheating? What are the causes of this practice and the motivations of...

23 Mar 2023

Understanding the World Through the Study of Foreign Languages

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Nowadays, communicating can be done in various ways. The voice, hands, body language or even texts can be effective ways of spreading a message. However, the main barrier stopping us from easily communicating with every single population is the variety of languages. It is to say that translating...

22 Mar 2023

Developmental Psychology Quiz

Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Psychology

This document is a 50-question quiz on developmental psychology, covering topics such as intelligence development, the oral stage, reflexes in infants, attachment, language development, motor and postural development, and growth. The quiz includes questions on the theories of Jean Piaget, Lev...

02 Mar 2023

Internship Report: Writing Tips

Practical guide - 2 pages - Educational studies

The internship report is the summary of the experience acquired during your internship - Here is our guide to writing your internship report with the style to adopt, the teachers' expectations...

15 Feb 2023

Geography, Demography, Social Issues, Education and Culture in the United States of America

Course material - 20 pages - Sociology & social sciences

(...) One of the characteristics of US climatic conditions is the constant fear of violent climatic happening such as hurricanes (in the Southeast, particularly during the fall), violent wind storms known as "tornadoes" (the Midwest), or flooding due to heavy rainfall and storms in the eastern...

08 Feb 2023

Short Report on a student's first month in Neoma Business School

Practical guide - 2 pages - Everyday's life

This short report will be a useful tool for those who want to discover and to fathom the harsh conditions and the sticky patches endured by a foreigner student, who had been bold enough to choose to have a new cultural experience far away from his family. The aim is to find out the facts that...