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Essays in psychology

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143 results

13 Jan 2017

The depressive state: eternal melancholia to deep despair

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

Mental and emotional health is a factor that is often ignored and overlooked in our society. It is seen as unimportant, when it is in fact one of the most important components to achieving and living a healthy life. Many people consider mental and emotional health to be an optional part of caring...

13 Jan 2017

The beholder - Erotica and pornography

Essay - 1 pages - Psychology

Erotica and pornography are terms that are often used interchangeably. Their definitions are certainly similar; they are both materials which depict erotic behavior and are meant to cause sexual excitement. However, while they're defined as similar, the way they carry out these definitions...

28 Apr 2016

The rise of mental descent - A stressful era

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

Happiness may be good for one's health, but seeking it may not be. There are many factors that people must consider before even considering whether they are happy or not. Typically, stress is a factor that is seem as a barrier to satisfaction. Since stress is part of everyone's life,...

25 Feb 2016

Middle aged children development issues

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Conventionally, for individuals to succeed in life they ought to have achieved academically, flexibility and willingness both in college and in career and a positive behavior. Consequently, school counseling for the middle-aged aims at promoting and enhancing the success of pupils in future by...

25 Feb 2016

Community health needs assessment

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNAs) are a vital tool in identifying the most prioritized health needs of a community and aligning the required resources and partners to address this needs(Judith & Chere, 2013). A well-structured CHNAs will provide very valuable data to direct resources...

25 Feb 2016

Observation of various life stages

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

The field of growth and progressacrossthe humanlifethat include physical, cognitive, intellectual, social, perceptual, personality and emotional growth is developmental psychology.(In Fiske.2010).This is important in order to understand how humans learn, mature and adapt. Life has various stages...

17 Sep 2015

Cognitive Development Perspectives of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Teacher preparation with regard to teaching students is a very sensitive issue and there is need to consider the cognitive development perspectives of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. These two theorists provide different perspectives about young children's learning patterns, but they both have...

16 Sep 2015

The diverse nature of psychology

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Psychology happens to be an area in science which concerns itself with people's minds as well as the behaviours which people exhibit. As a discipline, psychology is quite diverse. It implicates other areas of science widely as well as makes use of problems that are solvable to create knowledge to...

16 Sep 2015

Motivation at the workplace

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

Employees are the most important part of an organizational structure since they shape the performance levels of an organization. In order to perform to their level best employees need to be properly motivated towards achieving the goals and vision of an organization. Employees are motivated by...

15 Sep 2015

Banning convertion therapy for the transgender youth

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

Convertion therapy, which can also be expressed as convertion therapy tries to convert lesbians, gay, bisexual as well as transgender persons from same gender sex to heterosexuality by means of prayer as well as other efforts. The basis of reparative therapy is that the gender identity or sexual...

15 Sep 2015

Early childhood learning guidelines

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

The United States is looking to streamline the different concepts in the learning environment with different States being encouraged to adopt practices that are in line with other states provided they are adoptable. The State of Minnesota is no different as it is looking to adopt the Division of...

24 Jul 2015

The media and its effect on women's body image

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

Every form of popular media presents a sociocultural standard for feminine beauty. No single outlet is without conviction in this instance. The female audience is contaminated with the portrayal of the “ideal body.” Often, the standards presented are not physically achievable by the...

21 Jul 2015

Diverse sexual orientations

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

In the world of today there are the homosexuals and the heterosexuals who are forming a part of our society. Although met initially with resistance the society is gradually accepting that the homosexuals are a part of our society and are not going anywhere. Diversity in sexual orientation has...

21 Jul 2015

Supporting Significant Life Events

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

It is very difficult to be able to understand how significant life events such as dying and bereavement impact on the lives of individuals and more so their social networks when one has never had prior experience with grief (McFarlane et. al 1994, p. 716). Life is a cycle with a lot of...

28 Feb 2014

Psychology of the Individual

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Sonny was supposed to be the next in line to take over the Corleone's crime family business although due to his ‘hot' headed temper, he lacks the restraints and self-possession that makes his father and brother, Michael so successful. He is rash and acts before thinking. He is the most...

20 Aug 2013

Developmental stages matrix

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

The brain triples in size and their stomachs digest more food and more kinds of food, transmitting sustenance for the body to facilitate extraordinary enlargements. An infant on average weighs about seven pounds at birth. Generally, at two years of age the child will weigh around 30 pounds. The...

27 Jun 2011

Behavior across the Life Span

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

The Home Environments of Children in the United States was a recent study that examined the home environments of children in the U.S. and how particular conditions related to the child's well-being. The following pages will provide additional commentary on this study while utilizing Piaget's...

23 Mar 2011

Cognitive psychology: Language

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

Language is a complex cognitive function that has fascinated scientists and cognitive psychologists for years. Language is a cognitive function that all humans acquire, use, and alter over the course of a lifetime. Language acquisition begins almost immediately following birth and appears to be a...

23 Mar 2011

Overview of Cognitive Psychology

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

The Columbia Encyclopedia (2008) defines cognitive psychology as the “school of psychology that examines internal mental processes such as problem solving, memory and language.” (para. 1). Cognitive psychologists work to understand how people recognize, diagnose, and solve their...

23 Mar 2011

Sources of motivation - published: 23/03/2011

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Motivation is a concept that all individuals are aware of in some way or form. Motivation is the root of many discussions and the cause of many behaviors in humans and animals. Society wonders what motivates individuals to commit criminal acts despite the obvious consequences and the educational...

23 Mar 2011

Motivation and the brain - published: 23/03/2011

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Smoking is a destructive and largely popular vice. Smoking is linked to medical problems such as heart disease, major and minor cardiac problems, lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis (eHealthMD, 2010) . Quit Smoking Support states “ Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals...

29 Sep 2010

Evolution of Investment Strategies, and Case-Based Decision Theory

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Gilboa and Schmeidler's work demonstrates an important distinction between behavior as predicted by Expected Utility Theory and as predicted by Case Based Decision Theory: in the event of a posed similar, familiar decision, people will revert to their memories of past situations to determine...

29 Sep 2010

Museums and heritage

Essay - 9 pages - Psychology

The interest of tourists in death, disaster and atrocity is undeniable (Lennon and Foley, 2000). Dark sites are fashionable: tourists rush to visit Père Lachaise, San Vicente, or Highgate cemeteries (The Guardian, 2005), in-flight magazines talk of the "joy of prison museums" (Strange and Kempa,...

29 Sep 2010

Emotional Intelligence

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

The study of intelligence within the scientific community is not a new development. Symbolically, the study of intelligence is related to research in the cognitive domain. The cognitive domain refers to the knowing domain. That is why when knowledge is imparted, the objective is to ensure that...

28 Jun 2010

Psychology: Child development

Essay - 1 pages - Psychology

Before reading this article, I had no idea what the majority of the U.S. population did in terms of co sleeping. After reading it, I learned that the majority of Americans look as co sleeping as a last resort for their newborn/infant because we, the Americans, believe that letting a child sleep...

18 Mar 2009

A paper concerning culture: Applying the ideas of Gerog Simmel to football supporters in the United Kingdom

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Georg Simmel became one of the first sociologists to attempt to analyze ‘street life' during the late part of the nineteenth century and early part of the twentieth century. Amongst his papers, he wrote ‘The Metropolis and Mental Life' in which he outlined and tries to explain how a...

27 Feb 2009

A counseling case study adopting a client-centered approach

Essay - 7 pages - Psychology

The following intervention analysis will utilize a planned verbal interaction, which occurred as part of ongoing care, during a 15-week placement on a Psychiatric Acute ward catering for people aged 18-65. The client's informed consent was gained verbally, to use this conversation within my...

20 Feb 2009

An investigation into positive behavior management strategies in the classroom

Essay - 10 pages - Psychology

Behavior management strategies have been always seen by both theorists and practitioners as an essential part of educational process since they aim to establish pupils' self-discipline and promoting their achievement and positive behavior. This suggests that teacher efficiency, academic...

20 Feb 2009

Social work essay: Observation and assessment of a child

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

I will offer a written assessment and evaluation of my observations of a six year old female child. Firstly, I will outline what observation is, why it is important to social work and how it is used. I will discuss how this child was chosen, who chose the child and how permission to observe the...

20 Feb 2009

An analysis of two theories: Solution-focused therapy and ecological systems theory

Essay - 7 pages - Psychology

In this assignment I will demonstrate my knowledge of two selected theories, discussing how they contrast, how they may overlap and possibly even work well together. I will begin by looking at what a theory is and the nature of the relationship between theory and practice. I have chosen to use...