Michelin, artificial intelligence, cost, social media, RFID technology, ethical standards, digital transformation, customer experience, sustainability, logistic, advertising
Michelin has adopted AI to improve its production, reduce costs, and offer a better customer experience. For example, the company has used AI to improve its tire production process, particularly by optimizing the lifespan of tire molds. Thanks to AI, Michelin was able to reduce tire production costs by 10% while improving the quality of the final products. The company also uses AI to optimize its logistics operations, monitoring and predicting machine downtimes in its factories around the world.
[...] (2019). Lean ICT - Towards digital sobriety. Retrieved from https://theshiftproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Lean-ICT-Report_The-Shift-Project_2019.pdf Michelin Connected Technologies. (2019, December 9). Michelin Connected Technologies - L'intelligence du pneumatique en mouvement [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/LBiSRvu_7lY Michelin. (n.d.). Innovation industrielle [Webpage]. Retrieved from https://www.michelin.com/innovation/innovation-industrielle/ Michelin. (n.d.). [...]
[...] https://www.usine-digitale.fr/article/michelin-developpe-un-service-de-geolocalisation-pour-les-professionnels-de-la-route.N1283033 Les Échos. (2021). Michelin met l'intelligence artificielle au service de ses clients. https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/tourisme-transport/michelin-met-lintelligence-artificielle-au-service-de-ses-clients-1288108 Le Figaro. (2017). Les pneus Michelin bientôt connectés à votre smartphone. https://www.lefigaro.fr/societes/2017/10/02/20005-20171002ARTFIG00144-les-pneus-michelin-bientot-connectes-a-votre-smartphone.php Le Point. (2018). Comment Michelin a connecté ses pneus. https://www.lepoint.fr/automobile/innovation/comment-michelin-a-connecte-ses-pneus-19-06-2018-2238773_652.php Les Échos. (2020). [...]
[...] The program aims to facilitate the incubation of new ideas and promote digital innovation in the mobility industry. Finally, Michelin has developed a partnership with Google Cloud to accelerate the company's digital transformation. Through this partnership, Michelin uses Google's cloud platform to store and analyze data collected by its sensors and AI-based applications. This collaboration enables Michelin to have state-of-the-art cloud infrastructure to develop new AI and machine learning-based applications. References?: Michelin. (2020). Dossier de presse - Résultats financiers annuels 2019. https://www.michelin.com/sustainable-development/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2020/02/MICHELIN-DP-RFA-2019-FR.pdf$ Michelin. (2021). Michelin Digital Services. https://www.michelin.com/en/digital-services/ Michelin. [...]
[...] Blockchain & supply chain. Retrieved April from https://abcsupplychain.com/fr/blockchain-supply-chain/#Definition_de_la_Blockchain Chen, Y., & Cao, Y. (2023). Learning-based Energy Management for Smart Grids with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources. Artificial Intelligence Review. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-023-10441-3 CoinTribune. (2021, December 10). Morpheus : la supply chain boostée à la blockchain. Retrieved April from https://www.cointribune.com/morpheus-la-supply-chain-boostee-a-la-blockchain/ National Informatics Centre. (n.d.). [...]
[...] For example, the company recently announced major advances in sustainable materials and 3D metal printing, which could significantly reduce the environmental impact of tire production. However, while the use of digital technologies can help reduce energy consumption in some areas, it can also lead to increased energy consumption in others. For example, the increased use of data centres and cloud computing can result in higher energy consumption. According to a report by The Shift Project, digital technologies could account for of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 if current trends continue. Michelin's use of digital technologies, such as IoT sensors and data analytics, may contribute to this trend if not managed efficiently. The Shift Project. [...]
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