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1299 results

07 Sep 2016

John Keats's Cold Eve of St. Agnes

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

"The Eve of St. Agnes" is a poem that begins and ends in the cold. The story that forms the bulk of the text, and its most memorable elements, includes more dramatic and traditional narrative forms: entrance, conflict, and exit. However, Keats does not choose to include these narrative elements...

07 Sep 2016

Greek mythological plays, where the Gods are in charge

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

In Greek mythological tragedies, there is a persistent belief among the characters that a variety of gods control the course of events and the actions of men and women. The gods took a variety of forms in these plays, and they would often speak directly with human beings and inform them about...

07 Sep 2016

Personal desire vs. fidelity: Sir Gawain and Sir Lancelot

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

There are many ways to understand desire and to define it properly, but in doing so, it is important that we do not fail to mention the elements essential to desire and their corresponding affect on our intentions. Desire is often difficult to attain because it is always pushed back on the list...

07 Sep 2016

Ode on a Grecian Urn - John Keats - Escaping the realities of time through immortality

Case study - 1 pages - Literature

When we analyze human affairs and relationships, there is a constraint that we understand all too well: time. Regardless of the significance of the action that is taking place, without a doubt, it all eventually comes to an end. In his poem "Ode on a Grecian Urn", John Keats escapes this...

07 Sep 2016

"Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave" - Douglass

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

In "Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave," Douglass tells us about his life during slavery. He demonstrates with explicit details how cruel and morally wrong slavery was, and he also describes, in bitter detail, how the system of slavery made cruel all those who...

07 Sep 2016

"The Demon in the Freezer" by Richard Preston

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

In "The Demon in the Freezer", Richard Preston gives us a very detailed and frightening description of the current state of the smallpox virus. Although it is technically located only in two locations throughout the world, Preston suggests that it still poses a major threat to human civilization....

07 Sep 2016

Understanding the Narrator in "Bartleby, the Scrivener" by Herman Melville

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

In Herman Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener", the narrator is confronted with a very difficult and unusual situation. A scrivener hired by the narrator, Bartleby, has stationed himself in the narrators' office and gradually becomes more and more difficult and increasingly stubborn. At first...

13 Jul 2016

The importance of Siegried Sassoon's letter in 'Regeneration', by Pat Barker

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

First of all it's important to know that this letter has actually been written by the real Sassoon. He was a poet and even if his first poems were kind of romantic, he is mostly famous for his poems about war. In these war poems, he describes the horror and the barbarism of war with gruesome...

06 Jul 2016

Prometheus unbound - Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1920 - Act I

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

In Act I of Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Prometheus Unbound", the story begins with the introduction of the mentally and physically tortured Prometheus bound to a rock. The reason for his confinement is revealed to be punishment for teaching the secret of fire to humanity, and defying...

06 Jul 2016

Canterbury Tales, The Wife of Bath Tale - Geoffrey Chaucer, 14th century - The hypocrisy of men in society

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, "The Wife of Bath" is powerful and beautifully expressed work. In the tale, the Wife of Bath describes her five marriages while criticizing the hypocrisy and irrationality of men. She forces us to realize that men subdue their women and leave them little room to...

05 Jul 2016

Canterbury Tales, The Miller's Tale - Geoffrey Chaucer, 14th century

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

People who are gullible are often taken advantage of by the people whom they respect. When a person admires somebody, it is very likely that he or she can be easily misled into doing something that they would otherwise never do. In Chaucer's "The Miller's Tale", we are introduced to an...

05 Jul 2016

Theory of evolution and the beak of the finch - Jonathan Weiner, 1995

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

When we imagine the process of evolution, we tend to picture it as an extremely slow, gradual process. It takes millions of years for some frog to change colors and camouflage to its surroundings, and it takes just as long for a fish to improve its structure and achieve the maneuverability...

04 Jul 2016

A Temporary Matter - Jhumpa Lahiri, 1998

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

In the story "A Temporary Matter", by Jhumpa Lahiri, we are introduced to a married couple in the process of grieving over their still-born baby. As the couple tries to recover from this disappointment, their behaviors and attitudes change significantly. They stop associating with their friends,...

04 Jul 2016

On the Road - Jack Kerouac, 1957

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

"On the Road", by Jack Kerouac, is a powerful novel about a group of friends who travel throughout the United States and go through various adventures. They represent a group of people who are always on the move, never willing to commit to anything, and live life with passion and recklessness. In...

28 Apr 2016

Macbeth, William Shakespeare, 1623 - A patriotic greed

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

Patriotism is the unrivaled love for one's country. In Macbeth (hereinafter referred to as "the Play"), personal influence is always stronger than patriotism. Although Macbeth and Banquo was loyal in fighting off the rebellion, patriotism no longer exists. Without the unity of war, there is...

28 Apr 2016

Macbeth, William Shakespeare, 1623 - Freewill, in Macbeth: the destiny to choose

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Every piece of life seems to be interconnected. They can be the pieces to a puzzle, or they can be a perception of a whole. In both cases, life is a culmination of one's actions. In Macbeth (hereinafter referred to as "the Play"), a predetermined path seems to be set for Macbeth. From the...

29 Mar 2016

Cane by Jean Toomer

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Double consciousness is defined as a concept that describes an individual as having an identity divided into several parts. This makes it difficult for an individual to have a sole unified identity. As such, a person with double consciousness may be considered to have two thoughts, two souls or...

03 Mar 2016

Figures of speech

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

Lapham begins by telling us that the Notebook Magazine had become so much focused with the new print method of letting their readers know about the current ways of the world which was intended to acquaint them with presupposition of its editor. “Notebook was deeply rooted in the soils of...

18 Sep 2015

How role of Jakes, as the narrator, informs his character - Interpreting Natives, Abbort Porter

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Abbotts defines interpretation as a compound of ideas and judgment. In an attempt to understand the idea of Abbotts of an implied author as well as his narrating ideas, this paper discusses the way the role of Jakes as the narrator informs his character. The paper also brings out what he reveals...

16 Sep 2015

Nineteenth-Century American Literature: Louisa May Alcott, Hospital Notes (1863); Mary Chesnut, A Diary From Dixie (1861-65)

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

The Civil War is just the most important thing in American cultural and social history—as well as political and military history, of course—since the War of Independence from Great Britain. It is, quite simply, fundamental to America's identity and sensibility, and it remains so to this...

10 Sep 2015

Shakespeare: Sonnet 130 & Milton's when I consider how my light is spent

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

The poetic work Shakespeare: Sonnet 130 and John Milton's When I Consider How my light is Spent, are two sonnets from different periods. The Shakespearean represents the Elizabethan period or the period between 1558 and 1603. On the other hand, the John Milton's work represent the early...

10 Sep 2015

Moon on a rainbow shawl - John Errol

Case study - 7 pages - Literature

Moon on a Rainbow Shawl is a play in 3 acts that was written by Trinidadian playwright together with John Errol the actor. It was for the first time published in 1958. It was described as a break through within Britain for writing of the blacks as well as ground-breaking. It has been reproduced...

10 Sep 2015

Oryx and Clarke - Margaret Atwood : A world without love

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Love is everything. The whole world is based around love; being in love, ending love and making love. Without it, life as known would be completely different. Groups and relationships now are made from love and passion for one another or a specific thing, that's what we live for. Everything...

09 Sep 2015

Reservation Blues Analytic Essay - Asian American Literature

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Different cultures around the world seem to intertwine in various aspects including ethical practices and unethical practices such as settler colonization. The key differences context, region, and races involved. This assertion is clearly depicted in a book and article analyzed in this paper. The...

09 Sep 2015

The Theme of Truth in "The Lottery" and "Tell all the Truth but tell it slant"

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

This paper compares and contrasts the theme of truth in the story, “The Lottery” and the poem, “Tell all the truth but tell it slant.” Various literally devices, such as irony, symposium, allusion, and imagery, are used to illustrate the points made regarding the theme of...

07 Aug 2015

Mother comparison to Waiting for godot

Essay - 1 pages - Literature

Literature is sunk in devices with the intent to exhibit various meanings. Different readers gain different messages when deciphering the intent meant to be conveyed by the author. However, some intended messages are obvious. Interpreting Simon Armitage's poem, Mother and Samuel Beckett's play...

07 Aug 2015

Comparison of Sisyphus and prometheus

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Comparisons are made through every medium of expression. Art, literature, and performance each provide the opportunity to determine similarities and differences. The assessment may be made from differing forms of expression, time periods, purposes, authors, artists, political, social, economic,...

24 Jul 2015

The Power in The tragedy of Macbeth, Vol. 2 - Shakespeare

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

Gender roles have been a common theme in several renderings of literature. Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, provides an example. Shakespeare's take on gender is a unique one, revealed through the women in Macbeth. Women share a strong relationship with power in society according to the female...

24 Jul 2015

Life in The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

Literature is one of the most renowned forms of expression. Only a few works have been deemed timeless. Nathaniel Hawthorne provides one with The Scarlet Letter. Several elements of the book leave the reader pondering the meaning. The symbols and their representation provide an example. Life is...

24 Jul 2015

The symbols in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

Authors use an array of literary elements to convey messages. One tool alone can bear numerous meanings. Susan Glaspell's Trifles provides an exemplary example of the use of multiple literary elements to convey various messages. The story's plot progresses seamlessly through the use of such...