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Ecology & environment

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183 results

18 Jun 2024

Methodology - Natural heritage inventory

Practical guide - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

There are 3 categories of natural heritage: - Ecological heritage can be summed up as everything to do with the living world. The 7 main habitat categories are: marine and coastal habitats, continental water habitats, peat bog and marsh habitats, moorland and grassland habitats, forest habitats,...

15 Jun 2024

How is Mont-Saint-Michel a textbook case of Operation Grand Site (OGS)?

Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Alarm bells are ringing to save Mont-Saint-Michel. The site was massively developed for tourism in the 19th and 20th centuries, but the environmental degradation of the site will lead us to rethink its management. A victim of over-visitation, the site needs to be transformed into a sustainable...

14 Jun 2024

Virunga National Park

Case study - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

Virunga National Park is subject to numerous ethnic conflicts. This is due to the presence of numerous groups, the main ones being the Nande, Hutu, Tutsi, Hunde and Bashi (Bodson et al., 2009). The Tutsi genocide in Rwanda in 1994 led to the arrival of refugees, increasing insecurity around the...

14 Jun 2024

The Difficult Beginnings of "Interpretation" in the Face of the Challenges of Raising Awareness About the Preservation of France's Natural Heritage

Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

The challenge of raising awareness of our natural heritage arose against a backdrop of growing awareness of environmental problems. In the twentieth century, the focus of nature enhancement turned to remarkable areas. "Interpretation" thus became a means of promoting nature as something to be...

20 Feb 2024

Responsibility for the Climate Change Crisis

Course material - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Beginning in the Industrial Revolution era, developed countries particularly in the European Union have contributed to a greater part of the heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions. Developing countries have a significantly lower footprint but they bear an equal or greater brunt of the forest...

11 Feb 2024

Life cycle assessment of Solar panel - Mini project using Open LCA to conduct the life cycle assessment of a solar panel

Dissertation - 28 pages - Ecology & environment

This study presents a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a photovoltaic solar panel, aiming to evaluate its environmental impact across various stages of its life cycle. The assessment considers raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, installation, operation, and end-of...

19 Dec 2023

Wind Farm Project in Victoria, Australia

Case study - 30 pages - Ecology & environment

For our project, we were tasked with finding a country and building some form of clean energy system in the country of our choice. Our group decided to go with Australia and to build a wind farm there. We came to this conclusion after searching on Google, "locations with the highest amount of...

26 Sep 2023


Speech - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

As according to Gandhi «What we're doing to the forests of the world, is what we're doing to ourselves and to one another», we cannot be indifferent to the mass phenomenon of deforestation. As 13 millions hectares of forests is either cut down or simply burnt each year, it means to be a...

03 Aug 2023

Save Nature, Save The World: the last resort in terms of ecology

Creative writing - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

Karma, as the narrator, turns to the audience : I'm Karma. I've come from Bhutan for this international meeting. All the representatives are here. At last. Stage directions: Even if the American one, Mr. Dump, has arrived quite late, he rushes headlong to one of the two chairs, while the...

03 Aug 2023

The challenges in Africa and the strategies to put in place

Presentation - 11 pages - Ecology & environment

The African continent offers a great diversity: country, climate, culture... wise. As a result, it is a challenge to identify issues and strategies to answer them for all the African countries. However, we can try to find important themes that can be found in most of these countries. It is also...

23 Jun 2023

Ecocide in Ukraine

Presentation - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

Today I'm going to talk about a worrying subject: the ecocide in Ukraine. Before starting, I chose this topic because I am very sensitive to environmental and human problems. And for me the situation in Ukraine is a concrete example. Ecocide is a term used to describe the massive and...

23 Jun 2023

The Ecological Issues Related to Street Garbage in the Context of the French Strike

Presentation - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

In this presentation, I will discuss the ecological issues associated with street garbage. One of the main concerns is the accumulation of waste in the streets. Firstly, I selected this topic because it greatly impacted me, particularly during the garbage collectors' strike. This strike...

26 May 2023

Can France abandon nuclear power in favor of renewables?

Case study - 12 pages - Ecology & environment

From a social, economic and political point of view, the subject of energy transition is more relevant than ever in France. Indeed, the energy transition aimed at reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, fighting against global warming and promoting renewable energies are major challenges for...

25 May 2023

Comparative study of wind, solar and nuclear powers

Course material - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

With 58 reactors spread over 19 sites, France has the largest nuclear fleet in the world in proportion to its population. But the management of nuclear waste poses a major problem because of its potential to pollute the soil for hundreds or even millions of years, which leads to various...

24 Feb 2023

Global warming - published: 24/02/2023

Presentation - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

This document contains a presentation on global warming, addressing its causes, effects, and solutions to mitigate its consequences. To view this document effectively, it is necessary to preview it as a slideshow.

28 Dec 2022

Global Warming: Causes and Chemistry of Climate Change

Course material - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

This report serves as an overview of important aspects related to global warming and climate change. It touches on the relevant international organization and authorities in the field of climate change, forecasts of temperature increases, greenhouse gases, atmospheric chemical reactions and...

19 Dec 2022

Ocean carbon dioxide removal: a necessity for climate action or an additional impact to be avoided for the ocean?

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

This document is a group work about Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal. As of today, there is done not nearly enough to prevent dramatic consequences of climate change. Ocean carbon dioxide removal shows great potential to be a part of the solution. Scientists argue that cutting the CO2-emissions is...

19 Dec 2022

Workshop about Sustainable Alimentation

Internship report - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

I took this workshop because it is fully related to SDG15 and SDG2 and because in my studies I did not have the opportunity to be made aware of this issue. This conference was structured around: CO2 emissions, the ethical aspects of food, and health and nutrition. The main goal of this conference...

15 Jul 2022

Renewable Energy Sources in the United Kingdom

Course material - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

Carbon dioxide has some negative effects which include the greenhouse effect, which creates a ground-level ozone layer that prevents the earth from cooling, hence adverse temperatures. Also, it causes climate change and due to the earth overheating, the water levels in the oceans have increased,...

10 Jun 2022

How can hydropower meet tomorrow's electricity needs?

Presentation - 28 pages - Ecology & environment

The gravity dam, in concrete or stone, is the simplest and heaviest dam. It is vertical in relation to the reservoir and inclined in relation to the valley. It relies only on the ground. Thus, it opposes all its mass to the pressure of water.

10 May 2022

Sustainable remote work practices for progressive reductions of road traffic emissions

Dissertation - 68 pages - Ecology & environment

Although technology developments brought about possibilities for all work which could be done remotely to be done remotely within the Netherlands, limitations for additional and sustainable implementation of remote work practices remained. Secondary research sheds light on the extent to which...

27 Jan 2022

A Holistic Approach to the Development of Sustainable Agriculture: Application of the ecosystem health model, Xiubin Wang, Wenna Liu and Wenliang Wu (2009)

Book review - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

The boom of demographics has led scientists and government leaders to reform agriculture policy, which is more sustainable and improves food security and social development. This reform has transformed the practice of intensive agriculture, using mechanization and fertilizers that have been...

27 Jan 2022

Sustainable Development: A holistic approach to natural resources management, Yacov Y. Haines (1992)

Book review - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

This paper written by Yacov woke the scientific community about environmental degradation. Every damage affects economic development. This situation opened debates to design new policies for the next generations. Recently, a report focused on some reflections about possible environmental...

14 Dec 2021

Alternative sources of energy: a detailed presentation about the why, how and when

Presentation - 13 pages - Ecology & environment

This document is a PowerPoint presentation about alternative sources of energy: what are they exactly, why do we need them, how do we find or create them? What is the future of alternative sources of energy?

07 Dec 2021

Sustainable Development Goals and Green Growth

Presentation - 37 pages - Ecology & environment

This PowerPoint is about sustainable development goals. It shows an understanding on what sustainable development means and how to take into account our current situation and move towards a green growth. We will see how limited it will be due to inequalities around the world. We will understand...

15 Jun 2021

Philanthropic Strategies for Children and the Next Generation

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

For millions of children around the world, every day is a struggle. This is why we have to be able to act without delay in a race against the clock where every day counts. In fact, as we know, everything we do as an impact today and tomorrow on our beautiful planet. If we want to save the world,...

16 Nov 2020

Idea of progress - How Americans relate to ecology nowadays?

Essay - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

We will talk about the notion of the idea of progress and illustrate it with the environmental issue in the USA. Progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Here, we...

07 Sep 2020

Is sustainable development a contradiction in terms?

Essay - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Define in 1987 by the Brundtland's rapport, the Sustainable Development is the capacity to respond to the present needs without compromising future generations' needs. The Sustainable Development notion was really established since 1992 with the Rio Earth Summit involving a hundred...

03 Sep 2020

The effects of fishing on marine ecosystems

Presentation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

So, today, I would like to highlight the topic of fishing as linked to ecosystem preservation.

02 Sep 2020

The consequences of climate change

Dissertation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Climate change, and more generally all natural upheavals, is progressively accepted as a blatant reality by the vast majority of people, and to begin with, by those who are directly affected by them.