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274 results

13 Jan 2009

Africa: a cold war proxy field?

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

In most discourses about International Relations, Africa is described as a ‘victim' of external powers - namely its former colonisers, the United States and, as far as the Cold War period is concerned, the Soviet Union. For instance, it is said that African wars in the post-colonial era were...

13 Jan 2009

Pluralism, democracy, and citizenship

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

‘Most people think that democratic decisions have special moral force - which we have good reasons to obey laws that are democratically chosen. If this is true, why is it true? If it's not true, why is it not?' Democracy is commonly regarded as the best, or the least bad, political system...

13 Jan 2009

Power of pre-colonial Southeast Asian state and peasantry with respect to colonialism

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Southeast Asia is not an homogeneous region. That is why it can hardly been analysed as a whole and therefore must be divided into several groups. Concerning the issues related to the relations between the state and the peasantry, South East Asia countries belong mainly to two groups. According...

13 Jan 2009

Conservative and Labour Economic Policies

Essay - 17 pages - Political science

After World War II, a new economic philosophy called “Keynesianism” - different from the “laissez-faire” of old - became prevalent; to his main proponent, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1945), free operation of the market was a good thing but it might prove insufficient to ensure...

13 Jan 2009

How adequate is the question of sovereignty in the political disputes within Britain about the desirability of joining the European communities? (1945-1973)

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Britain was one of the first countries to imagine a European grouping after the Second World War. In Zurich, on 19 September 1946, Churchill called for a 'United States of Europe', which would be based on cooperation between France and Germany. Yet he saw no place for Britain in this...

13 Jan 2009

Is Russian political culture a serious obstacle to democratization?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

From the end of the Cold War to nowadays, Russia has endeavored to reform itself so as to exit from a situation of crises. Mikhail Gorbachev attempted to give a new start to the economy of the Soviet Union, to reform its plethoric administration and take steps towards a more democratic,...

13 Jan 2009

Parties and party systems in contemporary democracies

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Laver and Schofield wonder what makes length of a government's life through the examples of Italy and Germany, but also of other countries. Firstly, is the number of parties of the political system related to cabinet stability? This is right in Italy, Belgium and Finland. They have a higher...

13 Jan 2009

The political role of the judges in law and politics

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

My presentation is concerned with the relationship between law/the judiciary and politics. The laws relating to civil and criminal wrongs are indeed made either by Parliament in the form of Acts of Parliament (also called statutes) or by the judges themselves (then called the common law). The...

13 Jan 2009

Cultural relativism or universalism ? An essay in political ethics

Essay - 10 pages - Political science

This is an essay on cultural relativism in the field of political ethics. Yesterday confined to anthropological studies, the idea infiltrated the domain of international morality after the Second World War. It developed from its original virtues of tolerance and understanding to more defensive...

12 Jan 2009

What is the function of representation in Hobbes conception of political power as presented in the Leviathan?

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The notion of Representation is a key feature in democratic regimes. More stable than the direct participation of the people into political life, it supposes that the institutions of the State reflect the composition and the wishes of the people. A simple look at the title of the book-the...

09 Jan 2009

Account for the failure of Clinton's health care reforms

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

In the United States in the early 1990s, both public opinion and political actors agreed that healthcare system did not work properly anymore. The American system is based on employment, i.e. those who work can benefit from a healthcare insurance, but unemployed people and half-time workers...

09 Jan 2009

How can the "crisis" of the Welfare States affect the policy of fight against poverty?

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Since the end of the XVIIIth century, the disastrous consequences due to the Industrial Revolution and to “savage capitalism” on working conditions has been underlined through the rising resentment of the working class. That is why, in order to avoid social implosion and to control...

09 Jan 2009

What role does the media play in the political process?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Since its beginning, about five decades ago, the mass media have been intertwined with political processes of every type, ranging from coverage of major political events and institutions to effects on campaigns and elections. In our liberal democracies, the media are central for the public:...

09 Jan 2009

Domestic Politics and American Foreign Policy: American & European political culture, an unsolvable misunderstanding?

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The end of the cold war with the collapse of the Soviet Union enabled the emergence of the United States as a hegemonic power. At this time Realist Theories in International Relations predicted that a counterbalancing coalition should soon be organized. The European Union appeared as the most...

09 Jan 2009

Where would you place New Labour on the ideological spectrum?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Since its foundation in 1900, the British Labour Party has been in power eleven times, and has had five Prime Ministers. It was founded as a social-democratic party, close to the unions and advocating the rights of the working class. On June 2001, led by Tony Blair, it won its second General...

09 Jan 2009

Transition of Croatia

Essay - 20 pages - Political science

According to Linz and Stephan, five interacting areas need to be in place before a consolidated democracy can exist in a state. First, there must be a free and lively civil society. A civil society is the arena of the polity where self-organizing groups, movements and individuals can express and...

09 Jan 2009

Is there a distinct American political culture?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

We often assess that some behaviours are “American” and some “European”. Doing this, we mean there is a distinct American culture. Does it match for political culture? Political culture could be defined as a set of behaviours and habits towards the political system of one's...

18 Dec 2008

History of Russia: A look at the Russian political gravity

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

Autocratic rule in Russia initially evolved at odds with the interests of the landed gentry before finally undermining their power via the establishment of a service gentry, loyal to the state, and appeasing them with the slow institutionalization of serfdom. The primary ingredients of early...

18 Dec 2008

The presidency: Where foreign policy and domestic politics collide

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Political scientists have long sought to discover where the foreign and the domestic spheres of the presidency connect. Presidents, it is assumed, must balance military needs with political needs, whether those political needs entail gaining domestic support for the president's agenda or...

18 Dec 2008

Appropriate and necessary: The U.S. Supreme Court's need to intervene in Bush v. Gore

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The presidential election of the year 2000 will be the source of controversy for years to come. Since its conclusion on Dec.12, 2000, in the U.S. Supreme Court, volumes have been written criticizing the court's decision in Bush v. Gore - which stopped hand recounts of ballots in Florida and gave...

04 Dec 2008

Japanese military independence

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The Japanese Self-Defense Force (SDF) was developed as a provisionary force during the Cold War and is restricted under Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. The SDF has been under much scrutiny over the most recent decade. Debates regarding the amendment or abolition of Article 9 itself,...

04 Dec 2008

International political sociology

Essay - 10 pages - Political science

Political sociology is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry developed by sociologists and political scientists to study the dynamic relationship between society (a complex web of social institutions and social behavior) and politics. Much of the impetus for the development of the field grew out...

25 Nov 2008

The struggle for democracy: An analysis of false flag terrorism in post-war Italy and its contemporary relevance

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

To analyze politics is to attempt to understand the evolution and application of ideas in circumstances that are seldom clearly defined. These ideas are formulated into ideological structures that become the governing principles of specific political philosophies. Words such as morals, culture,...

04 Nov 2008

Economic and political transition in Bahrain: Strong Rentier States and Strong Rentier Societies

Essay - 18 pages - Political science

Bahrain, often overlooked in both academic and media analyses of the Middle East, has a strategic importance hidden by its small size. As home of the American Fifth Fleet, Bahrain hosts a deterrent against Iran from blockading the Straits of Hormuz as it has recently threatened to do. As such...

04 Nov 2008

Conflicting Zionisms in the context of George Orwell's "Notes on Nationalism"

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

I begin this essay with an anecdote: when I read the headline announcing the resignation of Fidel Castro, I asked several American friends their instinctive reaction to Castro, regardless of their views on his forty-nine year rule. While the reactions were not as visceral as one might expect...

04 Nov 2008

The developmental state in pre-revolutionary Iran

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

The oft-repeated maxim of Italian politics, that when Mussolini was in power, “at least the trains ran on time,” while probably inaccurate, summarizes well the widely popular belief that authoritarianism serves for (sometimes brutal) efficiency in government. Indeed the opposite saying...

08 Oct 2008

Stephen Colbert: Truthiness of the times

Essay - 12 pages - Political science

By any historical standards, the last decade has been an extremely eventful and difficult one for America. With the flawed and still-debated 2000 presidential election we witnessed a fault line in our democracy and the election of a politically radical president; September 11th forced many...

06 Oct 2008

Guatemala and the Spanish conquest

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

Spain mercilessly imposed it control over the territories that today encompass Central America. Enslavement and European diseases severely depopulated the indigenous civilizations, and the territories that made up New Spain became heavily Iberian in nature not by influence but rather by force....

29 Sep 2008

Race, immigration and changing U.S. - Cuban relations

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

United States - Cuban relations over the last century have been rocky to say the least. Just 90 miles South of Florida, the U.S. has always liked to think of the island as within its sphere of influence. In the long Cuban war for independence from Spain the United States sheltered leading...

29 Sep 2008

Hungary's economic plight, the result of imperfect politics

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

While the international community, business leaders and politicians may have known the degree of Hungary's economic crisis, it wasn't until mid-September, 2006, with the leaking of MSzP (Hungarian Socialist Party) Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány's confession of lying “morning, evening and...