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27 Oct 2010

An Analysis of Citizen Kane

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Citizen Kane (1941) is the first film to be co-written, directed, produced, and starred in by the same man: Orson Welles. It tells the fictional story of newspaper mogul Charles Foster Kane, with many similarities to the life and story of real-life media tycoon William Randolph Hearst. The...

29 Sep 2010

Abortion: Women's Rights

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Picture this situation in a grandmother's old tale. Her story reflects perfectly one of the main problems of illegal abortion. Way back in 1920, when she was 16, her friend was pregnant as a result of incest. Incest refers to having sexual relations between persons who are so closely related that...

29 Sep 2010

Statistical Dossier on Immigration 2007

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

On October 29, 2007, at the Teatro Orione in Rome, the presentation of the 2007 Immigration Statistics Dossier Caritas or Migrantes took place. The event, now at its seventeenth edition, was held in the presence of mainstream media, as well as numerous agencies and experts coming mainly from...

29 Sep 2010

Illegal immigration in the United States: push-pull factors

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Mexico is a two-faced country: you can be influenced by cities like San Cristobal, Oaxaca, Mexico city and start to think that Mexico is a developed country but whereas on the countryside the states remain in what we would call “the third world”. Mexico shares its biggest border with...

29 Sep 2010

Issues of urban renewal: the example of a former industrialized city: Lille in France

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

I have chosen Lille, a large city located in the North of France. Lille is a symbol of the industrialization of many European cities in the 18th and 19th centuries. Indeed, Lille was an important center of textile manufacturing industry. In the 19th century, Lille was the second largest textile...

29 Sep 2010

Narcos and Maras: the transnationalization of crime

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In this presentation, we are going to deal with a very sensitive subject, which affects Latin America. It is quite a controversial issue, which also creates a lot of fantasy in occidental minds. Although people may frequently exaggerate, it is an unquestionable fact that Latin American has known...

29 Sep 2010

Being black in France and in the United States : a comparison

Essay - 18 pages - Social, moral & civic education

"Penser et agir par nous-mêmes et pour nous-mêmes, en Nègres..., accéder à la modernité sans piétiner notre authenticité". That is how the famous thinker of the "Négritude", Leopold Sendar Senghor, described the challenge that fell on black people in the whole world at the dawn of the 21st...

04 Aug 2010

Diagnostic essay- Figuration in Heat

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The figure in Heat that I found most significant is Neil McCauley as a single man with no attachments. Neil McCauley is a middle aged professional criminal. When he was young, he was told to live in such a way that if he ever had to leave suddenly, he could do so with no baggage; literal or...

30 Jun 2010

A user's guide to the United States department of education:

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The United States Department of Education website can be found at Organized and specific, the tabs cover all desired topics. There are tabbed resources specific to: Students, Teachers, Parents, and Administration. The site's main failure is that it contains too much information; it is...

29 Jun 2010

Vegetarian only in the dining hall

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The suggestion of making the Emerson College's dining hall containing strictly vegetarian and vegan cuisine is a very bad idea. It is a bad idea for the students, the faculty, and the institution as a whole. In Bridging the Vegetarian Gap, an article written by Eileen Curtis in July 206, the...

29 Jun 2010

Adam vs. Eve

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For centuries, it has been a man's world. Women had been confined to performing less serious roles in organizations and were often seen playing the role of secretaries or such positions. However, the last two decades have witnessed a spurt in the number of women making it big in the workplace....

29 Jun 2010

Spare the rod; but don't spoil the child

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The most precious assets of a company are its employees. They represent the foundation and stand by the company through thick and thin. However, in unforeseen circumstances, it does happen that an employer needs to take punitive action against an erring employee. This might act as a deterrent...

29 Jun 2010

The taste of good wine

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Italy, along with France, has been one of the world's largest producers of wine for centuries. Prior to this, the Romans and the Etruscans had been cultivating vine. The Romans covered a large part of Western Europe with regard to this activity. Wine is produced throughout the Italian...

29 Jun 2010

Negotiations with Nepal

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

I present this report as a negotiation that I have undertaken during my trip to Nepal on a humanitarian mission with the Association Solidarité France Nepal. The association is aimed at making Nepali people take charge of their development. It includes building new schools in villages,...

28 Jun 2010

Upbringing of children

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This study was designed to disprove all usual speculations that children growing up in wealthy households usually have the much easier lives than those of children growing up in middle-class and lower-class households. Just as the study stated that nobody has really paid much attention to...

28 Jun 2010

The resiliency of the children of Kauai

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This study on the resiliency of the children of Kauai really interested me in many ways. I was amazed at the extent in which those who conducted the study did in order to completely analyze these people's lives. I guess it's because I never heard of a longitudinal study; actually I didn't even...

24 Jun 2010

D'Emilio, John. 1993. "Capitalism and Gay Identity" Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York: Routledge

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In his article “Capitalism and Gay Identity”, John D'Emilio shows how the changing economy has directly affected sexuality and sexual identity. He begins by discussing the colonial era in America, when families were “self-sufficient, independent, and patriarchal.” Sex was for...

12 Apr 2010

Danger and music

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Shostakovich and Messiaen composed music while their very lives were in danger, and those musicians hired to perform aboard the Titanic are reported to have played until the cold gray water enveloped them. Messiaen composed while a French prisoner of war to the Germans, during World War II....

12 Apr 2010


Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Youtube is an American website that was created in 2005 and as blown up in the past few years to one of the most visited sites on the web and its homepage has generated millions of dollars from advertisers. The site has become so huge that nearly 79 million users had made over 3 billion video...

06 Apr 2010

Please Smile, the CCTV is running!

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Closed Circuit Television system is a tool employed in most retail environments to ensure public security, especially after the September 11 attacks, but it is usually ignored by researchers. For shoppers, CCTV may be a critical factor affecting their perspective on a retail environment and...

06 Apr 2010

Lighting is the most powerful tool in the hands of an able photographer

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Control and play of lighting becomes the most powerful tool in the hands of an able photographer. It can be put to a variety of uses to create beautiful images. The ability to see, control and try innovations can only be matched by one's imaginative skills. There can be different types of...

01 Apr 2010

Buddhism and our environmental obligation

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Within our society, there are certain innate concepts that every individual is equipped with. Virtues, morals, or the concept of "right and wrong" are just a few examples of such ideals. To help make humanity a more positive atmosphere, there are a few models one should strive to accomplish in...

24 Feb 2010

Russian culture in the new era

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Around the time of the burgeoning revolutionary government and consciousness in Russia, four thinkers contributed to a debate on culture, religion, art, and the state. In their works, Blok, Lunacharsky, Gershenzon, and Ivanov, all put forth their views on the role of the state and the...

24 Feb 2010

From modernism to post-modernism

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Weber wrote during the period of Germany's unification and rapid industrial development. He was concerned with the role of the individual within this emerging, increasingly urban society and sought to preserve stability in what was an increasingly socially-stratified state -- between the old...

24 Feb 2010

Academic knowledge and power and the social sciences

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Social science knowledge informs the way in which people interpret their experiences, and can be empowering, as in the case of political and feminist discourses. However, knowledge, employed as discourse, can also be employed in ways that disempower, and this is the focus of much of...

24 Feb 2010

"Love" in Baldwin's 'Another Country'

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Another Country is concerned with the intersection of race, sexuality, and society. Throughout, its characters struggle and suffer… struggle with “making it” (whether artistically or in the sense of pure survival), struggle in their personal relationships, and suffer the...

29 Jul 2009

American Idle (Idol)

Essay - 15 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Love it or hate it, American Idol has become a seemingly immortal fixture in American culture. Pouring into our homes through high definition television on at least two nights a week, the show is more present in family life than your average workaholic, deadbeat dad. Of course the success of the...

21 Mar 2009

Social science methodology and ethnicity without the group

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the realm of social science methodology and race studies, there is a short list of concepts that would appear to be as simple, and even as necessary as the idea of a group. The concept of the group is one that has relevance in a multi-disciplinary framework as it is a core concept for...

26 Feb 2009

Is women's status dependent on childbirth?

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Nepal, situated in South Asia, is a patriarchal country where the main religion of practice is Hinduism. Most of its population, 90 percent in fact,( Providing Quality Reproductive Health in Nepal 1) lives in rural villages. Although many of these villages are developing, most lack even everyday...

26 Feb 2009

The injustice of appearance discrimination

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

My paper is directed towards businessmen and women and business students. People who read Business Week Magazine are well educated and knowledgeable about numerous aspects of business and are most likely aware of the controversies due to treatment in the work force. Owing to their involvement in...