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Theme : Colonization

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10 Jul 2013

Essay on the Vietnamese language, Quoc ngu

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Right was the Vietnamese mandarin-scholar Pham Quynh on so many levels when he declared, “A nation exists by means of language; when language exists, the nation cannot disappear.” When, in the seventeenth century, the Vietnamese language, or quoc ngu, was first elaborated by Catholic...

18 Jul 2013

Personal statement

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

To say that I have always been interested in European society would be a lie. However, my study of English Literature, European History, and the French language has aroused my enthusiasm for European culture. The French Revolution, for example, engages me as it is a milestone event that signifies...

03 Feb 2011

Chinese Presence in Africa, and its Economic Impact

Essay - 16 pages - International relations

The African continent is the second largest continent in the world, and is the second most populous continent. This continent has abundant natural resources like gold, diamonds, oil etc. and has been the bone of contention between the super powers of the world for a long time now. China has...

29 Sep 2010

What image of the ' native ' population does Delacroix's 1834 Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement present, and how did Picasso revisit this painting in 1954?

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

Delacroix painted Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement in 1834 after he was back from his journey in Morocco and Algeria which had profoundly influenced him,. In 1954, after having revisited many painters such as Velasquez or Monet, Picasso decided to revisit Delacroix's Femmes...

29 Sep 2010

Analysis of the creation United States of Africa

Essay - 24 pages - International relations

The United States of Africa is a project that has been raising issues for decades. Indeed, many international actors, activists groups, countries and other companies are concerned about the unity of an African people formed as a strong and powerful continent. It is true that many key topics are...

13 Apr 2009

How does dietary status affect carcinogenesis?

Case study - 10 pages - Medical studies

Cancer is a multi-factoral disease resulting from the perturbation of the normal regulatory processes of a cell. Cancer cells are generated from healthy cells by an accumulation of genetic alterations. These alterations can take the form of mutations, losses, amplifications or re-arrangements in...

30 Nov 2009

How your diet can boost your immune system

Thesis - 10 pages - Medical studies

Generally the immune and lymphatic systems are very efficient and defend the body against invasion of harmful substances. Although it is difficult to improve an immune or lymphatic system functioning normally it is possible to increase during periods of illness or fatigue. Change your diet, and...

27 Jan 2009

The moral imperative of Western Civilization: White man's burden?

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

Throughout history, imperialism has been a fact of the international system. Only recently has the nomenclature changed, with military intervention, peacekeeping, and nation-building replacing the colonial era term. Whatever term is used for western intervention in the developing world, the...

30 Mar 2009

Institutional impact: The Presbyterian Church and anti-slavery in Antebellum Kentucky

Thesis - 14 pages - Modern history

Coupled with the fervor of Evangelical Revivalism, anti slavery movements in the Southern states were deeply influenced by religious institutions during the early to mid nineteenth century. Social networks assumed issues of social concern. In Faith, Presbyteries in Kentucky became the loudest...

01 Dec 2009

Official position of the American Association of diet and dietitian of Canada on the vegetarian nutrition

Thesis - 22 pages - Medical studies

The view of the ADF on the health benefits of vegetarianism for human health is also not new. The Association states that: "This position was adopted by the" House of Delegates (“House of Delegates" is the deliberative body of the ADF, composed of representatives of various fields of...

30 Jul 2010


Thesis - 3 pages - Humanities/philosophy

What happened on the cross? When Jesus suffered and died, what happened? Atonement theology often claims that the death was a sacrifice for the sins of the world. This statement becomes nuanced in contemporary theologies because surrogate suffering was used to oppress others, salvific violence...

11 Jun 2008


Essay - 5 pages - Social sciences

“Americans yearly consume and average of 8 to 15 pounds of chemicals that contribute nothing to the growth or maintenance of body cells” (Bowles 2). Useless and even harmful calories are constantly being consumed in our affluent society. The United States of America has more of a...

22 Nov 2012

Negritude: Genesis and terms of a cultural and political movement

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

As Jean-Paul Sartre's famous quote was explaining, The concept of Negritude is based in response to a condition, a context. "The denial of the black man" is thus the expression of the conditioning that was subjecting populations of colonies, particularly in France, ie moral subjugation of...

21 Nov 2008

Bark beetles

Essay - 7 pages - Biology

Bark beetles are small, dark, cylindrical beetles, usually less than 7mm long. As their name implies, they are usually associated with woody plants. Despite their small size and modest appearance, they have an intriguing assemblage of feeding and breeding habits, some of which result in...

15 Jan 2009

When the Japanese moved into Southeast Asia in 1941, local reactions to the occupying forces differed greatly. Evaluate the motivations that fueled these varying responses, taking into consideration particular local situations and periods of the war

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Raising the question of the reactions to the Japanese takeover in Southeast Asia is very delicate and original for many reasons. Firstly, Southeast Asia is a broad region and it is most likely that the reactions of locals will differ greatly from one place to another. Secondly, there is not one...

15 Jan 2009

What historical factors played the greatest role in defining the Arab society and culture since the eighteenth century?

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

From the seventh to the eighteenth century, the Arab World has formed a large area regrouping a Muslim population, sharing a common religion and culture. In different parts of the Islamic World, Islam was the bound between the Umma. Since the fourteenth century, the main part of the Arab world...

07 Jan 2014

The Consequences of World War Two

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

A shift in the world axis of power is seen as the major result of the war. Power shifted from Europe because most of the countries had been crippled by the war and their economies were left yearning for intervention. The war had taken place against a backdrop of world depression which made it...

13 Jan 2009

Burundi: Will the heart of Africa stay poor for ever?

Essay - 11 pages - Social sciences

Burundi is a landlocked country with an equatorial climate on the east of Africa. The country is called "The heart of Africa" and it is located in a hilly and mountainous place, dropping to a plateau in the east. There are some plains but no maritime claims. Concerning its area, the country is...

15 Jan 2009

Fascism, communism and totalitarianism

Essay - 5 pages - Humanities/philosophy

“Fascism was the first mass-mobilizing development dictatorship that provided a frank, complete, and relatively coherent rationale for totalitarianism." Actually, Mussolini's doctrine of delayed industrialization was the first to openly affirm “the reality of production and the...

04 Dec 2008

Landscape ecology, use and application in forestry

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Many ecological processes result in or are affected by spatial patterns. However, the relative importance of different processes is very sensitive to the scale of analysis. For example, at a very local scale, species diversity is often strongly affected by competition and trophic interactions...

05 Dec 2008

The concept of landscape ecology

Essay - 9 pages - Ecology & environment

Landscape ecology is an emerging discipline that aims to understand the environmental processes and patterns in?uencing habitats and species beyond the site level. It arose independently in the latter part of the twentieth century in central and Eastern Europe and in North America as geographers,...

16 Jan 2009

The colonial legacy of the Herero Genocide in Namibia

Essay - 10 pages - Modern history

What is the relationship between Namibia at the dawn of the XXth century, Mein Kampf and UNO? The Hereros establish the link; this community of Southwest Africa who, in spite of it, took part in the ideological elaboration of the genocides century. It is not a very common history which, for...

19 Jan 2009

Studying the soybean nodulation at McGill University

Essay - 20 pages - Biology

This summer I had the great opportunity to do my three months training in McGill University in Quebec, Canada. It is one of the oldest Canadian universities, considered one of the most prestigious universities in Canada and one of the best in North America. According to the Times Higher Education...

22 Sep 2009

An overview of digestive system in humans and digestive disorders

Thesis - 8 pages - Medical studies

Digestion is the process of break down of (catabolic) complex organic macro molecules into simple assimilable micro molecules. This involves several biocatalysts called enzymes. Therefore digestion could also be said as the enzymatic hydrolysis of the food.The roof of the buccal cavity is the...

11 Jul 2008

Literature, society and culture

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology

Literature has body as well as soul. It possesses qualities of sound and color, fancy and imagination. However, literature is much more than sound and color; it is a living thing of blood and fire, capable of infinite power and beauty. It is not an inanimate thing of dead words, sentences,...

12 Jan 2009

The "Memorial Laws"

Tutorials/exercises - 13 pages - Social sciences

In the first part of this paper, I give an account of a recent controversy that arose in France and in which historians played a significant role. This controversy involves a number of actors: the French government, which passed the so-called “memorial laws”; the interest groups that...

09 Mar 2015

Gothic Elements in Beloved

Case study - 5 pages - Literature

The book of Beloved depicts many aspects of African-American slavery such as violence; the tragedy of black people; the brutality of slavery, etc, and these are represented through many elements like scriptures from the bible, fantastic and gothic elements. Morrison's use of gothic elements...

16 Jan 2009

Controversy around memorial laws

Essay - 12 pages - Other law subjects

A controversy recently arose in France in which historians played a significant role. This controversy involves a number of actors: The French government, which passed the so-called “memorial laws”; the interest groups that lobbied the Parliament to pass them; the historians who became...

26 Feb 2009

Colonial mentality in Filipino Immigrants

Essay - 4 pages - Humanities/philosophy

The Filipinos were among the first Asian groups to enter the U.S. Unlike other groups, they had a unique colonial history, and thereby their acculturating experiences were not the first encounter with discrimination they faced. Though they were considered nationals, they weren't citizens and...

27 Apr 2009

Narratives of nation and division - Post colonial theory and the partition of India

Thesis - 9 pages - International relations

This paper will explore the partition of India into India and Pakistan at the end of the era of British colonialism as a narrative story of the imaginary. (Bhabha, 1992). In order to discuss the rift between the two nations, which can be understood as exacerbated communal and ethnic tensions...