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Theme : Diagnosis

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20 Jun 2009

Serotonin syndrome: A risk that should not be overlooked

Thesis - 7 pages - Medical studies

Serotonin syndrome is a complication potentially lethal psychotropic. It is characterized by altered mental status and the presence of disorders neuro vegetative and neuromuscular. In most cases, this syndrome is secondary to the prescription of several drugs responsible for an increased rate of...

29 Jul 2009

Case study: Early-episode psychosis as the onset of paranoid schizophrenia and the direction toward holistic and client-centered occupational therapy

Case study - 7 pages - Medical studies

The following paper will present a clinical assessment of the subject, provided by a Mental State Examination (MSE), in order to produce a diagnosis consistent with the current ICD-10 and DSM-IV-TR classifications of psychiatric disorders. After determining a diagnosis of the...

04 Nov 2014

Bipolar Disorder as depicted in the film Mr. Jones", Using Films for Healing

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

“Mr. Jones” is a film centered on a man diagnosed with a psychological condition, bipolar condition, and admitted to a psychiatry care-giving centre. The main actor in the film is Mr. Jones (played by Richard Gere, a charismatic man with a bipolar condition. At first, there is an...

27 Jan 2011

Analysis of Group AUCHAN

Case study - 26 pages - Management

In 1961 Gerard MULLIEZ founded his first supermarket in the Hauts-Champs of the city of Roubaix. It was not until 6 years later that G. MULLIEZ opened his first hypermarket in Tourcoing. From there, the group's growth has continued to progress. This was followed by the opening of its first...

06 Jun 2012

Paranoid Schizophrenia

Case study - 16 pages - Psychology

Paranoid schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that encapsulates a myriad of symptoms, including various states of psychosis and disorganized thought, speech, and behavior. Its etiology has not been ascertained, but evidence suggests a genetic role in its development. Those afflicted with...

17 Sep 2007

Vaginal Bleeding during Pregnancy

Presentation - 28 pages - Medical studies

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy has many causes and ranges in severity from mild (with normal pregnancy outcome) to life threatening for both infant and mother. Bleeding can vary from scant to excessive, from brown to bright red, and can be painless or painful. Causes can be divided into...

26 Sep 2008

Validity of the Beck Depression Inventory

Essay - 16 pages - Psychology

The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a widely used instrument in the measuring of depression and its severity. BDI is a simple instrument: there are twenty-one multiple-choice items; the respondent answers according to his or her feelings as remembered over the past two weeks. The BDI was...

16 Feb 2011

iPad, the new star product of Apple's strategy to reach China's market

Dissertation - 10 pages - Management

This is a study about the international marketing of Apple for the product I Pad in China. This analysis is divided into three parts. The first one deals with the environmental scanning of the brand. We initially propose a presentation of the company, and then present a strategic...

23 Mar 2011

Lee Cooper: Internal and external recommendations for changing its image

Case study - 8 pages - Services marketing

For the last hundred years or so, the jeans market occupies one of the most important places in the apparel and textile industry. It has never stopped evolving. Lee Cooper is the oldest company (1908) in this market as it has been in existence since jeans were invented, and now seeks to give a...

28 Jul 2010

Strategic analysis tools and business development

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

We live in a changing world, characterized by rapid innovation and numerous mutations. Any business creation, in this context, represents a risk (whether human or financial). It is now necessary to assess the feasibility of the project. To do this, it seems worthwhile to perform a preliminary...

10 Jan 2011

Coca Cola vs. Pepsi: Analysis and comparison of strategies

Case study - 20 pages - Business strategy

We chose to make a strategic analysis of the two evergreen giants of the cola industry - Coca Cola and Pepsi. These two protagonists of the cola market make for an interesting study as they pursue different strategies in their operations. Initially, we present the two companies and the market...

26 Sep 2007

Assesment of Normal Pregnancy

Presentation - 48 pages - Medical studies

The diagnosis of pregnancy is usually made on the basis of a history of amenorrhea, an enlarging uterus, and a positive pregnancy test. Nausea and breast tenderness are also often present. It may be crucial to diagnose pregnancy before the first missed menstrual period to prevent exposure...

22 May 2009

Measurement of pain

Thesis - 9 pages - Medical studies

The pain often makes the patient unfit physically and emotionally by both cluttering and subvert the behavior of the sore subject. The pain prevents you from thinking coherently and induces the patient to seek treatment or relief.According to a reliable model, the pain consists of four...

11 Mar 2010

Ectopic pregnancy

Presentation - 20 pages - Medical studies

Pregnancy that is implanted outside the uterine cavity at a site that by nature is not designed anatomically or physiologically to accept or permit growth of the conceptus. Doubling timing in normal intrauterine pregnancy is 48 hrs. Minimum 66 % [ range 65 - 100 %] increase over the preceding...

26 Sep 2007


Presentation - 33 pages - Medical studies

Disorder of unknown etiology characterized by excessive sleepiness typically associated with cataplexy and other REM sleep phenomena, such as sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations. Commonly misconceived as representing low intelligence and/or poor motivation. Syndrome frequently...

29 Sep 2010

High Court of Justice Chancery Division on 29th October 2008, Carr v Beavan: the testamentary capacity

Law case - 4 pages - Civil law

The court has to focus on the testator mental capacity at the time of making his will, since a man diminished in physical and even mental strength may nevertheless make a valid will, provided that he was in possession of his full capacity at the precise time of the writing of the will. In order...

27 Jan 2011

Implementation strategy in international markets: the case of Magna Argus

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Founded in 1948, Magna Argus is an American company that manufactures and sells television sets of average size. With a factory based in Pennsylvania and several distribution offices throughout the US, it produces and sells television sets of 25 and 27 inches. Each set is equipped with various...

28 Jul 2014

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

ADHD is known to affect about 6 to 7% of children. It is also a chronic disorder. This is because 30 to 50% of the people that are diagnosed with the disorder in childhood continue to have it, even in adulthood. Research shows that about 3-5% of adults live with this disorder. With the effects...

16 Feb 2015

Efficacy of treatment approaches in out-patient therapy

Case study - 7 pages - Medical studies

Anti-depressant medications have been considered as the best outpatient treatment for most depressive disorders, despite the fact that reviews and evidence suggesting otherwise that evidence-based psychotherapies are just as effective as pharmacotherapy when it comes to treating major depressive...

16 Sep 2008

Are psychopaths untreatable?

Essay - 13 pages - Sociology

Psychopathy equals violence. Whatever rubric is used identifies a person with a greater likelihood of violence, often motivated by opportunism, sadism or material gain. Treatment responsivity and harm reduction as treatment success in high-risk or repetitive offenders seems overreaching. It...

15 Jan 2009

Management of a terroir company: The example of the Burgundian cheese producer Berthaut

Essay - 15 pages - Management

The Fromagerie Berthaut is one of the four AOC Epoisses producers. It is located in Côte d'Or, in Burgundy. Since 1956, this cheese dairy has produced the “Epoisses”, a terroir soft dough cheese made with raw milk. Over the last ten years, the company's sales have regularly increased in...

26 Sep 2007

Calculation of Gestational Age and Estimated Date of Confinement

Presentation - 26 pages - Medical studies

After the diagnosis of pregnancy is made, it is imperative to determine the duration of pregnancy and the estimated date of confinement (EDC). Normally, human pregnancy lasts 280 days or 40 weeks (9 calendar months or 10 lunar months) from the last normal menstrual period (LNMP). This may...

31 May 2009

Phallocracy in Alan Moore's "From Hell"

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

Alan Moore offers a diagnosis of reality that portrays misogyny, homophobia, racism, classism, and governmental tyranny as demonic forces. Moore uses the graphic narrative medium as a means to communicate the demonic nature of these systems of power. In Moore's work on Swamp Thing, he...

07 Jul 2009

Applications and Limitations of Diagnostic Imaging - published: 07/07/2009

Presentation - 58 pages - Medical studies

The traditional evaluation of the patient includes the history and physical examination and a well-planned set of diagnostic tests, often including imaging. Dramatic advances in imaging not only supplement the physical examination, but also now may begin to substitute for part of it. Medical...

05 Mar 2009

Psychodynamic/psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioral approach to the understanding and treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Obsessive-Compulsive disorder is not yet fully understood, and thus is presently the subject of a number of possible theories regarding its origin and treatment. Despite this controversy however, a number of basic facts regarding the symptoms and diagnosis of the disorder remain consistent...

18 Mar 2009

Understanding the effects of Asperger's syndrome on the parents

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology

The diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome is often indistinguishable, using current standards, from high-functioning autism. Despite this, techniques tailored to individual cases appear show the most promise. Recent studies are too small in scale and subjective in measurements to be...

13 Apr 2009

A critical analysis concerning one aspect of the nursing care of older people who require palliative care

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

Cancer is a significant health problem in the UK today and according to Redfern and Ross (1999) is a major cause of mortality in the ageing population. Brooker and Nicol (2003) added that cancer is a medical diagnosis that covers the most distinctive diseases. Cancer Research Campaign...

29 Jul 2009

Home health nursing initiatives: Mental health outpatient care

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

Extending the accessibility of home nursing care for patients with mental illness will greatly improve their health and well being. A psychiatric home care nurse (PHCN) can assist patients with a primary diagnosis of mental illness; in particular, those with a history of not following...

03 May 2010

The Beck depression inventory

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

The most current version of the test is called the Beck Depression Inventory - II (BDI-II). The original version was authored by Aaron T. Beck, Robert A. Steer, and Gregory K. Brown in 1961, and published by the Psychological Corporation. A complete kit, which includes a manual and twenty-five...

28 Jun 2010

Living on mars: The real and unaltered facts of a medicated teen

Thesis - 5 pages - Social sciences

Before I begin there are a few things that need to be sorted out. For one this book began when discussions arose regarding children and teenagers being medicated without any real bases, possibly at too young of an age, and therefore that psychiatrists were not doing a proper diagnosis....