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Theme : Economic factors

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15 Apr 2010

Bacteria foraging based algorithm for optimum economic load dispatch with non-convex loads

Thesis - 11 pages - Physics

An algorithm based on Bacteria Foraging (BF) was developed to solve the problem of finding the optimum load allocation amongst the committed units in power system with non-convex loads. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on a test case of 15 units. The performance of the...

20 Apr 2010

Regression analysis of effective factor on people participation in protecting, revitalizing, developing and using renewable natural resources in Ilam province from the view of users

Thesis - 9 pages - Social sciences

The purpose of this study is the regression analysis of effective factor on people participation in protecting, revitalizing, developing and using renewable natural resources in Ilam province. This study is a casual comparative and applies one sample was taken from natural resources users....

21 Jun 2010

Research proposal - proposed title: The role of quality factors in electronic commerce

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

The unprecedented proliferation of the Internet and the World Wide Web over the last decade has increased the importance of electronic commerce. The research will present an exploratory study of the role of quality factors in electronic commerce in order the significance of the latter to...

12 Jul 2010

The concept of economic rationality and its place in the economic crisis

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Economic rationality is talked about when the behavior of individuals corresponds to their interests. Agents are expected to act in a way that maximizes their well-being. This well-being is often calculated with a utility function that takes into account the income and leisure time. The...

29 Sep 2010

Public policies and Globalization: Classic liberalism, Economic Nationalism or Embedded liberalism?

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

The last World Trade Organization summit illustrated the inability of governments to reach complete free trade agreements. The increasing number of cases of conflict presented to the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO, shows that there is still a lot to do in the field of cooperation, and a...

16 Aug 2012

Impact of economic liberalization on the flow of private foreign investment

Case study - 15 pages - International relations

The impact of Economic liberalization on the flow of private foreign investment can have different impacts on specific regions. One common perspective is that economic liberation on the one hand can be beneficial for the developed countries but on the other hand it can actually harm...

25 Oct 2012

Assess the effects that corruption may have on economic development. How do you reconcile the anecdotal evidence with the theoretical ideas?

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

Corruption is the abuse of public trust for private gain. This definition is rather universal and many argue that it is vague and that there is variety of corruption, one being corruption under economic sense. Corruption is an ancient phenomenon which is very hard to suspect and even...

05 Jul 2013

How far do you agree that the crisis experienced by China in the late 1980s was due to "the inevitable consequences of the policies of economic liberalization by Deng Xiaoping"?

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

Shortly after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 came the rehabilitation of Deng Xiaoping. During the latter's reign, China experienced a crisis in the late 1980s, the 1989 Tiananmen Crisis, during which the army attacked students who held a demonstration demanding political liberalisation. This...

29 Sep 2010

New economic geography - what does it imply?

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

An economy is a set of human and social activities and institutions related to the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. Thus, it corresponds to the organized way a society provides for the wants and needs of its people. In a global context, there are different...

11 Jul 2013

A survey about key factors influencing the women's buying behaviors in London

Case study - 30 pages - Business strategy

London's e-retail industry is as big as most of the developed cities in the world. Technology has been developed to an extent where in people purchase any thing from their home computer. Moreover, in cities like London, internet has been prevalent and most of the women are working women. When...

14 Jan 2014

EADS insider trading affair : Economic intelligence

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

Nowadays, the globalization is in expansion and the competition is aggravated. In its economical war, the major stake is the information which became the key success factor for many companies. Indeed the information allows watching the firm's environment as well as the following of the...

05 Aug 2014

Factors that influence school Performance in Students

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

There are variety of factors that determine the excellence of children in school. Most of these factors are psychological factors, which motivate the children to learn well. The child's environment also plays an immense role in determining their prosperity in school. Children...

31 Jul 2007

Social and Economic Issues in Medicine

Presentation - 38 pages - Medical studies

Medicine is practiced in a social, economic, and political context. It takes more than excellent medical care to improve the health of patients because many of the determinants of the health of individuals and populations lie outside traditional clinical activity. By contrast, 40% of...

28 May 2008

Microeconomics: United States Economics

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Most people I know have iPods, drive high-horsepower automobiles with complex inner workings, and pay little attention to newspaper articles regarding oil, stocks, and debt. First off, nobody wants to think about the avalanche amount of debt that's accumulating and what it can do to an economy...

03 Jun 2008

All in the Family: The Economics of Interpersonal Relationships in the Gulag

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

The synopsis on the back cover of Alexander Solzhenistyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich claims that it is “the harrowing account of one day in the life of a man who has conceded to all things evil with patience, dignity, and enduring strength.” Like so many others, the author...

15 Jun 2008

The Political and Economic Policies of Russia and China

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

Introduction At the end of World War II, the international community became notably divided upon political and economic lines. While many countries in the West chose a capitalist democracy many in the East had chosen communism/Marxism as the central means for social development. Although...

28 Aug 2008

The economic, social and political impact of the Great Depression on Southeast Asia

Essay - 9 pages - Modern history

Southeast Asia did not escape the effects of the Great Depression that burst upon the Western industrialised world at the beginning of the 1930s. The 1929 crisis formed a watershed in the history of Southeast Asia, leaving neither the economic, social nor political sphere untouched. Apart...

04 Nov 2008

Economic and political transition in Bahrain: Strong Rentier States and Strong Rentier Societies

Essay - 18 pages - Political science

Bahrain, often overlooked in both academic and media analyses of the Middle East, has a strategic importance hidden by its small size. As home of the American Fifth Fleet, Bahrain hosts a deterrent against Iran from blockading the Straits of Hormuz as it has recently threatened to do. As such...

13 Jan 2009

Conservative and Labour Economic Policies

Essay - 17 pages - Political science

After World War II, a new economic philosophy called “Keynesianism” - different from the “laissez-faire” of old - became prevalent; to his main proponent, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1945), free operation of the market was a good thing but it might prove insufficient to...

13 Jan 2009

The economic power of the Chinese Diaspora

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

China's economic growth is a much debated issue and is said to change the face of the world and presently world economic patterns are being reshaped. A couple of figures can easily help to understand how deep these changes are. Over the past 10 years, the Chinese economy grew by 10%...

15 Jan 2009

"Why has the common foreign and security policy been so much more difficult to organise than economic cooperation?"

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

One of the most important discussions in the modern-day European Union concerns the lack of effectiveness of common foreign and security policy. As the Union moves towards integration, creating such a policy has become one of its most pressing concerns. I shall consider this question in detail...

19 Jan 2009

Assess the claim that Thatcherism decisively recast political and economic relationships in the 1980s

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Thatcherism is a political thought applied by the 3 successive governments led by Margaret Thatcher, from 1979 to 1990. It quickly evolved as a doctrine. Thatcherism came at a time when the post-war consensus was collapsing, and aimed at checking the decline of the British economy, suffering...

05 Feb 2009

Proton: Struggling against the grain of economics

Essay - 8 pages - Economy general

Economics might finally be winning in its fight after over 25 years with Proton, a small Malaysian carmaker whose very continued existence is a direct affront to the academic discipline. The end finally appears near for the pet project of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed and source...

18 Mar 2009

Wining and losing as a result of economic restructuring in Britain since 1980

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

During the past thirty years, British society has been involved in a dynamic of social change, a process so significant that it represents an historical turning point, when the certainties that have served to regulate the economy in the past, are no longer valid. The last comparable event was...

16 May 2009

How and to what extent do domestic factors affect the nature of U.S. relations with other democratic states?

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

The manifestation of the American hegemony since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 has created a new pattern for international relations in which the United States is the ‘hyper power' everyone has to take into consideration before acting. France, once one...

17 May 2009

How has the political economy of French capitalism evolved in the face of increasing global economic pressures?

Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general

‘The work was standardized, rigid; it has become adaptable, flexible. The institutions were paternalist, authoritarian; they have become permissive, liberal. A feeling of security reigned on the world. It is now the insecurity which is dominant' (Cohen, 2002) This international...

17 May 2009

An in-depth analysis of the role of the Brazilian state in its economic development

Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general

The third world is a subject which has caused much ink. Several features can be found as economic problems, political instability, authoritarian regimes. However, some countries as the tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong-Kong) succeed in dealing with their economic and...

17 May 2009

Economic regulation

Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general

A regulation is the “employment of legal instruments for the implementation of social-economic policy objectives” (Govender 2008: 10). In this way, according to OECD (2001), regulation “refers to the various instruments (both formal legal and such informal tools as...

29 Jul 2009

Keynesian economics: The transition to the Washington consensus

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Recent political events concerning the international economic downturn have revived the discussion of Keynesian economic theory due to the apparent failure of free market neo-liberalism. On 26 September, 2008, French President Nicolas Sarkozy remarked that “we must rethink the...

24 Aug 2010

A comparison of today's economic crisis to the Great Depression of 1929-1939

Thesis - 2 pages - Economy general

Today we are faced with an economic crisis that has affected the United States of America and reached out to shake economies the world over. Stock markets, nationally and internationally have hit all-time lows. The housing market, banks and other financial lending institutions, the Big...