Global Warming: Causes and Chemistry of Climate Change
Course material - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
This report serves as an overview of important aspects related to global warming and climate change. It touches on the relevant international organization and authorities in the field of climate change, forecasts of temperature increases, greenhouse gases, atmospheric chemical...
What worries you the most concerning global warming ?
Dissertation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
In September 2018, Nicolas Hulot resigned as Minister of Ecology, describing his time at the head of this ministry as an "accumulation of disappointment".
Global warming - published: 24/02/2023
Presentation - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
This document contains a presentation on global warming, addressing its causes, effects, and solutions to mitigate its consequences. To view this document effectively, it is necessary to preview it as a slideshow.
Global warming and climate change
Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
These are terms used to describe increased earth's temperatures. Human activities and natural occurrences are said to be the major contributors to this increase. Increase in greenhouse gases for example carbon dioxide result to the temperatures increase. The U.S. have been a major contributor...
The main causes of global warming
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
In the recent past, the world as a whole has come to terms with the increasing incidences of heightened and elevated temperatures across all continents. The Northern and Southern hemispheres are experiencing high temperatures and this is leading to the melting of the ice at the snow caps and this...
Global warming - published: 01/02/2012
Presentation - 15 pages - Educational studies
Global warming is the increase in amounts of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere Greenhouse gases trap the sun's rays in the atmosphere, raising the temperature to abnormal levels The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane,...
Environmental Economics: global warming
Essay - 14 pages - Economy general
This essay is about the climate change and the direct and indirect effect on our environment, not only caused by human activities. The increased concentration of the greenhouse gases which include carbon-di-oxide and others, over the last 150 years has dramatically progressed. This fact, caused...
Global warming
Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
In today's society, environmental issues have an important impact on business and industrial decisions and are becoming part and parcel of economics. We live in scorching summers, the winters seem to be milder from year to year, and the seasons seem to have disappeared. Are these observations...
The debate on global warming
Thesis - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
It seems like every night in the news for the past several years a similar story is being reported. All these stories, of course, have something to do with the issue of global warming. Global warming is a potentially dangerous problem for all people of the Earth, but...
Global warming may open Northwest Passage
Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
It is almost daily that television news mention environmental and natural disasters in each area of the world. Thus, the recent environmental events in the last years were cyclones like Katrina, tsunamis, floods, dryness Scientifics don't give a verdict on these events but public opinion...
The four drivers of global warming
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Global warming is recognized by scientists and most world governments as a major climate event that is currently happening. There has been much debate about its causes, which come from many factors and not all of which are known. Several major contributing factors have been...
New approaches to decisions on global warming
Essay - 16 pages - Ecology & environment
Former Vice President Al Gore generated tremendous global awareness and concern for the issue of global warming through his movie, An Inconvenient Truth. His activism won him a Nobel Peace Prize, and the issue has become a central topic of discussion for many of...
Politics of Global Warming
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Political science
In the modernized lifestyles we live today, the consequences of this lifestyle seems to have finally caught up with us. Since 1994, the world's mean temperature has risen almost 1 degree Fahrenheit, and it is only increasing. This is believed to have been caused by excess gas and smoke emissions...
Global warming - published: 17/07/2008
Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Recently, global warming has gained massive attention due to the documentary . An inconvenient truth presented by former Vice-President of the United States Al Gore. The National Academy of Sciences reported that gases are accumulating in Earth's atmosphere as a...
Fostering sustainable global growth through green finance
Dissertation - 5 pages - Finance
The ideas and goals of the United Nations (UN) in the areas of environment and development are at the origin of environmentally friendly finance, or green finance. In 1992, 178 countries met in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to discuss environmental and development issues for the 21st century....
Greenhouse gases and long term global effects
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Over the last few years there has been much talk in the news and government about topics such as global warming and greenhouse gases. Yet, how much do we really know about such things? Definitions of these complicated topics are hard to come by and specific consequences are even...
Global business context, car industry
Essay - 6 pages - Management
The car industry has witnessed major changes over the years, thanks to the growing number of external forces that changed the decades-old practices of manufacturing. This paper analyses the important forces in the last two decades that have had a major impact on the car manufacturing practices....
The anti-globalization: another logical organization of global space
Essay - 7 pages - International relations
The process of universalization is essential for all, whether it is appreciated or not, whether one thinks to be profited by it or as a victim of it. But the globalization of the economy is not enough to summarize the world of ours: however, other processes coexist thus making this issue more...
Institutional Failures of the Global Environmental Governance
Essay - 42 pages - Ecology & environment
Despite a great awareness of environmental questions from developed and developing countries, there is a degradation of environmental issues and an appearance of new environmental problems. This aggravation of environmental matters is due to the inefficient state of the global...
What are the main obstacles to the provision of global public goods?
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Global public goods are hard to define. Even though, there is a consensus about the definitions of public goods and collective goods, there exists different approaches. Public goods are supposed to be available for all and they are characterized by two principles: non-rivalry, which means...
The term globalization used in relation to a host of social, economic, cultural and political processes
Essay - 12 pages - International relations
Globalization is easier to describe than to define. This is because, in its present form and usage, it is a new, complex, dynamic, multidimensional, and worldwide phenomenon, which means different things to different people and different things to the same groups across time and space. It evokes...
Role of an engineer in solving global issues
Thesis - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
This report emphasizes the role of an engineer in solving three major global issues, which are excessive demand for global energy production, limited natural resources of the planet and exponentially growing environmental pollution. An engineer's role in solving the global...
Nation-state and globalization
Essay - 11 pages - Political science
This essay deals with one of the most controversial questions in today's social science debates: the relationship between the nation-state and globalisation. Globalisation, understood quite loosely here as a series of contemporary and unprecedented developments in the economic, social and...
The Sociological Aspects of the Globalization of Soccer in the United States
Essay - 5 pages - Sports
Through an extensive review of related literature, the present study intended to investigate the sociological aspects of the globalization of soccer in the United States. The key findings are as follows: 1) poorer countries suffer from leg drain over the richest soccer clubs,...
Using the examples of organically grown coffee in Mexico and fair trade bananas St-Vincent, this paper argues that a new global 'Green Revolution' is underway
Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
'Globalization is the increasing interdependence, integration and interaction among people and corporations in disparate locations around the world' . This phenomenon can have good effects such as helping developing countries improve their economy or their industry but also their...
International economics: Essay on the advantages and disadvantages of globalization
Essay - 6 pages - Economy general
We are living a transformation which is going to reconstruct population and economy for the coming century. There will be no more national products and technologies, no more national firms, no more national industries, no more national economies. Only individuals, which constitute nations,...
Avon - Global operations
Market study - 7 pages - Business strategy
Avon Products, Inc. (NYSE: AVP) is a US cosmetics, perfume and toy seller with markets in over 140 countries across the world and sales of $10.9 Billion worldwide as of 2010 with net income of $609 Billion and employing a workforce of 44000 personnel. Avon Product is a multi-level marketing...
The place of wine in society in the face of climate change
Thesis - 38 pages - Green marketing
Don't worry, you're not the only one who drinks wine. Millions of us drink wine. And not just one glass! In fact, there are about a thousand bottles tasted every second in the world. France is known for its gastronomy, and its luxury, but also for its wine. Wine is a drink that brings...
British Petroleum: The Global Oil Giant
Market study - 7 pages - Business strategy
BP, or, British Petroleum as the world knows it, is one of the giants in the oil industry. Initially known as the Anglo-Iranian oil company, BP took on the name of British Petroleum in 1954. Apart from selling fuel and lubricants for transportation, BP also provides petrochemicals and energy in...
Cartier's global operations
Market study - 7 pages - Business strategy
The famed watch and jewelry House of Cartier, one of the classiest brands in the industry, can trace its origins back to 1847, when Louis-Francois Cartier opened a small jewelry store in Paris. Over the years, the brand has evolved to become the official jeweler of the Royal courts of England,...