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Theme : Human rights

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19 Jul 2021

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) - The Right of Privacy and Abortion

Law case study - 5 pages - Civil law

First of all, it feels right to define what's the right of privacy. Several definitions can be found. The right of or to privacy is the right not to have one's personal matters disclosed or publicised - Louis Brandeis who will be appointed to the Supreme Court...

17 Apr 2015

Human Resource Policies Influence on Performance of Medium Sized Manufacturing Firms

Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy

Globalization has created a paradigm shift in the ways by which firms conduct their business. The convergence of world economies has minimized-and in some cases eliminated-both legislative and geographical barriers to international production and sale of goods and services. The flip-side of this...

30 Jul 2015

Human resource strategy : recruitment, selection and renumeration

Case study - 3 pages - Human resources

International human resource management is a contentious issue currently, and therefore it is crucial to have the right expatriate. This paper will consider a Human Resource Strategy for an expatriate recruitment, selection and training for companies in the Beverages...

04 Apr 2022

Human Resources Books that Every HR Professional Should Read

Practical guide - 4 pages - Human resources

The world of HR is constantly changing, and it can be tough to keep up with the latest trends and best practices. That is why it is important to stay ahead of the curve by reading up on the latest HR books. This article will share some of the top picks for HR books that every HR professional...

09 Jul 2015

Civil rights movement in America

Case study - 4 pages - Sociology

Despite the stop of slavery in the United States at the end of the 19th century, African Americans were still subjected to regular discrimination, were forced to use separate schools and public utilities from the better-quality ones of the whites, and they could not fully exercise their voting...

30 Jan 2017

History of the Civil Rights and feminist movement

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

After World War II, the Nuremburg laws that had segregated Jews from non-Jews were overturned. This progress contrasted heavily with the United States who, compared to the rest of the world, held on to archaic laws enacting the segregation of "colored" and non-colored people. This segregation...

13 Nov 2014

Existentialism is a Humanism by Sartre

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Sartre (1905-1980) is the best known philosopher for his untiring pursuit of philosophical reflection and creativity. His writing “Existentialism is a Humanism” granted him the title “Father of philosophy” for setting an intellectual tone on philosophy in the time proceeding...

28 Jul 2015

The need for moral rights for animals

Essay - 1 pages - Other law subjects

Animals are a crucial part of our society. However, they are not respected in this manner. Most people do not recognize or appreciate their existence. Several authors have observed the schizoid quality in the relationship between humans and animals. An Animal's Place by Michael Pollan and...

30 Oct 2018

Damned Human Race - Mark Twain (1905)

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Initially, Twain appears as the narrator having a serious voice which gives his age credibility. This is the false authority fallacy he uses the first. However, the instant satire appears, the satirical intentions of the author become clear. All the society represents the only stereotype in this...

08 Oct 2015

Tactics of combating human trafficking as a global issue ? Case Study

Essay - 4 pages - Geography

Cristina, a 24-year-old woman came to the US with a man she thought to be her boyfriend. However, upon their arrival in New York, she was forced to have intercourse with dozens of men daily and was beaten regularly, all this occurred in a suburban home (Kloer). Concy, a ten year old at the time,...

23 Jan 2015

Human cloud systems

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The United Kingdom government has brought in a new system that was labelled ‘The Universal Credit project'. This is a welfare project that that has been introduced in 2013 aimed to target the individuals who are looking for work and those under jobs that have low income. The universal credit...

05 Nov 2014

Human Resource Planning- Australian Academy of Mentoring and Coaching Training Group (AAMC)

Case study - 6 pages - Human resources

Australian Academy of Mentoring and Coaching Training Group (AAMC) is a registered training organization wholly owned by Australia. The Registered Training number of the Organization is 51428. It specializes in training programs that are essentially industry based. The organization operates both...

25 Mar 2015

Strategic problems facing Human Resource Managers (HRM) operating in multi-national companies (MNC)

Essay - 7 pages - Criminal law

A multi-national company is a company that has been formed to operate across known international physical boundaries (Cooke, 2003). These companies are often located to other international countries apart from the parent country in which it was originally founded. These multinational companies...

27 Aug 2014

Regulation of researches with human subjects

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

Research regulation in the United States and Canada should be done so as to put down laws regulating both public and privately sponsored medical research with human subjects. Such regulations should help limit violation of human rights in research and at the same time giving...

18 Aug 2008

How can we balance the need of protection for vulnerable witnesses and the rights of the accused?

Essay - 10 pages - Other law subjects

The tension between the rights of the accused and a vulnerable witness has remained a problematic balance to address through the criminal justice system. The enshrined presumption of innocence imposes a burden of proof set “beyond reasonable doubt ”, further bolstered by the...

15 Jan 2009

Critically consider Thomas Franck's argument about an emerging right to democratic governance in international law with particular reference to the recent Palestinian elections returning a Hamas governing authority

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

“Democratic tradition involves a richly evolving collection of diverse beliefs, processes and structures that are neither easily characterized in concise terms nor summarized in a single systematic philosophy of governance” . The complexity of democratic governance could not be better...

12 Feb 2010

Are rights to religious expression given sufficient protection in schools and workplaces?

Thesis - 6 pages - Social sciences

The Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) incorporated the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into UK law and the preamble to the HRA states that its purpose is to “give further effect to rights and freedoms guaranteed under the European Convention on...

24 Mar 2010

Radical republicans abandoned women seeking rights after the Civil War

Thesis - 3 pages - Social sciences

After the Civil War, women for the most part were abandoned by the Republican Party. Women's rights have always been closely linked to not only civil rights but human rights in general. The purpose of this paper is to take a closer look at why this abandoning took...

26 Mar 2010

An evaluation comparing and contrasting the international covenant of economic, social and cultural rights with the international covenant on civil and political rights

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

The central purposes of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights have many things in common as they work together to form the backbone of the International Bill of Rights. The two...

19 May 2011

Is the European Union's Charter of Fundamental Rights a necessary and desirable development?

Thesis - 7 pages - Constitutional law

The Treaty of Lisbon came into force in 2009 and alongside it, a reference to the Charter of Fundamental Rights (Charter) gave it legal standing. The Charter became one of the most defining documents the European Union has ever witnessed, or a mere piece of symbolic literature that is...

29 Sep 2010

The accession of States to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

Essay - 5 pages - International law

Today, various international instruments allow the protection and respect of human rights. Thus, the International Bill of Rights is the basis composed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and the two subsequent International Covenants of 1966....

28 Nov 2012

Human resource management in context of change management

Case study - 8 pages - Human resources

Multinational Corporations operate in more than one country. They have production facilities in different countries around the world. Often they operate in countries which have entirely different culture than the culture of their home country. This impacts the company's human resource...

28 Jul 2010

Human trafficking and trading

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Human trafficking is the politically correct term for modern slavery. There is nothing polished or proper about this trade of human flesh. Most modern day slaves are women and children. The women are addicted to drugs by their pimps, then used as prostitutes. The girls are often...

18 Jun 2010

The responsibilities of the human resource manager

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Today's business world is becoming increasingly unstable and competitive. The current economic situation reinforces this design. Many companies are struggling to emerge from the three year long crisis that the economy is facing. The strategies adopted had to take into account the difficulties...

15 Jan 2009

Management of international human resources: Coca Cola

Essay - 7 pages - Human resources

According to Armstrong in 2006 "International human resource management is the process of employing, developing and rewarding people in global organisations". However, nowadays, one of the most complex challenges for a MNC, across the globe, is the management of human resources...

07 Oct 2011

Role of human service agencies on combating sex-trafficking

Thesis - 6 pages - Social sciences

Human trafficking is not a new problem. The problem of sex-trafficking began as early as 3000 BC-300 AD, starting during ancient times and existed within Roman, Egyptian, Persian and Greek cultures (Shared Hope International, 2009). Human trafficking is also considered to be one of...

24 Jun 2010

Human sacrifice-totally crazy or crazily reasonable?

Thesis - 4 pages - Humanities/philosophy

Is there any way of truly justifying whether one society's practice is wrong because our society looks at based on their own “standards”? The human sacrifice was considered a religious act that showed the Aztecs' true affection and admiration for their gods; however, today, our...

13 Aug 2008

How disability rights will be protected in England and Wales after 1st October 2007

Essay - 8 pages - International law

The main legislative framework addressing protection of disability rights in the UK has been the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) as amended by the Disability Act 2005 to widen the definition of “disability” in order to confer stronger protection rights. However,...

10 Oct 2008

The origins of human aggression and just war theory

Thesis - 6 pages - Humanities/philosophy

Critics of just war theory will remind people of its theoretical nature and inability to prevent a war. While this is certainly true, in that politicians in power are unlikely to attempt to use just war theory to prove that their cause is just before entering a war, the theory enables...

09 Jan 2009

Extreme right in Belgium

Thesis - 9 pages - Journalism

In September 2006, seventeen people have been arrested in Belgium for allegedly planning attacks aimed at "destabilising" the country's institutions, 10 of these 17 people where soldiers and the federal prosecutor's office said in a statement that they are people with an...