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Theme : Industrial revolution

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24 Nov 2022

PESTEL Analysis - Shein

Case study - 6 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing

Global fast fashion market was supported by an increasing youth population's penchant for essential and affordable fast fashion clothing. The expansion of the fast fashion market, nonetheless, has gotten hampered by unsuitable working conditions and low living wages (Wang, 2018). Many workers...

07 Dec 2014

Comparison of the media systems between USA and China

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Media is an overall term used to identify the different types of mediums that enriches us with vital information and knowledge (Sarah, 2011). It is a flow of information running throughout the society in a form of print, visual and audio mediums known as newspaper (newsletters, magazines and...

13 May 2009

Culture & leadership

Thesis - 12 pages - Social sciences

First of all, it is necessary to have a clear and simple definition of culture. So, “culture can be defined as all the behaviors, arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life” for an entire...

28 May 2009

Is culture an intrinsic element of management and leadership: Eastern Europe against Western Europe?

Thesis - 14 pages - Social sciences

Since the quickening of the Industrial Revolution in United Kingdom in 1850 there is no doubt that Europe sustained important cultural changes. The aura of this revolution crossed the Channel and pervaded in Europe but only went in western countries ready to change, France...

17 Sep 2013

Images of Nineteenth Century London in the Poetry of William Blake

Case study - 3 pages - Humanities/philosophy

Every era produces a number of inventive minds and creative talent. A question that often arises is: what defines a great artist? Is it the popularity of his work? An artist's success or failure largely depends on the reception of his creations. There are many defining characteristics of a true...

03 Mar 2011

The emerging triad in the new global economy

Essay - 7 pages - Economy general

Since 1980, the third technological revolution has been booming; a revolution based mainly on new information technologies and brand firmly established as a "new economy". With the help of these technologies, particularly the Internet, the information economy itself is now seen in...

12 Feb 2007

Cradle to Cradle Design

Thesis - 29 pages - Ecology & environment

In March 2005, the UN released its Millennium Ecosystem Assessment , the first comprehensive scientific audit of the state of the planet. Completed over four years by 2,000 experts, the survey demonstrates that economic activity has destroyed 60% of the Earth's life-supporting ecosystems,...

18 Apr 2008

Globalization and its effect on Western Civilization

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

Western Civilization has been shaped by the many people and events that have witnessed its transformation from the dawn of the early modern period in 1500 up to the present day. The present word view has been formed by many events including the Renaissance, the Industrial...

03 Mar 2009

A class perspective concerning the issue of cloning

Thesis - 6 pages - Social sciences

This paper will attempt to address what is perhaps the single most life altering issue facing our societies today. It is life altering in the utmost sense of the word, literally altering life as we know it. Life on this planet has undergone some significant changes since the dawn of civilization;...

12 Nov 2008

Radical poetry: William Blake and the fight against oppression

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

The industrial revolution. The term conjures up images of unstoppable progress, the advancement of mankind, economic expansion, and technological achievement. At the same time, it also drags up such sights as the oppression of the common man, dehumanizing working conditions, and...

20 Jan 2009

Cultural project: Museums in Bradford

Essay - 13 pages - Journalism

Bradford is the 7th city in United Kingdom, with more than 478,800 inhabitants (metro district). Located in the West Yorkshire, this city has been developed thanks to the first industrial revolution (1780 - 1840) and the second one (1840 - 1900). During this period, Bradford has...

09 May 2009

Changes in operations management and their implications

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

Most Economy books define manufacturing as the past of Operations management. O.C Ferrell, Professor at the Colorado Sate University explains that this is due to the fact that operations management at first was only concerned with the production of physical goods. He also defines manufacturing as...

09 Jan 2009

How can the "crisis" of the Welfare States affect the policy of fight against poverty?

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Since the end of the XVIIIth century, the disastrous consequences due to the Industrial Revolution and to “savage capitalism” on working conditions has been underlined through the rising resentment of the working class. That is why, in order to avoid social implosion and...

13 Jul 2009

Immigrants and consumerism in the city

Thesis - 4 pages - Social sciences

An examination of North American history will reveal that a consumer revolution occurred during the middle of the eighteenth century, and it played a significant role in the growth of society, especially in the United States. This raises the question of how consumerism affected specific...

13 Jan 2009

The general oil market and the American oil policy

Thesis - 14 pages - International relations

Since the Industrial Revolution, energy is an international concern: one fifth of international trade of goods is the supply in energy of the companies. At the beginning of the century, oil became the most important energy source. Today, oil represents the most important share of...

10 Jan 2011

'When China changes the world": Erik Izraelewicz

Book review - 5 pages - Economy general

"The snake has initiated its transformation", said Erik IZRAELEWIZC playing this animal metaphor to evoke China, stripped of its skin spotted with communism and protectionism, which finally awakened. Modern cities developed there, and have tripled in volume in recent years. Cities like Shanghai,...

05 Mar 2009

History of technology

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

When people think about technology from a contemporary perspective, they often think about all the gadgets and devices that are common-place in our lives. For example, only ten years ago we were watching movies on VCR's and were talking on cell phones that would be unrecognizable compared to...

03 Mar 2011

The sector of Communication and Information Technologies (TIC)

Market study - 4 pages - Services marketing

The new economy has invited a new industry that is effervescent, and the industries of information and communications technology (ICT) include information technology, electronics and telecommunication. It also indicates a new way of understanding the economy as a whole. Indeed, the deployment of...

14 Oct 2013

Social theories

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Generally, social theories comprise a number of basic rudiments. These include epistemology, ontology, historical location, and a set of prescriptions. Epistemology seeks to respond to particular issues such as the ways and manner in which individuals recognize, identify, and make out the things...

25 Aug 2009

A study of the different departments in hotels

Tutorials/exercises - 38 pages - Business strategy

The British law has defined hotel as ‘a place where a bonafide traveler can receive food and shelter, provided he is in a position to pay for it and he is in a fit condition to receive it'. The main aim of the hotel is to provide food and shelter to the travelers for a price. Hotel industry...

25 Aug 2009

An examination of a hotel and its various departments

Thesis - 46 pages - Business strategy

Under the British law “a hotel is a place where the bona fide traveler gets shelter and food provided they are in a position to pay for it and are in a fit condition to be received.” Origin: The discovery of wheel brought development to trade and tourism; horse carriages, and caravans...

07 Jul 2015

London, the capital of the nineteenth century

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

"London has many aspects. It's a great city. Huge. The richest city in the world's largest port, the largest industrial city, the imperial city, the center of civilization, the heart of the world ... It is a wonderful place ... a whirlwind, an abyss. It takes you up and you rushes...

11 Jul 2013

Benefits of capitalism and inequality of social classes based on Carnegie's argument in "The Gospel of Wealth"

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

In 1848 Karl Marx wrote his Communist Manifesto in which he defined his creation of two social classes known as the bourgeoisie and the proletariats. These consisted of the wealthy and owners of factories, the bourgeoisie, and the rest of the public, who had no money, known as the proletariats....

19 May 2009

The American reality: Life in the working class

Thesis - 19 pages - Sociology

In 1848, as the spread of capitalism and the Industrial Revolution were forever changing the social, political and economic landscape in Europe and America, early social theorist Karl Marx defined the working-class as those “laborers who must sell themselves piecemeal… a...

23 Feb 2010

The roaring twenties and the fall into depression

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

The early United States was predominately rural. The number of Americans living in cities did not surpass the number living in rural areas until 1920. The economic opportunities brought on by the industrial revolution had people flocking to the central cities, which in turn grew...

27 Jan 2011

Sub-Saharan Africa, of the middle of the years 1950 at the end of the Eighties

Case study - 8 pages - Geography

The process of colonization was marked by dominance and imperialism and dates back to the 16th century. From that time, the Portuguese and Spanish shared the known world and established colonies (territory under a foreign state, the mainland). A new doctrine called colonialism was born and called...

13 Jul 2009

The languages of modernity in "Paper Pills" and "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

Jean Francois Lyotard describes modernity as an era of irrevocable progress forward, a subtle movement onwards that is characterized by the centralization of authority and imposition of a teleological mentality, whereby every development is considered valuable from an evolutionary perspective....

23 Nov 2006

Comment from the essay "Culture and anarchy" written by Matthew Arnold published in 1869

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Matthew Arnold, in his philosophical essay Culture and Anarchy, published in 1869, exposes his view of culture in a generally way, that is to say, that this view could and should be applied to any society or any group of men on the earth. He wrote it at a time where Bentham's Utilitarianism was...

17 May 2009

Comparison between the economic cycles and the growth rates in the USA and France

Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general

The business cycle is a constant in all the world economies since the Industrial Revolution occurred. By “business cycle”, we mean the fluctuations of the growth rate of the economy, which always works on the “Peak - Recession - Trough - Recovery” scheme. The...

07 Apr 2009

Recruitment and selection process at Siemens BPO Services Pvt Ltd

Dissertation - 42 pages - Human resources

The outsourcing history of India is one of phenomenal growth in a very short span of time. The idea of outsourcing has its roots in the 'competitive advantage' theory propagated by Adam Smith in his book 'The Wealth of Nations' which was published in 1776. Over the years, the...