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28 May 2009

A study on the influence of the sun on climate and weather patterns in the earth

Thesis - 9 pages - Geology

The Sun is a burning ball of mostly gaseous hydrogen with a surface temperature of 6000 degrees centigrade, large enough to hold a million Earths. The importance of the sun rests on the fact that it warms the surface of an otherwise cold and lifeless earth and makes possible the existence of...

03 Jul 2009

The conquest of Mexico: Indigenous actions, Iberian Influence and hegemony

Thesis - 3 pages - Political science

Throughout history, nations and states sought to dominate subordinate groups under many different circumstances. In the first quarter of the sixteenth century, the Spanish Conquistadors began to conquer and colonize the area that would become Mexico (this essay will primarily discuss the events...

11 Aug 2009

Did popular protest have any lasting influence on the Royal Policy in the 15th century?

Case study - 10 pages - Medieval history

This was a period of immense political change, both in the way the English people were viewed by the government, and in the way they thought of themselves within it. It was characterised by popular disturbances, pieces of critical literature and seditious speech, and a corresponding increase in...

06 Aug 2013

The influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau on the Romantic Movement

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

John Jacques Rousseau had the reputation as a nonconformist figure at a time when scientific reason dominated the landscape. He rose to prominence in the mid eighteenth century not long before the American Revolution. Hailing from Geneva, Rousseau traveled to France where he was intrigued by the...

18 Nov 2009

Factors influencing academic performance of pupils/students in an educational institution

Thesis - 3 pages - Educational studies

Assessment of pupils / students is one of the duties of a teacher, which can be in form of test or examination and aimed at measuring the level of attainment of educational objectives. However, there are three domains of educational objectives: the cognitive, affective and psycho motor. While the...

07 May 2010

Capitalism and Christianity: Weber's capitalist spirit and potential Christian influences

Essay - 9 pages - Humanities/philosophy

The questions of what is capitalism and how did it arise have been of central concern to Western economists and sociologists since the 1840s. At that time, commentators began to recognize that a fundamentally new economic and social order - with the expansion of machines in manufacturing and...

12 Aug 2010

The influence of the American Revolution on the French Revolution: An analysis of parallels

Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history

The late 18th century was a period of great societal transformation in both North America and Continental Europe. Inevitably, the ideas of the enlightenment coupled with the social and religious unrest in both the United States and France prompted action on the part of the educated masses....

08 Aug 2013

The factors influencing stress and strategies to overcome: A study among software professionals in Bangalore

Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy

Stress, mainly Work-related stress, has aroused growing interest across all over the world in recent years. The workplace has changed dramatically due to the globalization of the economy. The concept of stress was first introduced in the life sciences by Selye Hans in 1936. It was derived from...

05 Sep 2014

Influence of the Tango on Argentinean Culture

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Argentina boasts of being a soccer nation. However, Argentina's fame does not end in soccer since it also garners the fame from Tango. In fact, it is hard to separate Argentina and the Tango culture. For the Argentineans, the Tango is not just a dance or music but rather, it is a complete...

29 Sep 2010

Internationalisation process of firms: theories; motives and influencing factors

Essay - 23 pages - Business strategy

In today's world, "globalization" is a very commonly used term but there are many ambiguities with respect to its definition, when the phenomena was born and why is it so important for companies? Although this term is imprecise, literature enables us to define it using two very distinct...

18 Nov 2020

Myths and heroes - To what extent can the choices that people make, condition and influence their lives and have an impact on the world they live in?

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology

I will talk about the notion of myths and heroes. A myth can be defined as a popular or traditional belief, an unusual story about gods or heroes. But the term hero doesn't always represent a mythological figure or a superhero. Indeed, a hero can be a person who is admired for his or her...

14 Mar 2007

Influence of Jerusalem's religious symbolic in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

The author takes position against a Palestinian-controlled Old Jerusalem, where all the holy and historical sites of Judaism stand. He states that Jerusalem is « holier » to Jews than to Muslims (ignoring the Palestinian Christian minority) and that it should be put under exclusive Jewish...

08 Apr 2021

Spaces and exchanges - To what extent have the Great Britain's changes influenced the whole world?

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology

I am going to ponder over the notion 'spaces and exchanges'. So before all, let me introduce it. The beauty and the richness of our world is due to the multitude of countries and communities, with different cultures. Each area is special in its history, its language, its customs, and so...

05 Sep 2007

The Growth of Education in Tudor England under the Influences of Church and State

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Medieval history

The growth of education in England is largely associated with the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and the rule of the Tudor monarchy. Although there are many factors which contributed to the advancement of education, it was the policies of church and state that had the greatest impact. It is...

28 Sep 2016

The writing style and influence of Anderson Sherwood

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

Anderson Sherwood was an important and influential figure in American literature. His works have helped to motivate writers by the likes of Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner and John Steinbeck. In his works Queer and Sophistication, Anderson allows his readers a glimpse of what life was like for...

03 Oct 2007

The Influence of Popular World Music on Modern Western Music

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The nebulous category of World Music has been defined as "simply not our music, it is their music (Rahkonen, 1)." World Music is thus a distinction based on otherness and not any singularly defining characteristic. It is a term that developed from the classification of popular music "to include...

16 Jan 2009

Democratic Republic of Sao Tomé e Principe: Parties, influence groups and human rights

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

The islands of Sao Tomé and Principe were colonized by the Portuguese in the 16th century and were then used as a slave trading point. Later in the 19th century they began to export cocoa. After the decolonization in 1951 the country finally came to independence in 1975. A one-party-regime was...

11 Jun 2008

How the mass media influences the global community

Essay - 5 pages - Social sciences

Over the course of the last three decades, notable changes have taken place in the context of international discourse. Although many of these changes have occurred as the natural result of the evolution of individual countries, overall changes in the international community have been spurred by...

12 May 2009

Explanation of the factors that might influence an entrepreneur's decision to start up another new venture following the failure of their business

Business plan - 4 pages - Business strategy

Each year in the United Kingdom over 300 000 businesses have set up, and 300 000 have closed down. Half of these new businesses cease trading within three years of being created, lowering small businesses average life down to five years. Among the failed businesses, only 10% close involuntary...

25 Feb 2011

Buddhist influence on architectural elements of the Dunhuang Caves of China

Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history

The Dunhuang Caves have long been one of the most important architectural sites in the world, not only as a monument of cultural heritage, but also as memorial to the only religion to ever be universally accepted throughout the vast empire of China. While the sheer number of caves is an...

26 Jun 2012

Analysis of the notion of sport from a sociological perspective, using a number of theoretical approaches (functionalist, conflict, feminist, etc), influenced by scholars like Marx and Durkheim

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Sport has been the focus of increased debates by socio-political commentators since decades. During the twentieth century, sport became much more than just a physical activity with the advent of new technology and the mass media, professional sport gained in importance (Foer, 2005). The situation...

28 Sep 2011

Roman Architectural Influences in the United States

Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history

The tremendous beauty and ingenuity of Roman architecture remained a visual testament of a culture that rose to power and became a dominant force that conquered and governed a vast empire spanning Europe, Asia Minor and Northern Africa. Since Roman architects assimilated Greek and Etruscan styles...

30 Nov 2009

How US domestic policy influenced the Cuban missile crisis?

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

It is a well known fact that United States and Soviet Union came close to nuclear war due to the Cuban Missile Crisis. President John Kennedy's diplomatic efforts helped to resolve the crisis in the peaceful manner for which he received international acclaim. President Kennedy's popularity soared...

27 Jan 2009

A critical study: Spanish artifact influences in the Andes in the mid-20th century

Thesis - 11 pages - Modern history

The Spanish encountered a culture very foreign to their own in the jagged peaks of the Andes. At the time of the conquest the Andean Mountains were spattered with different languages. There was no alphabetic writing. What the pan-Andeans did have was objects, everyday objects such as tunics...

03 Jun 2008

How does Confucian management influence ethical development in western organizations?

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Management

Over the course of the twentieth century, researchers have spent a considerable amount of time and energy examining the development of ethics in the context of organizational behavior. While some experts have concluded the ethics are difficult to incorporate into the context of the activities of...

19 Apr 2009

A study on the common cloud types and their influence on the weather

Thesis - 14 pages - Ecology & environment

The heat from the sun's energy results in the water at the surface of the earth, mainly in oceans warming and converting into gaseous water vapor. The presence of such water vapor makes air moist or humid. The air near the ground rises when it becomes warm due to the sun's rays, and when...

08 Apr 2021

Places and forms of power - Can young people have a real impact on the world?

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology

I am going to ponder over the notion of places and forms of power. So before all, let me introduce it. The power refers to the ability to act, to exercise an influence on something. It can be divided in several categories: there is the legislative, the executive, the judiciary power. For...

11 Jul 2022

What methods of communication could Drop employ to reach out to its two primary audiences directly and personally?

Case study - 4 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Drop Technologies Inc. is a loyalty program startup that was formed in 2015 and is based in Toronto, Canada. This startup offers a loyalty program to its consumers. The concept is straightforward: Drop users download the application on their phone, create an account, and attach their preferred...

28 Jul 2022

The cosmetics marketing

Case study - 5 pages - Luxury marketing

The cosmetics industry is a huge and profitable market in the world. Today, this market is worth billions. In fact, according to the Cosmetics Europe and the personal care association in 2020, Europe was the largest market in the world, with 76.7 billion euros; followed by the USA with 72.3...

05 Apr 2022

Our minds can be hijacked: the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia - Paul Lewis (Guardian October 2017)

Law article commentary - 2 pages - Computer science

These developers that created the current internet social environment and that have started to disconnect themselves from this environment. The article that appeared in "The Guardian", issue of October 2017, titled as "Our minds can be hijacked: the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia",...