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Theme : Social security

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31 Aug 2006

Is there room, and how much, for immigrants in the European social model?

Essay - 11 pages - Social sciences

Immigration is deeply rooted in the European history. In the post-war times several West European governments - especially in big and devastated countries - resorted to immigration to cope with important needs for labour force the after-reconstruction economic boom. Immigrants, mostly from...

19 Oct 2007

The Man in the Mirror: Self-Awareness as Social Awareness

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Much of the realm of psychology, especially in the disciplines of neuroscience and cognitive studies, is focused on identifying the unified characteristics of human thought and behavior. The brain is studied extensively: years upon years of theories and experiments have yielded an accurate map...

13 Jan 2009

British housing policies Case study: Impact on the social exclusion experienced by the Pakistani minority

Case study - 4 pages - Social sciences

Water and food are commonly accepted as the basic needs of life. Housing, by providing us a shelter, is also necessary so that you survive. Therefore it is also a fundamental need. However, every house should not only be a shelter, but also a real home. What makes a house a home is a complex...

27 Jul 2006

The political influence on organization decision making towards corporate social responsability: a socio economic approach

Essay - 30 pages - Economy general

This research will look at the political influence on organization decision making towards social responsibility. To do so, a combination of social and economic theories will be used. In chapter three, the political field and the political actors in this research will be...

04 Jun 2008

The development of art and architecture and how it reflects the social and cultural attitudes underlying social discourse.

Essay - 6 pages - Arts and art history

Research on the development of art and architecture demonstrates that works created during different time periods clearly reflect the social and cultural attitudes underlying social discourse. With this in mind, it is not surprising to find that the middle class interiors of the...

05 Jun 2008

The Social, Political, and Public Health Development of Tuberculosis

Essay - 8 pages - Social sciences

Tuberculosis has borne an invasive and impressionable mark on public health history. Its presence has influenced the development of medical practice and public health responsibilities, and its impact is still very much felt to this day. Yet the existence of tuberculosis has not been immune to...

28 Nov 2008

Beyond words and content based systems: Towards a psychologically creative social culture

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

This essay is concerned with phenomena that comes within the domain of psychology. We will emphasize areas of psychology that are healthy. Hence it will be argued that for many people words (and content orientated systems) are inadequate for expressing life - yet unfortunately - they have been...

12 Jan 2009

What are the main causes of social exclusion?

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology

Shot in black and white cinema verity style, Hate (La Haine) follows a day in the life of three aimless, violence-prone, ethnically-diverse young men who hail from the same decaying housing project in Paris. Mathieu Kassovitz won the Best Director prize for this realistic movie at the Cannes Film...

20 Feb 2009

Social work essay: Observation and assessment of a child

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

I will offer a written assessment and evaluation of my observations of a six year old female child. Firstly, I will outline what observation is, why it is important to social work and how it is used. I will discuss how this child was chosen, who chose the child and how permission to...

29 Sep 2009

Total and its corporate social responsibility

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

TOTAL, the international group known worldwide, works above all, in the energy industries and also a little bit in the chemical industry. TOTAL group was created in 2003, after several mergers but it has some origin from 1923. It is a limited company. Today TOTAL is not only a multinational...

29 Sep 2010

The term globalization used in relation to a host of social, economic, cultural and political processes

Essay - 12 pages - International relations

Globalization is easier to describe than to define. This is because, in its present form and usage, it is a new, complex, dynamic, multidimensional, and worldwide phenomenon, which means different things to different people and different things to the same groups across time and space. It evokes...

27 Jan 2011

Social psychology and visual advertising of "BMW Series 5 Touring"

Case study - 4 pages - Services marketing

The visual advertisement of the brand "BMW" and the "5 Series Touring" car is probably taken from a regional magazine in the Paris region. This advertisement is intended to pass this car as the best for customers not only from a technical standpoint but also from a relational point of view. It...

16 Jan 2009

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A multi-lateral approach to the subject

Essay - 13 pages - Management

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a highly debated topic during the last recent years in most developed and developing countries. We can today distinguish among three main general views on the role that CSR could play in shaping companies' policies. The first view on CSR,...

31 Jul 2007

Social and Economic Issues in Medicine

Presentation - 38 pages - Medical studies

Medicine is practiced in a social, economic, and political context. It takes more than excellent medical care to improve the health of patients because many of the determinants of the health of individuals and populations lie outside traditional clinical activity. By contrast, 40% of...

28 Aug 2008

The economic, social and political impact of the Great Depression on Southeast Asia

Essay - 9 pages - Modern history

Southeast Asia did not escape the effects of the Great Depression that burst upon the Western industrialised world at the beginning of the 1930s. The 1929 crisis formed a watershed in the history of Southeast Asia, leaving neither the economic, social nor political sphere untouched. Apart...

31 Aug 2006

The party of European socialists and the identity of European social democracy

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

The question wether there is currently something that can be called the crisis of social-democracy is arguable: after all, social-democractic and socialist parties are still the counterpart of Conservatives and Christian-democrats, sharing alternaltively government responsibilities...

16 Jan 2009

Corporate social responsibility: The example of Air France-KLM

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

This group was created in 2004 through the merger of Air France and KLM and is now the world leader in terms of international passenger traffic. In addition, the financial results have been improved considerably over the last few years. But how is the airline group actually dealing with its...

27 Jan 2009

Two in a Bed: The Social System of Couple Bed Sharing

Book review - 5 pages - Social sciences

“Two in a Bed: The Social System of Couple Bed Sharing” by Paul C. Rosenblatt is a very detailed look at very ordinary human behaviors. Bed sharing is so common that Rosenblatt finds that it has been invisible to researchers, and taken for granted by most of the adults who...

26 Feb 2009

An assignment addressing key issues in social work

Essay - 5 pages - Social sciences

This assignment will focus on the key issues socially, economically and personally for the Hughes family, also the two methods of social work intervention I will use to assist with elevating issues, task-centred practice and crisis intervention. I will endeavour to critically analyse the...

12 Mar 2009

Social movements and depoliticization

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

When one endeavors to study sociology within the context of our society, we must view it and assess it in relation to the social infrastructures that are already in place. This in no small way means that politics needs to be a contributing factor. This is even more relevant in the...

18 Mar 2009

Analyzing the links between disability and child abuse and evaluating the role of Social Services with regards to Disabled Child Protection

Thesis - 21 pages - Social sciences

The protection of children is today a high profile issue, within both the voluntary and statutory sectors, although the abuse of disabled children is a matter that has only recently attracted professional interest. Whilst many people find it difficult to believe that disabled children, some of...

21 Mar 2009

Social science methodology and ethnicity without the group

Essay - 4 pages - Social sciences

In the realm of social science methodology and race studies, there is a short list of concepts that would appear to be as simple, and even as necessary as the idea of a group. The concept of the group is one that has relevance in a multi-disciplinary framework as it is a core concept for...

07 Apr 2009

Facing the inevitable: A psychological and social analysis of reactions to epidemics

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

In light of the growing threat of the avian flu, we thought it would be useful to investigate the psychological coping mechanisms that people employ to deal with pandemics and to try to minimize chaos by predicting these responses. Using historical accounts of epidemics, we concluded that...

22 Jul 2009

Before teen pregnancy: Contrasting the social capital and empowerment theories

Thesis - 3 pages - Social sciences

This paper will analyze two human behavior theories. Within this analysis, the discussion will review the history of these theories, their supporters, the stages of acceptance of the theories, and the strengths verses the weaknesses of each theory. Next, the paper will review the social...

12 Aug 2009

The post boasians and British social anthropology

Thesis - 5 pages - Social sciences

From the 1920 through the 1950's there was an effort to explain culture, but to explain it according to its effects on human behavior and development. Some theorists see things universally while other want to look at each culture as unique and thus not capable of being compared with other...

10 Mar 2010

Britain's industrial revolution: Social consequences and the plight of the working class

Thesis - 9 pages - Social sciences

The late 18th century was a period of revolutions, which is why for many it was a time of change and uncertainty. The American colonists had achieved their independence from Britain and the French had overthrown their monarchy and the nobility during this time period. In Britain however,...

25 Nov 2009

Language, women's magazines and socialization of women

Thesis - 5 pages - Social sciences

Throughout the years women's magazines have proved to be a profitable market. In general, these magazines are known as moral guides, shopping guides, and texts of stories and advice columns that can serve as an inspiration for different kinds of women. The numbers of sales of most of these...

29 Sep 2010

Can socially responsible firms increase their profits? - The case of 'The Body Shop'

Case study - 63 pages - Management

Corporate Social Responsibility is a topic of prime importance that has been doing the rounds for long. Since the 1960s, social responsibility has become an important argument not only for business but in the context of law, politics and economics. In fact, in the new context of...

31 Mar 2011

Examine and assess PepsiCo's social performance

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

Corporate social responsibility, more than ever before, has become a pivotal issue to top leaders in companies of all sizes. The process of globalization has witnessed the importance of formulating various strategies including sustainability in most multinational companies, among which...

17 Oct 2014

Can we consider corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a mean of recognition for multinational company?

Case study - 70 pages - Business strategy

Ethics has been a very important subject for thinkers since ancient times. The definition of ethics, a reflection on the reasons for desiring justice and harmony and how to achieve these, will be a valuable aid in the development of this thesis. It establishes the criteria for acting freely in a...