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149 results

30 Jun 2008

Job outlook for technical communicators

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

Technical writing is essential to our daily lives, there are a variety of career options for technical communicators. The key to survival is to have an education, know where to look for a job, and be prepared with an up-to-date resume and confident interviewing skills. Job Outlook for Technical...

19 Jun 2008

Romanticism Versus Enlightenment and Materialism

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

In the intellectual world, there are many different theories to explain and ideas to shape our role on this planet. The question over the existence of God is too large to tackle, but the fact that we have individuality and free will is indisputable. How are we to understand man's role on Earth?...

16 Jun 2008

The Impact that Photography has had on raising Public Awareness of the AIDS Epidemic in Africa

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

Introduction Artwork is created for a number of reasons. For instance, artwork may reflect the artist's inner conflict as he or she strives towards evolution. At the same time artwork can serve as the artist's interpretation of larger society and culture. In most instances, the viewer, examining...

11 Jun 2008

Comparison of Testimonies on Latin American Guerrilla Experiences

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

There is no better way to learn about historical experiences of others than to hear about them through the actors' own words. In Latin America, there is a continuing history of political upheaval. In many countries, ordinary citizens are repressed by the elite government, and there exists an...

09 Jun 2008

Playboy Magazine vs. Maxim Magazine

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

A heated competition exists between Playboy and Maxim magazines, two internationally-known magazines aimed at the male pop-culture target audience. Playboy, a well established publication, has risen to the status of sex icon in the fifty years since it was created by Playboy Enterprises Inc....

02 Jun 2008

The Twining of Art and Photojournalism

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

By the decisive spring of 1945, Allied Forces had entered Germany and were pushing towards the Rhine River. A series of bombing campaigns destroyed a number of major cities, crippling German industry and leading to the defeat of the Third Reich. Among the war correspondents who chronicled the...

17 Apr 2008

Compare/Contrast Analysis Literary Works of D. Haraway and D. Chandler

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

Writing is the most powerful tool that was given to humans. However, verbal communication is easier. Many people can articulate and verbally relate information they seek to pass on to their peers. Writing is a way of making sure that the message stays with the masses for a longer period of time....

17 Apr 2008

See the light - New K-6 homework software program will keep parents informed

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

The changing face of today's classroom has been linked to the direct correlation to a child's achievement. Since the late 1980's, nearly $5 billion more was spent annual on classroom technology (Foltos). This rise in funding positively displays the effect these new methods of teaching have on...

17 Apr 2008

Media's use of representation of genders and races leads to a distorted view of reality

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

A filmmaker's ultimate role is to properly present images in sequence that tell a story and/or conveys a message or several of them therefore. With various imagery tools, movies present a message in a way that makes them seem natural and fitting for the context that it is presented in. Whether...

17 Dec 2007

Communication Competence: The Core

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

Communication competence is the concept or framework that defines communication as we know it. It covers the all of the bases of communication, from talking to a person individually, to specific cases where logistics and demographics come into play. In order to be able to communicate over a large...

22 Oct 2007

Adorno and Fiske Pop TV

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

To a certain degree, the actions of individuals have an effect on their environment. However, our surroundings more dramatically influence our everyday experiences and shape our personalities. Two of the most popular cultural mediums, film and television, extend to mass audiences who eagerly...

09 Oct 2007

Facing an Uphill Battle: Running Fitness

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

When Ana Pichrtova talks about mountain running her eyes light up; she can't disguise the pure joy that these trail treks bring her. “I just love it! I love the trails, I love running- that's it!” Pichrtova exudes. Most elites, like Pichrtova, know the benefits of training on arduous...

02 Oct 2007

Governmental Leadership: Not Always Accurate

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

It is argued by a noted historian that the federal government sets the policies and the people calmly follow. However, for that to be the case, one would have to ignore the many riots and protests that have taken place in America from 1945-present. Also, this noted historian says that the central...

02 Oct 2007

A Critique of Democracy through Aristotle (and Plato)

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

Democracy is defined today as “a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.” In the time of Plato and Aristotle, there was a simple definition that was essentially...

02 Oct 2007

Evaluating the Forces of Fate through Macbeth and Romeo & Juliet

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

In many of William Shakespeare's dramas, a theme that seems to appear habitually is fate. Fate is defined as the “supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events, and the inevitable events predestined by this force.” Macbeth and Romeo & Juliet are two stories in which fate...

02 Oct 2007

Isolated Uncertainties

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

A community can be generalized as a place where people with similar interests and lifestyles dwell together in healthy unison. Since the Romantics, a theme that reappears in literature often is alienation. Despite this, the concept of “community” is still present in such works as...

28 Sep 2007

Wrongful Writing

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

There are many ethical issues that come up within journalism as a whole, from broadcasters to anchors to cameramen. One of the positions that have come under the most scrutiny in the last several years however has been within the realm of print journalism and the writers who work there. This...

28 Sep 2007

Literary vs. Commercial Fiction

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

The difference between literary fiction and commercial writing is an interesting contrast played out by many fiction writers. Literary fiction is known to be a more intelligent type of writing. The author usually includes in the story several underlying themes or subplots, trying to teach us...

27 Sep 2007

Hunter's in the Snow

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

The short literary fiction Hunter's in the Snow, written by Tobias Wolff, is an interesting story depicting the life of three men who embark on a hunting journey that none shall forget. The story brings to mind a time not to long ago that seems simpler yet more complex then our urbanized state of...

26 Sep 2007

How to Start and Run a Small Book Publishing Company by Peter I. Hupalo - published: 26/09/2007

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

The author of this book, Peter Hupalo, self-published his first book, Thinking Like An Entrepreneur in 1999, thus beginning his company, HCM Publishing. This book appears to be the second book he has self-published, though he does not mention how many books by other authors he has published. I...

13 Sep 2007

Analyzing Flynn's Ether

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

Opening Nick Flynn's first published book of poetry, Some Ether, is like peering through a textured window. While the colors and images are sharp, the objects and sentiments are distorted—candidates for unique interpretations. Flynn's fragmented poetry reflects his confusion in coping with...

12 Sep 2007

The Wall Street Journal: Does Language Exclude Others?

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

The assignment states that “language use in discourse communities functions (in part) to exclude others”. While this is true in many cases, sometimes language use in discourse communities actually functions to include others. After all, the goal of any publication, be it a newspaper, a...

06 Sep 2007

The Ineffective Alternative for Youthful Offenders: Juvenile Boot Camps

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

America's youth are becoming more and more involved with crime, while juvenile crime rates are skyrocketing. As these crime rates increase, a need for better and more proficient means to detain and rehabilitate youth is apparent. Juvenile boot camps were the solution that many professionals...

06 Sep 2007

The USA Patriot Act: How Un-Patriotic Is It?

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

After the attacks of 9/11 on American freedom and on American soil, it was apparent that there was a need for better protection against terrorist attacks, and for the very freedom that we once cherished, and, to some extent, took for granted. The American government devised a plan to combat...

30 Aug 2007

Writing for Travel Magazines

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

Journalists write feature stories for travel magazines to inform their audience of different vacation locations and to give them tips and advice on what activities to explore while on holiday. The main goal of journalists is to sell magazines by creating colorful and exciting descriptions of...

30 Aug 2007

What Do Editors Write?

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

One of the most important skills employers seek in potential employees is strong communication skill in both oral and written communication. Being able to write well gives an individual a slight edge over other applicants in any profession. In the newspaper industry, writing well is one of the...

29 Aug 2007

Parody as it Relates to U.S. Copyright Law

Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

The idea at the heart of the First Amendment - and at the heart of democracy, itself - is that citizens have the right to criticize anything. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution establishes the power of Congress “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for...

29 Aug 2007

Commercial Media as Free Press

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to...

25 Jan 2007

Individual identity and global information. The global village (Mac Luhan)

Essay - 7 pages - Journalism

How is individual identity constructed in the environment of global information and media flows? How valid is Marshall Mac Luhan's global village concept in this environment? Nowadays, each of us is aware from the pattern of our everyday lives that there have been lots of changes linked with...