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Startup, entrepreneurship

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21 results

30 Dec 2024

The genius app idea: the importance of flexibility and customer feedback

Case study - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Coming up with good entrepreneurial ideas and knowing how to evaluate them is difficult. In this respect, the student made three main mistakes: having the wrong preconceived notions about entrepreneurship and start-up founders, failing to develop a prototype, and not adopting the lean startup...

30 Dec 2024

Trend Buddy: A unique business idea where Artificial Intelligence is integral to the business model

Case study - 3 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

By analyzing vast amounts of historical data and leveraging advanced algorithms, AI can identify patterns, detect trends, and make accurate predictions about future outcomes. Trend forecasting takes into account interactions between brands and their customers to better predict the direction of...

30 Dec 2024

Bambu's network of stakeholders

Case study - 3 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Bambu is a Singaporean wealth management system created in 2016. It designs customized robo-advisory applications for financial institutions. Its end users are the clients of said institutions. Edward Freeman defines a stakeholder as anyone invested in or affected by the company. Bambu's...

30 Dec 2024

Filmr startup strategy: from hypotheses to execution

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

The last steps would be related to my mindset while going through the execution. According to the pilot-in-the-plane principle, I would keep a fundamental belief that one can create change in the world around them and be doubtful of statements that something is "impossible". Finally, according to...

01 Oct 2024

Noordhoek's Nectar

Business plan - 7 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Noordhoek's Nectar is my community plant project that provides customers with access to locally grown, organic fruits and vegetables, aiming to offer a healthy alternative to supermarket chains. Unemployed individuals will assist with projects, learning how to grow, maintain, and harvest...

11 Sep 2024

BettaU: Building a stronger, more resilient youth equipped to handle the challenges of modern society

Case study - 20 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Awareness surrounding mental health has increased significantly in recent years, specifically amongst the younger generation who are still at school (Free courses in England, n.d.). The World health organisation has estimated that 1 in 5 young people experience a mental health condition (Free...

22 Jul 2024

Evaluating revenue optimization for a real estate enterprise using Airbnb in Paris - published: 22/07/2024

Dissertation - 13 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

BK Realty is an enterprise specialized in high quality property management, whose main field of interest is the operation, sale, renting, control and oversight of real estate. We act as brokers on behalf of our clients, attempting to find the easiest and most efficient solution for their needs....

04 Feb 2024

Digital Transformation in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Roadmap towards Innovation and Growth

Course material - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

The slogan of digital transformation is not a buzz but an imperative strategic drive in this current century economy where technology is taking the centre stage of shaping business landscapes. The use of digital technologies is vital for the SMEs playing so important role in terms of making up a...

24 May 2023

Management of the SME - Ateliers d'Occitanie

Internship report - 5 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

The company Ateliers d'Occitanie is a limited company, whose head office is located at in Narbonne. I found this internship thanks to my parents, who knew the manager very well; she wanted to meet me, and she decided to hire me. This internship has been a positive experience for me. It was...

05 Apr 2023

Management assistant internship - MATTON Chauffage Service

Internship report - 3 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

MATTON Chauffage Service is a local company which is located at 3 avenue Albert Thomas in Albi. It is specialized in the maintenance of heating systems. There are 8 employees. Its equity is 10 000 € and its turnover is 487 084 €. It is led by Mr. MATTON Philippe.

17 Sep 2022

How are women entrepreneurs changing the world?

Course material - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

This lesson plan explains how women entrepreneurs can change the world, and includes vocabulary and exercises to practice writing in English.

19 Jul 2022

PESTEL Analysis - Levi Strauss Company - published: 19/07/2022

Case study - 7 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Founded in 1853, Levi Strauss Company is by far one of the largest outfit organizations in the world and has been known far and wide for its inventions of jeans as classic clothing apparel. With over fifteen thousand employees across the globe, as of 2020, the company has not only become a global...

20 Jun 2022

Creating a business in France : laws, processes and forms

Dissertation - 3 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Every year, many businesses are created in France. In 2020, despite the health crisis, more than 800,000 businesses were created. That is an increase of 4% compared to 2019. However, creating a company is not as simple as that. Indeed, there are many regulations to respect. We will see in this...

04 Oct 2021

Entrepreneurship: How to Run a Market Study

Practical guide - 4 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Creating any company requires a market study done by entrepreneurs for a better understanding of the market they are willing to enter. This understanding of the market will give entrepreneurs the ability to easily convince their future investors. The efficiency of a market study is based on its...

14 Jun 2021

How and why do effectual entrepreneurs use business plans?

Essay - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

The field of entrepreneurship has experienced remarkable progress over the past fifteen years. To begin with, there is a great amount of work that highlighted how the creation of new ventures opportunities can be discovered and exploited. The Theory of Effectuation, developed by Sara Sarasvathy...

14 Jun 2021

Are entrepreneurs born or made?

Essay - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are seen as pillars of the market economy and their activities as creators of value and employment. Indeed, we live in an entrepreneurial economy model. In the first place, it is important to define the word 'entrepreneur': she/he is an individual who has the courage to...

27 Apr 2021

Geev, an ethical French start-up

Case study - 1 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

First, I would like to know if someone had ever heard about Geev before? How many? Okay, so for those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's the long story short! Geev, it's a French start-up that was created by two business students at Bordeaux. They are the ones who...

06 Oct 2020

How to Write a Successful Business Plan?

Business plan - 9 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

In order to achieve any goal or project, all companies face a common problem: "planning for the future". Indeed, the reality is that we cannot predict precisely what will happen in the future or the consequences our present decisions will have on that future. However, entrepreneurs have a tool...

24 Jun 2020

Entrepreneurship and Lean Startup

Course material - 8 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

The word entrepreneurship was originally used for people who "take on the risk" between buyers and sellers. Later the word was used for those who undertake a task or start a new business venture - "The process of turning an idea into a business". - "Entrepreneurs assemble and then integrate all...

16 Aug 2019

Evaluating revenue optimization for a real estate enterprise using Airbnb in Paris

Thesis - 13 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

BK Realty is an enterprise specialized in high quality property management, whose main field of interest is the operation, sale, renting, control and oversight of real estate. We act as brokers on behalf of our clients, attempting to find the easiest and most efficient solution for their needs....

05 Mar 2010

The e-marketing plan of a Belgian SME: Cha-hu-the

Case study - 26 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Nowadays, "the key question is not whether to deploy Internet technology - companies have no choice if they want to stay competitive- but how to deploy it". Since 2008, the penetration rate of the Internet is 48.1% in Europe, and the average of the world is 21.9%. More specifically, Belgium is...