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143 results

08 May 2008

Roses are Red, Emily is Blue, Her Father Died and She Went Cuckoo: A Novel Project on William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Over the years, society has come to accept that in most cases, people are the products of their environments. For example, if one is brought up in an irresponsible environment, it is likely they will be irresponsible when they are older. However, when people are brought up in extreme...

06 May 2008

Death Becomes Me: The Development of a Personal Eschatology

Essay - 8 pages - Psychology

Though the exact methods by which one might “die twice” are unclear, the sage wisdom of modern-day philosopher Chris Rock is undeniable: regardless of whom one may be, one will certainly die. Concordantly, according to philosopher Martin Heidegger death is not only an inevitable end,...

06 May 2008

Diving into "Water on the Brain" Hydrocephalus: An Exploration

Essay - 7 pages - Psychology

The popular board game Operation entails the treatment of, amongst many other ersatz medical conditions, “water on the knee,” cleverly rendered as a bucket to be withdrawn from the knee of the plastic “patient” using tweezers. However, to the dismay of many seven-year old...

24 Apr 2008

Gender Schema Theory

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

In “Gender Schema Theory and Its Implications for Child Development: Raising Gender-aschematic Children in a Gender-schematic Society”, Sandra Lipsitz Bem introduces a cognitive model for the process of sex-typing as it occurs in child development. She then provides a step-by-step...

19 Apr 2008

The Female Gender Role in the Media An Analysis of Three Studies

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

In the United States of America, the media plays a gigantic role in the life of every man, woman, and child. No one can escape the media, for our life has become based around it. Televisions are being built into cars, the internet is full of advertisements, the radio is constantly blaring - there...

15 Apr 2008


Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Humans inherently focus on the face to understand other people's emotional states. Facial expressions are used to communicate worldwide, making them innate and universal. This essay addresses the various ways in which the brain processes facial information. Specific evidence is given for the...

26 Dec 2007

The Theory of Emerging Adulthood

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

In his book Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens through the Twenties, Dr. Jeffrey Jensen Arnett details research he has conducted shedding light on emerging adulthood. Arnett can be considered at the forefront of research of this kind. According to his biographical...

19 Dec 2007

Creative Chaos

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

Suicide. The mere mention of the word makes most of us disturbingly uncomfortable. Yet, just as we run outside, and down the street wearing only a bathrobe, transfixed by a cavalcade of emergency vehicles' flashing lights, urgently needing to know “what happened,” our morbid curiosity...

19 Dec 2007

Wal-Mart: Past, Present, and Future. An Economical View

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

Twenty years ago a day of shopping meant going to one store for groceries, another store for clothes, and still another store for prescriptions. Today a day of shopping can be done with one door and one trip. Wal-Mart has changed the way Americans and other countries do their daily shopping....

12 Dec 2007

The Shadow: Man's Garbage Can

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Every child is born with a vast library of experiences which Jungian psychology describes as the collective unconscious, the contents of which are called archetypes. These archetypes are unlearned tendencies to experience life in certain ways, and manifest themselves in several forms. Some of...

11 Dec 2007

Prize Winning Design

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio, directed by Jane Anderson and released in 2005, tells the true story of a mother from Defiance, Ohio who helped raise her rather large family by winning contests to earn money and necessities in absence of a steady income from her husband. Julianne Moore plays...

11 Dec 2007

Bridging the Gap

Essay - 7 pages - Psychology

Wondering how similar animals are to ourselves is not a recent question to philosophy or research science. Pet owners are all aware of the mystery behind how it seems like a beloved cat or dog just “knows” when the day has been horrible. More recent research has taken this philosophical...

07 Dec 2007

Sex, Verbal Task and Hand Placement Interactions Influence Balance Times

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

A person's motor ability may be influenced by one's sex and verbal tasks. We hypothesized that a difficult verbal task would interfere with motor skills on the right hand more for men than women due to lateralization of the brain. The balancing times of a dowel were compared between males and...

27 Nov 2007

James Lett and Paranormal Belief

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

Paranormal belief is a controversial topic within society and many of its advocates and opponents are both victim to biases in their advocating for or against it. Paranormal belief implies a belief in phenomena that currently cannot be explained by science. These ideas can range from precognition...

26 Nov 2007

GABA Receptors

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

GABAA Receptor The GABAA receptor is a member of the superfamily of ligand-activated ion channels in the cell membrane. GABA type A (GABAA) receptors are most closely related to strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors, more distantly related to acetylcholine nicotonic receptors and serotonin...

13 Nov 2007

Monoamine Sythesis, Storage and Degradation

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

In addition to similarities in neuronal organization, monoaminergic systems are similar with regard to their synthesis, storage, and degradation. Monoamines are synthesized within neurons from common amino acid precursors and taken up into synaptic vesicles via a vesicular monoamine transporter....

19 Oct 2007

The Individual vs. Freud

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

I have always been wary of psychoanalysis. In my own studies of psychology, I have preferred personality psychology to social psychology, but psychoanalysis has always rested somewhere between the two. A personal prejudice, perhaps, since psychoanalysis is concerned only with personality, but I...

19 Oct 2007

The Man in the Mirror: Self-Awareness as Social Awareness

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Much of the realm of psychology, especially in the disciplines of neuroscience and cognitive studies, is focused on identifying the unified characteristics of human thought and behavior. The brain is studied extensively: years upon years of theories and experiments have yielded an accurate map...

19 Oct 2007

Shaping Dissent

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

Wilhelm Wundt, considered the founder of psychology primarily for his text book and laboratory, contributed one more lesser-known piece to the evolution of the science: reaction-time. Reaction-time in and of itself is a simple concept: it is the “interval elapsing between the mental...

02 Oct 2007

Consciousness in the Collective Core

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

The enigma that is the essence of consciousness in modern society can be readily explained and analyzed by anyone with the ability to do so and does not necessitate the so-called authoritative citations that we so emphatically consider reliable sources. It doesn't really take a Ph.D. to write an...

29 Aug 2007

The Future Lies Within the Palms of Our Children

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

“Welcome, all of you, to the United States of America,” says the head of immigration at the U.S. Department of Justice. There are about fifty immigrants from all over the world who have chosen to come to the United States to live. She proceeds to say, “There are a couple of things...

23 Aug 2007

Developmental Trends in Children's Acquisition and Use of Display Rules

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Emotions are innate and adaptive processes that entail the appraisal of life situations for one's well being and a readiness to act to sustain the state of well being (e.g., Barrett & Campos, 1987; Lazarus, 1991). The occurrence of emotion, especially of a basic emotion, usually elicits...

20 Apr 2007

The Birth and Social Role of the Psychological Sciences: A Comparative Historical Perspective

Essay - 10 pages - Psychology

Taxonomical terms like depression, schizophrenia, neurosis, and psychosis, among many others, are today wielded with ease by doctors and are readily accepted by patients. While they are thought to be scientifically objective qualifications, a crucial examination of the social context of their...