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Case studies in clients and users behaviour

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2 results

08 Nov 2023

The WidgetTech Customer Satisfaction Survey

Case study - 3 pages - Clients and users behaviour

WidgetTech is a leading technology company that specializes in manufacturing and selling cutting-edge widgets. Over the past few years, WidgetTech has experienced a significant drop in customer satisfaction scores. Their customers, who come from a wide range of industries, have reported issues...

17 Feb 2021

Mass consumption and crisis situation - Parallel with the Coronavirus

Case study - 4 pages - Clients and users behaviour

In recent days, panic has invaded the homes of French consumers, since the Coronavirus has officially arrived in France, causing in particular the closure of schools. In these moments of doubt, fear and anguish, some consumers have tended to rush into the supermarket shelves in order to provide...