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483 results

04 Nov 2008

The Bergsonian martial artist : Bruce Lee's philosophies on the martial arts

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

Bruce Lee, international film star, martial arts master, and founder of Jeet Kune Do, received his undergraduate training in Philosophy at the University of Washington in Seattle during the early 1960's. He studied Eastern and Western Philosophy, as well as the history of thought. It is unknown...

10 Oct 2008

The origins of human aggression and just war theory

Thesis - 6 pages - Philosophy

Critics of just war theory will remind people of its theoretical nature and inability to prevent a war. While this is certainly true, in that politicians in power are unlikely to attempt to use just war theory to prove that their cause is just before entering a war, the theory enables...

10 Sep 2008

The State of the Tibetan People as a minority experiencing complex social conflict and proposal to United Nations for applied second track intervention

Essay - 8 pages - Philosophy

This proposal outlines some of the conflicts associated with the Tibetan people as the repressed and overtaken minority within the People's Republic of China. Currently, social conflict is one of the most critical issues facing Tibetans today. This document attempts to direct all concerned...

09 Sep 2008

Approaching death: A literature review on end-of-life care

Thesis - 6 pages - Philosophy

Before the 1950's many a lot of people died at home with the family around. They often died quickly of illnesses such as influenza, measles or scarlet fever. Today, as medical technology creates more and more tools and medicines to prolong lives, human beings are faced with the difficult process...

04 Sep 2008

Empirical feasibility in Kant's Perpetual Peace

Book review - 8 pages - Philosophy

In his essay Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch, Immanuel Kant prescribes the means of attaining a worldwide peace among nations. In theory, Kant's idea of achieving Perpetual Peace relies not on reactionary peaceful measures of ending wars once they have begun, but instead on creating a...

01 Sep 2008

The resurrection of narrative: Postmodern positions on knowledge in the work of Cormac McCarthy

Book review - 6 pages - Philosophy

‘For this world also which seems to us a thing of stone and flower and blood is not a thing at all but is a tale.' Cormac McCarthy, by profession, is concerned with narrative. Being so concerned, conclusions can be drawn by clues both explicit and implicit pertaining to McCarthy's stance on...

28 Aug 2008

Gandhi and the doctrine of mind only truth and the void of being

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Gandhi's thought follows in the footsteps of a philosophical tradition whose founders examined the nature of reality through the internal realm of the spirit. Their works described a constant and unceasing search for what is real, a journey that questioned the very means by which we perceive and...

18 Aug 2008

Chivalry: Arisen from the dead or buried for good?

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

The purpose of this research is to answer whether or not men on the UCSB campus conform to society's traits of being a gentleman. When we are young, theories of etiquette and manners are instilled in us. Many of us grow up and continue to be courteous and show people kindness as a sign of...

30 Jul 2008

Tangled claims and tensions in Heidegger's rectorate address

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

In the following paper we will undertake a close analysis of “The Self-Assertion of the German University,” Martin Heidegger's address to the University of Freiburg upon assuming the rectorship at the school. Though space constraints dictate that we cannot explicate and critique the...

28 Jul 2008

Plato's differing accounts of body and soul

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

In both the Phaedo and Republic 4, Socrates offers an account of the nature of psychological conflict in the context of a discussion about the soul. Different conceptions of the soul and body emerge from these accounts, each of which takes on a markedly different tenor. I will exposit and...

20 Jul 2008

Taking virtue seriously

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

In the present paper I will examine Cicero's charge in De Finibus that Epicurean theory does not, as it were, take virtue seriously. I will then lay out two Epicurean responses to Cicero's objection. I will show that the first response - that Epicurean theory may both take virtue seriously and...

20 Jul 2008

The spirit of Thoreau

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Henry David Thoreau was an essayist and philosopher who played a major role in the moral consciousness of the United States during the decades leading up to the Civil War. An influential and revolutionary thinker through both his writings on transcendentalism and his ideas of natural...

15 Jul 2008

Sermon 8 on the plagues of Egypt and the ten commandments of the law

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Augustine was greatly appreciated by his respective community for his teachings on Christianity and the profile of the Christian identity. His resources were not limited to only the New Testament Scriptures but avail other writings to further fulfill such teachings. The Jewish Scripture, or the...

14 Jul 2008

Myth, the age of irrationalism, and the cult of celebrity.

Essay - 10 pages - Philosophy

Ancient and primitive cultures demonstrate the use of myth as an epistemological basis, but historically they have been replaced by Rationalism. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, however, the insufficiency of reason for the task we give it has become more and more evident, until at last...

14 Jul 2008

Augustine and the vast interior: A discussion on Christian Asceticism

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Augustine's Confessions are built upon the twin poles of a search for God and a search for self. These twin poles are also twining poles because Augustine proclaims that one can only understand self in light of God and that one can only find God through self-knowledge. In one of his sermons,...

13 Jul 2008

Why the Greeks?

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

I take the question which is the title of this paper in two ways. First, I take it to mean, “what racial, historical, cultural, geographical and political factors gave rise to what is commonly considered the first flowering of philosophical thought;” Second, to mean, “for what...

10 Jul 2008

Memorize your timetables: The rational world and the power of prediction in Tabucchi's La Testa Perduta di Damasceno Monteiro

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Philosophy

In Antonio Tabucchi's La Testa Perduta di Damasceno Monteiro, the reader is pulled into a detective murder-mystery dealing with decapitation, murder suspects named il Grillo Verde, and tripe. Of particular interest, however, is the character of Don Fernando, a lawyer whose mind flies from topic...

10 Jul 2008

An investigation into cause and effect in Hume

Book review - 4 pages - Philosophy

My roommate has asserted that every time she breathes pepper, she sneezes. Her past experience of breathing pepper and sneezing has always reflected her future experience of breathing pepper and sneezing. She claims that if she amasses a sufficient number of similar cases where the future has...

10 Jul 2008

The circle of life: A comparative look at the metaphysics of Conway and Spinoza

Book review - 3 pages - Philosophy

Both Lady Anne Conway and Baruch Spinoza argue that the individual things in the world, everything from the mosquito to the chair to the supermodel, contain the substance of God. And by sharing in the substance of God, the chair, the supermodel, and the mosquito are all alike. At the same time,...

10 Jul 2008

European social philosophy: A look at human need in Hegel's "Modern civil society"

Book review - 4 pages - Philosophy

In his Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Hegel gives an account of the modern social world as consisting of three institutions: the family, civil society, and the state. Focusing on modern civil society, I plan to discuss one of several ways in which human need is affected by this...

10 Jul 2008

Human catharsis in war

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Do you ever look at something for so long it doesn't make sense anymore? Have you ever been stuck in a moment that was your entire life? Cheated death, but regretted it afterwards? Looked at the man standing next to you and thought, “Who will die first, you or me?” This is every single...

09 Jul 2008

Sir Thomas Browne: The cosmography of himself

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

There is an adventurer who discovers more that is truly surprising, than the one who penetrates jungles, crosses deserts, and keeps the company of caravans; for all ‘Africa, and her prodigies' cannot have an effect on the placid, unplumbed nature, other than to store up images in his mind;...

09 Jul 2008

Moral philosophy on God, rationality, and the death of both

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

Right off the get go one can see these two philosopher's thoughts on morality appose one another, but their differences goes far beyond a petty disagreement over morality. The nature of their conflict goes much deeper, past a simple debate over what is good and what is evil. Together these two...

08 Jul 2008

The ethics of Merton: Non-violence and its connection with the sacred

Essay - 9 pages - Philosophy

Nonviolence is both a form of theory and the commitment to a lifestyle which adheres to this theory. Although there are different perceptions of the importance of direct action, nonviolence is mostly defined by its attitude of understanding and humility. The nonviolent tradition believes strongly...

08 Jul 2008

Analyzing the Amplesso: The philosophy of lovemaking in Calvino's Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore

Book review - 4 pages - Philosophy

Italo Calvino's Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore is usually acclaimed on grounds of its experimentation with narrativity. More specifically, Calvino weaves the beginnings of ten different pseudo-novels into a larger plotline involving the adventures of a reader (Lettore), who the narrator...

07 Jul 2008

A child's sex and age as predictors of the total time spent engaging in sex-specific toy play

Tutorials/exercises - 14 pages - Philosophy

This naturalistic observational study examined the effect of a child's sex and age with regard to how long comparatively that child is likely to engage in the three established categories of sex-specific toy play: male sex-specific toy play, female sex-specific toy play, and neutral toy play....

07 Jul 2008

History and spirituality of the book of common prayer

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Introduction The Book of Common Prayer is the universal title given to a number of prayer books in the Church of England and used all throughout the Anglican Communion. The very first volume, that came out in 1549, in the reign of Edward VI, was the creation and the result of the English...

07 Jul 2008


Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

During the late eighteenth century, significant changes in the arts promulgated the development of, what has since become known, as the period of a neoclassicism. The period has become such an important part of art and architectural history that any examination of these areas must include an...

24 Jun 2008

Moral Philosophy: A Smorgasbord of Moral Philosophers

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

“Aristotle, the man with a Grecian plan” Aristotle along with many of the other ancient Grecian philosophers are considered to have given birth to rational thought and its integration into philosophy, so it is no surprise that Aristotle's work on moral philosophy would focus on...

19 Jun 2008

Death and Identity in Ladakh and Rondônia

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Every culture defines different entities and ideas in relation to which the individual can experience his or her identity and physical or mental substances on which one's identities are located. Mortuary rites described in Hiroaki Mori and Yukari Hayashi's film The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Way...