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489 results

12 May 2008

Negative Portrayals of Heavy Metal Music

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

In today's world, the entertainment industry is one of the most prominent enterprises in the developed world, if not one of the top money makers. In fact, music sales alone have been a massive source of revenue, even regardless of the hits it has taken because of music piracy. Music, however,...

08 May 2008

Thinking This Hard Hurts

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Joseph K. is in trouble, and he doesn't know why. Accused of a crime the details of which he is not privy to, his life becomes one impossible search for an acquittal. All his energies are throwing into determining his crime and a way to prove his innocence, but ultimately his efforts are in...

06 May 2008

Logical Positivism

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Describe the logical positivist view of scientific theories. Explain at least one problem with the view, and assess whether it is a problem for all forms of logical positivism. Logical positivism, developed by the members of the Vienna Circle, was a new way of considering science and language. It...

05 May 2008

Working out problems results in better problem solving performance than studying worked-out problems

Presentation - 9 pages - Philosophy

Performance = Accomplishment It is associated to effective management of work, support and feedback Cognitive Load = Effort The load imposed on the cognitive system of a learner when performing a particular task = the amount of effort required to perform a task. The factors affected by the...

29 Apr 2008

Underground Egoism

Book review - 3 pages - Philosophy

Dostoevsky's Underground Man is an attempt to offer an example of the true result of egoism, as opposed to the rational egoism of Western European Enlightenment literature. It became the intellectual fashion at this time to believe that natural law was the only law, and that if men acted...

25 Apr 2008

Animals Rights and Human Wrongs in a Fast Food Nation

Book review - 5 pages - Philosophy

The abolitionist movement in slave-era America was clear-cut and its ethos was simple: Free all slaves in the name of human rights. Looking back centuries later at those who argued for slavery, most would find holes in their argument that Africans were meant to be slaves because of their racial...

22 Apr 2008

Songs of Caged Birds: life and its ups and downs

Book review - 3 pages - Philosophy

Maya Angelou's I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings is her first book dedicated to “all the strong black birds of promise who defy the odds and gods and sing their songs.” The cage represents a life of racism, poverty, illiteracy and dysfunction. The black birds represent the certain people...

22 Apr 2008

Adler/Maslow Personality: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Competition is something that has run in my blood since I can remember. I have gone against the grain of what a “normal” female gender role entails, I have been very competitive in all aspect of my life, starting when I was younger with a co-ed baseball team, which blossomed into...

22 Apr 2008

The Perfect Blend of Grit and Grace: An examination of cowgirls and their gender roles at the turn of the century

Thesis - 6 pages - Philosophy

Every little girl at one time or another played cowgirl. Being a cowgirl is always much more fun than being a little lady, which is what all parents want of their daughters. Little ladies that wear white gloves to church, say their “please” and “thank you's,” and make sure...

19 Apr 2008

Evidence of Platonic Ideals Communicated Through Ancient Greek Statues

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

The Platonic idealist is the man who by nature so wedded to perfection that he sees in everything not the reality but the faultless ideal which the reality misses…” - George Santayana (1) Art is subject to interpretation. Each and every work of art, from theatre, to music to...

18 Apr 2008

War and Peace: An Examination through Relativity

Essay - 8 pages - Philosophy

Human beings are not inherently desirous of war and destruction. Antithetically, their basal concern is preservation preservation of land, property, rights, religion, and life. War has no innate locale in the souls of man; it is a device, and many consider it flawed in nature and profoundly...

18 Apr 2008

"125th and Lenox: The Intersection of Different Ideological Avenues"

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X personify the argument regarding protest within the Civil rights Movement. The two charismatic leaders wanted civil and economic progress for the African-American community, and their differing perspectives on American society in the 1960s form the basis of...

16 Apr 2008

Ethnography of Meetings: the Hall

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Philosophy

The nature of the data from the Hall was very fluid; there are no definitive guidelines with which employees can maintain a productive working atmosphere, or with which I could make sense of the “policies” in place there; all policies and instructions are not written, but verbal. The...

16 Apr 2008

Exodus to America: The experience of Irish Women in a New World.

Case study - 6 pages - Philosophy

Throughout the 19th century, the Irish were leaving Ireland by the thousands in hope of a better life in America. During the famine the numbers intensified, bringing large amounts of poor and destitute families over to the growing American cities of New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago. But...

14 Apr 2008

Mucha's Dream: A New Art for a New Nation

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

In 1790, with the beginning of the National Revival, the Czechs worked to create a Czech state, which required the forming of a national consciousness that did not hitherto exist. The Czech people fashioned this identity using legend and myth and largely by contrasting themselves with their...

11 Apr 2008

Zinzendorf and the Moravian Church

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Philosophy

Akin to any Baptist upbringing are the words “missions” and “missionary”. Undoubtedly, most have filled plastic rice bowls, watched numerous slide shows of foreign lands and listened to stories of great Baptist women who impacted the world. Therefore, with such a heritage,...

11 Apr 2008

The Art of Zen Meditation

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Philosophy

Zen Buddhism is the practice of meditation Buddhism that had its greatest development and success in China. Known as Chan in Chinese and dhyana in Sanskrit, Zen has often been translated to mean meditation. Its ultimate goal, Shunyata an empty, zero state, called Buddha nature must be obtained to...

08 Apr 2008

Discrimination and Prejudice

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Philosophy

Researching prejudice is so undoubtedly crucial to the modern family because in order to eliminate something, we must first be fully aware of it. If it is not implemented from the very beginning of the development process that such intolerance and discrimination is totally unacceptable, a nation...

19 Feb 2008

Lyndon Baines Johnson: An overview study

Essay - 8 pages - Philosophy

When one thinks of the president Lyndon Baines Johnson, typically one associates him with the turbulent period we call the ‘sixties.' Whether or not his term in office merely coincided with this era is an issue often debated. Nonetheless, his commanding presence has left an indelible mark...

19 Feb 2008

The Marriage of Mereology and Topology: A coherent theory of Ontology

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

In the study of Ontology some peculiar issue arise out the study of entities and what make them up. The first thing that one notices is that there are parts of things and wholes that are the things which we view ontologically. This ontological status of parthood as relating to what the parts...

17 Feb 2008

Romantic Love in the Time of Abelard and Heloise

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

This essay seeks to show the existence of romantic love in the 12th century through various its manifestations in the letters of Peter Abelard and Heloise, as well as show how the idea of romantic idea was different from the ways in which we think of it today. These letters are filled with...

17 Feb 2008

The Rise of the Ribat Mentality and the End of Muslim Spain

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

Between the fall of Toledo in 1085 and the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212, a new force entered the politics of Muslim al-Andalus (or Andalusia). This force was the North African Islamic fundamentalism of two groups, the Almoravids and their successors, the Almohads. Both these groups...

11 Feb 2008

Greco-Roman Banquets: Applications to Biblical Analysis

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Philosophy

The author of this meager submission once attended a birthday banquet at the local McDonald's establishment in the far southwestern corner of Oklahoma. The highlight of this social outing, which must have included many compelling and edifying moments, consisted of a game in which contestants...

06 Feb 2008

"People like Us" by David Brooks

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

David Brooks' “People Like Us” is an analytical essay on the issue of diversity seen from the eyes of the author. Brooks takes an emotional point of view of the way in which we take for granted how diverse our nation is although it is “relatively homogeneous” when looked at...

04 Jan 2008

What are the Objects of Visual Perception?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

There is much debate about what it is we actually perceive of the world, if anything at all. In this essay I wish to focus on the theory of Direct Realism, and show why I believe it to be the correct theory. I will show this by looking at all the main objections to Direct Realism, and show that...

04 Jan 2008

Is Creation Due to Nature or God? Discuss the Arguments for Creation in the Samkhyakarika.

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

The Samkhya School of philosophy has what I believe to be an agnostic note on the nature of creation and on the existence of God, although not atheistic in the sense that there is still a cause for evolution. In this essay I will try to show how the Samkhya idea of creation is appealing but it...

04 Jan 2008

Can Knowledge Be Characterised as Justified True Belief? What Would a Better Account of Knowledge Look like?

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

There have been many attempts over the years to try and define what constitutes knowledge. Up until the early 1960's, the general consensus was that the tripartite analysis of knowledge was correct. However, it is now widely accepted that this is not the case, due to the work of Edmund Gettier...

04 Jan 2008

Essay on the Vaisesika and Bhagavad Gita Distinctions between Self and Body

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

It is my opinion that the distinction between self and body, as set out in the Vaisesika and mentioned in the Vedanta (Sourcebook, 1957, pp121-138, 386-423) , is an extremely cogent theory which seems to be able to reply to most objections raised to it. In this essay I will attempt to show how...

04 Jan 2008

Is Sound Eternal, as the Mimansa Philosophers Believe It to Be or Is It Transitory as the Nyaya Says?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Behind the claim that sound is eternal appears to be the idea that it must be eternal because the utterance of the word is for the purpose of another. Without this eternality, one person could not make anything known to another, because once the word was spoken, it would no longer exist. Another...

04 Jan 2008

What Would It Mean for an Event to Be a 'Miracle' in the Sense that Hume Describes It?

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

In this essay, I hope to show that some of the criticisms levelled against Hume, especially those by Robert Hambourger (1980), are not effective in their attempts to erode Hume's argument. These issues were discussed in an article by Dorothy Coleman (1988), which I will use to outline the...