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489 results

11 Aug 2009

Nietzsche's superman

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

The idea of the superman in Nietzsche's works is a crucial element as he uses it as a foundation from which to attempt to challenge the ingrained values of society. These values behind what is considered to be good and evil, he asserts, having been founded on the Christian faith serve only to...

31 Jul 2009

Know Theirself: Is knowledge of self a prerequisite to a successful life?

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Socrates believes that in order for one to live a successful life, they must be able to “Know Thyself”. When Socrates made this statement, he was in a time when doing good deeds which would make God happy was considered a successful life. In today's world, it is material wealth which...

31 Jul 2009

Agamemnon vs. Abraham: Universality vs. individuality

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Throughout Soren Kierkegaard's book, Fear and Trembling, there is controversy over whether the religious mindset or the ethical mindset should be used as the outline by which a person lives their life. These conflicting views are depicted by the decisions which Abraham and Agamemnon encounter...

31 Jul 2009

Equiano: The African Bishop Hovius

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

In regard to religious ideas and practices, Equiano is the only main character from the last three books and movie that Bishop Hovius would agree completely with. After analyzing the main characters in A Bishop's Tale, Equiano's Travels, The Unredeemed Captive, and The Black Robe, there were many...

28 Jul 2009

The Pauline Trust

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Forced isolation is rarely a good thing. Throughout human history, isolation has been a cardinal expression of punishment. Even a brief consideration of our literature and film arts will reveal our obsession with this dangerously powerful condemnation: The Count of Monte Cristo, The Great...

28 Jul 2009

'Tis a Gift to Be Faithful, 'Tis a Gift to Have Doubt

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

So. It's the week after Easter. Jesus is risen; he is appearing to his disciples; they're getting reorganized after the chaos of the crucifixion—they're getting the band back together. This can mean only one thing is starting to take shape: the church. Yes, you should definitely be...

15 Jul 2009

The religion of the social contract defining and denying civil religion

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

Throughout his work On the Social Contract, Rousseau attempts to describe a societal system in which sovereign rule is found within the collective will of the people. Within this system, he argues, freedom is linked to morality and essentially humanity. This freedom exists as a civil freedom in...

14 Jul 2009

Artists & mental illnesses - The mad genius

Thesis - 6 pages - Philosophy

Plato (427 - 347 B.C.), one of the earliest of the great philosophers claimed in his writing “The Ion” that artists, when creating, went temporarily out of their minds, that the artist was merely the medium used by the Gods to communicate with the audience. Plato used the term...

13 Jul 2009

Socrates and the importance of philosophy and the examined life

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

Those who have studied Socrates know that his thesis is: “the unexamined life is not worth living.” (Plato: 443). This is a statement that he says in his defense after he has been found guilty of corrupting the youth of Athens, making the stronger appear to be the weaker, and for...

13 Jul 2009

Nietzsche's genealogy's contribution to ethics

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

Friedrich Nietzsche is arguably one of the most influential philosophers of the 19th century as he challenged the roots of Christianity and the morality that came from it. He was a believer of life, and the realities of the world, not in the life that was rooted in religion. In other words, he...

13 Jul 2009

Ayn Rand's theory of rights as a serious theory

Thesis - 15 pages - Philosophy

Ayn Rand is a thinker who has attained notoriety for having a significant amount of influence on contemporary libertarians, especially when it comes to her theory of rights. She is unlike many other prominent theorists, in that she published much of her ideas in works of fiction, and this led her...

13 Jul 2009

Human rights and Islam: A critical review of research on Sudan

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

Many non-Muslim onlookers in places like the West have heard of the apparent human rights violations that occur in the some parts of the Islamic world, and they have come to conclude that women are naturally supposed to take a subordinate position to men. While there might be some good reasons...

10 Jul 2009

Experience reflection mill valley Islamic center

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Understanding the Muslim faith today for outsiders is more important now than any point in recent history. An increasing number of the world's headlines today come from countries with predominately Muslim influence. In an age of such political correctness in use of terminology, it is important...

10 Jul 2009

Mere Christianity: Discussion

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

Mere Christianity was compiled, and expanded, from a series of radio lectures by C.S. Lewis. They have a conversational style, but they present some very deep and difficult ideas. In his introduction to the volume, Lewis describes how he took these lectures upon himself as a means of joining the...

10 Jul 2009

Abraham Kuyper and John Calvin: Calvinism and Neo-Calvinism compared

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

On November 9, 1891, the Dutch pastor and statesman Abraham Kuyper spoke to the first Christian Social Congress in the Netherlands on a profound and continually relevant subject—poverty. The address was peculiarly relevant to that time, even past-due, as Kuyper himself announced in his...

10 Jul 2009

Lord over logic

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

The seeming necessity of logical principles, such as the fundamental “law of non-contradiction”, has led many thinkers to consider these principles primordial, basic, and uncreated. I can sympathize with the attitude that gives rise to this belief. In my own personal history of studying...

10 Jul 2009

The face of nature in Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

A cruel realization overtakes the sensitive convert to Naturalism. Seldom has there been a more sensitive convert than Thomas Hardy, who, although he flirted with Anglicanism because of his family and with the Baptists because of a friend, ended his days with a troubled faith in the indifferent,...

10 Jul 2009

Bavinck and Vollenhoven on faith

Thesis - 8 pages - Philosophy

In 1918, Herman Bavinck published an articled entitled “Philosophy of Faith” in the Annuarium of the Societas Studiosorum Reformatorum; thirty one years later, Dirk Vollenhoven presented a paper entitled “Faith: Its Nature, Structure, and Significance for Science” at a Roman...

09 Jul 2009

Autism and Apophaticism

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

A postmodern philosophy of religion, of the relationship between God and men, is based on a unique set of beliefs about God, language, what it means to be as human, and the way the world is given us to inhabit (including ourselves). Perhaps the profoundest movement within this philosophy occurs...

03 Jul 2009

Discussion on Descartes' meditations

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Descartes comes to the conclusion “that the mere fact that I [Descartes] exist and have within me an idea of a most perfect being, that is, God, provides a very clear proof that God exists” (Descartes 51). He comes to this conclusion through a series of steps. First, Descartes believes...

03 Jul 2009

Origin of oneness: A model of the mystical experience

Thesis - 7 pages - Philosophy

The purpose of this essay is to both connect and clarify the concept of Oneness present in most every spiritual tradition's mystical realm. Certainly such traditions as Buddhism and Taoism tell, in detail, of a transcendental reality that permeates throughout “all the myriad things.”...

01 Jul 2009

Aristotle's Philosophy of Natural Change

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Aristotle was born into a privileged family because his father was the “personal physician to the Macedonian king, Amyntas II.” (Lindberg 45) Since they were always around royalty and high-status people, Aristotle entered into Plato's Academy in Athens when he was seventeen and stayed...

25 Jun 2009

Syncretism and identity: Finding I - Thou in historical dialogue

Thesis - 12 pages - Philosophy

Identity is fundamental to the distinction between faiths and cultures. Proper respect in dialogue hinges on a relational flow in dialogue. Power struggles and anxiety over engagement with the unknown other has caused dialogue to exist as an I-it relationship where the other becomes objectified....

22 Jun 2009

Number symbolism in the Bible and early Christian works

Thesis - 6 pages - Philosophy

For those who were trained in the art of interpreting them, the numbers themselves had special meanings. The result was that people in antiquity could talk to each other in a code language, that only those initiated into the symbolism of numbers could understand. Unless we understand this code,...

22 Jun 2009

Religious and personal development in freemasonry - published: 22/06/2009

Thesis - 6 pages - Philosophy

Freemasonry started in the 16th century as an organization for spiritual and personal development for free thinkers. At a time when whole new conceptions of the world were opening up, some people wanted to explore new realms of personal evolution. Freemasonry provided a place for such people to...

10 Jun 2009

Hobbes's account of religion/nationalism and terror management theory

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

Throughout Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes makes repeated reference to the primacy of human consciousness in provoking individuals to subject themselves to the rule of a sovereign. Specifically, the ability to conceptualize oneself as a discrete entity with a past and (imaginable) future, combined with...

10 Jun 2009

The hobbesian state of nature: A prisoner's dilemma?

Thesis - 7 pages - Philosophy

In his 1651 work Leviathan, English philosopher Thomas Hobbes argues in favor of a societal structure in which individuals must waive a portion of their natural rights to an ?artificial man? in order to avoid battling with each other. Most famously, Hobbes declared that this condition of war was...

09 Jun 2009

Aristotle's teleology and the doctrine of the four causes

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

In Aristotle's Physics, he presents his teleological theory of nature as comprised of changing materials which are to be understood in terms of the factors that brought them about, particularly their final causes (i.e. the function that they ultimately exist to serve). In his view, wisdom is...

09 Jun 2009

The decay of magic: Karen Tei Yamashita's postmodern fable

Thesis - 6 pages - Philosophy

In her satirical, surreal debut novel Through the Arc of the Rainforest, Karen Tei Yamashita asks us to believe in magic. She puts forth five original miracles at the beginning of the story: a lucky man named Kazumasa who happens to have a sentient ball floating around his head; feathers that can...

02 Jun 2009

Historical analysis of the Shakers

Thesis - 8 pages - Philosophy

The early Shaker belief system rested on an understanding that Christ's second coming had arrived. The founder of the sect, Mother Ann Lee, experienced a mystic vision of Christ while imprisoned. This vision was of the Christ and his church on earth. The early Shakers believed Ann Lee was the...