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Thesis in political science

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157 results

28 Sep 2011

Biological Warfare: The ethical questions behind bio-terrorism

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

Last year's Swine Flu panic made our complacency to chemical and biological threats readily apparent and very much like during the Anthrax attacks of 2001, confusion and apprehension spread quicker than most could have ever imagined. Health authorities were caught by surprise and the general...

14 Sep 2011

Government undermines the Movement and Targets of the Black Panther Party

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

The 1960s was a very active decade for the Civil Rights Movement. The Movement lost activists such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and President Kennedy was assassinated. The sixties was also a time of protests and riots. The civil rights movement repeatedly appealed to the federal government...

14 Sep 2011

"I Have A Dream" Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Famous Speech Analysis

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's speech was delivered on August 28, 1963 in Washington, DC in front of the Lincoln Memorial. This speech was designed to reach out to millions of people, whether listening in the audience or wherever they could see/hear him talking. He was speaking to educate...

22 Aug 2011

The Treatment of Jews in Morocco

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

Jewish history in Morocco dates back as far as 70 CE under the rule of the Roman Empire. Just prior to World War II, the Jewish population in Morocco hit its peak of 225,000 people. Today, the Jewish population of Morocco does not even number 5,500. It strikes me as very interesting that the...

12 Jul 2011

Bacon's Rebellion: Background, Opposing Forces and Significance

Thesis - 3 pages - Political science

By the time Nathaniel Bacon arrived in Virginia from England, the economic and political situation in the colony was already far from satisfactory. Hence, a precondition for the rebellion existed long before Bacon's appearance on Virginia political scene. Several factors contributed to growing...

27 Jun 2011

The role of American Government: Protecting Civil Liberties

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

This paper explores the idea that the American government's most important role is to protect civil liberties. Civil liberties are enjoyed every day by many citizens and include such freedoms as the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, and protection from cruel and unusual punishment. This...

14 Jun 2011

Women's Role in the American Antebellum Society

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

Even though feminist ideas have a long history, the call of Abigail Adams to “remember the ladies” had not been heard, and very few changes were made in the antebellum American society. The fact that basic social rights and freedoms were still inaccessible for women prompted a new...

06 Jun 2011

Archon Fung and Deliberative Democracy: How Educated Voters can Determine Their Own Best Interests

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

A government led by representatives of the people has seemingly become the accepted method of representing the wants and needs of the masses. Yet it is easy to see how these people in power may have more ability to influence the desire of the voters rather than allowing the voters' interest...

03 May 2011

How did the rise of mass production transform the role of the United States in the international political economy?

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

The early twentieth century saw one of the most dramatic shifts of power noted in the studies of international political economy. Preceding and throughout the Great Wars, the United States of America underwent such dramatic and influential changes in its domestic industries that it not only...

17 Feb 2011

The society we have described can never grow into a reality (Socrates, Book V, 473c11-d4)

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

In Plato's work, 'The Republic', Socrates is asked to prove that justice always outweighs injustice, and that the just man is ultimately happier than the unjust man. In order to do this, Socrates begins by outlining a utopian state in which justice thrives in both the state and the...

07 Feb 2011

Barack Obama Organizing for America 2.0

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

In the era of Web 2.0, Barack Obama's think tank fully took advantage of the unconventional social media tools to canvass among people prior and during the presidential election campaign, which played a pivotal role in earning Obama a seat in the oval office according to some industry experts....

10 Jan 2011

The French army

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

'The army' is the term used to denote all the resources in manpower and equipment that a community implements either to deter, or to repel the attacks of another community, or to attack. It is a hierarchical group of men, recruited directly or indirectly by a State or an organization,...

03 Jan 2011

Why should we care so much about how votes are translated into seats?

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

Democracy, as we see it today across Europe, is not a given norm but an ever expanding and evolving concept with many highly debatable facets. In recent years, the make up of European democracy has changed drastically with the emergence of new democracies being born and some of the world's oldest...

03 Jan 2011

Comparison between the federalism of Germany and America

Thesis - 3 pages - Political science

The character of a ‘federal' state opposes its ‘unitary' form. These are two forms of a State. ‘Scarcity' of the federal form (twenty federal states among 191) can push us to examine its organization and operation. According to Olivier Duhamel, federalism is the "coexistence of...

03 Jan 2011

The control of constitutionality and its limitations in France and United States

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

The Constitution is the supreme law in the hierarchy of norms laid down by Hans Kelsen. This poses a problem in the domestic hierarchy of norms by raising a question about how to enforce the superiority of the Constitution, particularly with respect to the law. Thus, the difficulty faced by the...

03 Jan 2011

The Democracy of the Chancellor in Germany

Thesis - 7 pages - Political science

The German political system, which was designed after the Second World War, is characterized by considerable stability. It strikes a balance between the four pillars of power, namely the government formed by the chancellor, the parliament (Bundestag) where party influence is exercised, the...

17 Dec 2010

The control of water in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

Since the creation of Israel in 1948 and the massive arrival of Jews in the Palestinian territory, the conflicts between the Israelites and Palestinians have regulary taken place. In addition to the religious and political problems, there remains the issue of water as well. This point is...

17 Dec 2010

The marriage: New Indonesian Law

Thesis - 9 pages - Political science

The place of Sharia in institutions is a recurring issue in Indonesian politics, and has seen the adoption and rejection, respectively in June and August 1945. It was subsequently named the Jakarta Charter. This charter represents an agreement between nationalist leaders and leaders of political...

17 Dec 2010

Saudi Arabia and its rule by the kingdoms

Thesis - 8 pages - Political science

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was proclaimed on September 18, 1932, by king Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al Saoud, after a war which lasted for nearly about thirty years. This State resulted from an alliance concluded in the 18th century between the tribe from Al Saoud and Mohammed Abdel Wahhab. He...

16 Dec 2010

Where is the "rebuilding" of Iraq?

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

The invasion of Iraq in March 2003 by the United States was launched on the basis of motivation. However, one of the major motivations which animated the United States and its allies of the “coalition” was the creation of a “stable and democratic” Iraq by hoping for an effect...

16 Dec 2010

The aftermath of the French influence in Africa?

Thesis - 8 pages - Political science

In the year 1960, France tried to play an active role in the Third world to affirm itself vis-a-vis the two large powers that clashed during the Cold war. Deprived of the major part of its colonial empire, it has assets which will enable it to bond well with the recently decolonized countries....

15 Dec 2010

Geopolitical prospects in Lebanon

Thesis - 17 pages - Political science

The creation of Lebanon-1861-1915: The autonomous province of Lebanon is created as a result of intervention by European powers seeking to end the killings that have shaken the region. It was to be headed by a governor, a Christian Ottoman subject, under the supervision of European consuls. A...

03 Dec 2010

The process of regionalization in West Africa: CEDEAO

Thesis - 7 pages - Political science

'I was convinced that the political freedom would inevitably precede our economic advancement. In the same manner, I am convinced that the African Unit will be done and this common base will enable us to build our complete development”. This statement was written in 1957 by Kwame Krumah,...

03 Dec 2010

An essay on the comparison between Nazi and Stalinist totalitarianism

Thesis - 3 pages - Political science

The term “totalitarianism” appeared for the first time in 1928 in “the New Review”. It was later adopted by Benito Mussolini, the Duce of Italian Fascism, to indicate its own mode. This term is retroactive today because it includes at least three models of experiments: the...

28 Nov 2010

The weaknesses of Stalin's rivals contributed more to his rise as a dictator than did Stalin's own strengths as a leader - A comment.

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

Few dictators in modern World History have been as feared and rivaled as Josef Stalin (Iosif Dzhugashvili); being probably one of the most discrepant leaders in the 20th century, he served as the head of the Bolshevik party and Soviet government, Lenin's companion-in-arms and organizer of the...

18 Nov 2010

Marxism-Leninism: Historical forms of human community and the political organization of society

Thesis - 8 pages - Political science

The humble aim of this paper is to attempt to make an exposition of the Marxists-Leninist thoughts on the historical forms of human community and the political organization of the society. The necessity of attempting this exposition can never be looked down upon especially when we consider the...

20 Oct 2010

Key operational and strategic factors of the United States' Victory at the Battle of Midway

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

The Battle of Midway proved to be a decisive naval victory for the United States to establish a dominant Pacific presence. This critical defeat of the Japanese came as the result of successful strategic and operational planning by the United States Navy. Effective strategic and operational...

19 Oct 2010

Clement Attlee and sources of influence in his personal life

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

Clement Attlee had many potential sources of influence in his personal life. Attlee's military and political background is intriguing, but his socialist views and support of the Labor Party are what set him apart. These views were primarily sculpted by his experiences working with the...

04 Oct 2010

Outline of "de Gaulle's "vision of France's international role and discuss the ways in which his foreign policy sought to realise this vision.

Thesis - 7 pages - Political science

General de Gaulle is one of the most distinguished political figures of the twentieth century. Often known as “l'homme du 18 Juin”, Charles de Gaulle was a hero of the French Resistance during the Nazi invasion of France, and later became the President of ‘l'Hexagone'. This essay...

29 Sep 2010

Calhoun, Tocqueville and Lincoln's views on tyranny

Thesis - 7 pages - Political science

As the virtues and advantages of democracy were rediscovered at the end of the eighteenth century, so were its defects and drawbacks. Most authors, including Tocqueville, were faced with an empirical and theoretical vacuum in describing this new regime which began to rise in America and in France...