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201 results

28 Oct 2009

A study on oxygen binding proteins

Thesis - 21 pages - Biology

Myoglobin and hemoglobin may be the most-studied and best-understood proteins. They were the first protein for which three-dimensional structures were determined, and our current understanding of myoglobin and hemoglobin is garnered from the work of thousands of biochemists over several decades....

25 Sep 2009

A study on stem cells

Thesis - 7 pages - Biology

With millions of people dying and suffering every year from various diseases, scientists are becoming more and more eager to find cures and treatments. One potential treatment emanates from the research of human stem cells. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have the ability to regenerate...

25 Sep 2009

The tree species specificity and inter specific interactions of Spanish moss

Thesis - 5 pages - Biology

Inter specific interactions are the relationships demonstrated between two species and how one species affects the other. The four main types of these interactions are competition, predation, commensalisms, and mutualism. Spanish moss is a plant found living on many trees in the subtropics....

03 Jul 2009

Study of Gibberellins' Effect on Height and Biomass of Rosette and Wild Type Brassica rapa

Case study - 6 pages - Biology

Gibberellins (GA) are plant hormones involved with overall plant growth. Brassica Rapa, a flowering plant species, which possesses the wild type phenotype or the rosette, dwarfed, phenotype, was used to explore the effects of Gibberellins on the two varieties' overall height, which can have an...

26 May 2009

Cloning and purification of green fluorescent protein and its study

Dissertation - 35 pages - Biology

A key step in proteomics the study of proteins function and structure is the purification of proteins. The ability to isolate and purify specific proteins is an essential feature of Modern biochemistry as it allows scientist to study proteins in isolation from other proteins, which greatly aids...

23 Apr 2009

Investigating the frequencies of gene and genotype in the human population

Thesis - 21 pages - Biology

Mendelian genetics is built on the work done by the "father of genetics", Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884). His contributions to the study of inheritance paved the way for our basic understanding of how traits are inherited from one generation to the next. He was also instrumental in applying...

16 Apr 2009

Height and seed type preferences of the Black-Capped Chickadee

Thesis - 5 pages - Biology

The practices and behaviors employed by the black-capped chickadee displayed selective strategies towards the active foraging of food in the months prior to winter. The chickadees would collect food at a high rate, hide them, and subsequently return for additional food. The analysis demonstrated...

16 Apr 2009

A history of epilepsy and the important contributions of John Hughlings Jackson

Thesis - 8 pages - Biology

The word epilepsy is derived from the Greek verb epilambanein, meaning to be seized, to be overwhelmed by surprise (The History and Stigma of Epilepsy, 2003; Temkin, 1971). Epilepsy is a relatively common brain disorder ? affecting between 0.5 to 1 percent of the world's population - yet it is...

08 Apr 2009

Conserved pathways of limb development in vertebrate embryos

Thesis - 5 pages - Biology

Mice and chick embryos serve as ideal test subjects in the analysis of developmental characteristics. Through in-vivo manipulation, signaling frameworks have been constructed to explain and describe the development of limbs (Tickle, 2004). The basis of all development relies on several...

07 Apr 2009


Thesis - 12 pages - Biology

Organisms are classified into two types based on the number of cells they are composed of- unicellular and multicellular. Multicellular organisms have many cells. But unlike in unicellular, where one cell performs all the functions, cells of multicellular organisms do not perform all the...

01 Apr 2009

Determination of various protein concentrations by means of spectrophotometry

Tutorials/exercises - 11 pages - Biology

Spectrophotometry relies on the varying capabilities of molecules to absorb photons of light. This absorbance is characteristic of specific compounds, and can therefore be utilized to quantify and classify the presence/quantities of various compounds. (Harris, 2007) With the use of standard...

19 Mar 2009

Bioreactor: Optimizing E.Coli fermentation for Bacteria directed enzyme prodrug therapy

Thesis - 10 pages - Biology

E.coli strain WM04 was determined as a viable option for Bacteria Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy. Determination of suitability for animal testing depends on sufficient quantities of bacteria being produced through fermentation. Optimal operating conditions are found for the production of WM04 by...

17 Mar 2009

The fundamental unit of life: Cell

Case study - 11 pages - Biology

When you look at a your house, you can see that it has got walls, doors ,windows and ventilators. All these things are the building blocks of your house. Similarly , bodies of all living organisms are made up of small unit which is called as a cell, as like bricks are the fundamental units of a...

26 Feb 2009

The effect of diatomaceous earth on the behavior of the Red Imported Fire Ant

Thesis - 7 pages - Biology

Solenopsis invicta, the Red Imported Fire Ant, was brought over on ship cargo by accident from Central Brazil between 1933 and 1945 (Sullivan, 2003). Since then, it has become one of the most hated nonnative pests in the Southern region of North America. RIFA thrive in open, sunny areas such as...

20 Jan 2009

Is the Dingo a true Aussie specie? Managing the Dingo (Canis lupus dingo): Conflict between the anthropogenic and environmental factors

Essay - 6 pages - Biology

According to Aboriginal myths and legends, the dingo (Canis lupus dingo) would have evolved in Australia from the “Dreaming” - the creation period - and have always been a highly estimated and valued companion. As a consequence of these oral memories and scarce testimonies of the past,...

19 Jan 2009

Salon Vivez Nature: Trade Show of biological agriculture and natural products

Essay - 3 pages - Biology

What is a biological product? A product is considered biological when the producer did not use any pesticide, chemical weedkiller or fertilizer of synthesis. The biological farmers rather use natural manures, original seeds and cultivate the ground thanks to tested methods. In France, the real...

19 Jan 2009

Studying the soybean nodulation at McGill University

Essay - 20 pages - Biology

This summer I had the great opportunity to do my three months training in McGill University in Quebec, Canada. It is one of the oldest Canadian universities, considered one of the most prestigious universities in Canada and one of the best in North America. According to the Times Higher Education...

08 Dec 2008

Chemicals obtained from wood

Essay - 6 pages - Biology

A wide array of both commodity and specialty chemicals can be derived from wood, either as a primary product or by-product of another process. The technologies in which chemicals are the primary products include thermal degradation, hydrolysis/ fermentation, direct collection, and extraction...

04 Dec 2008

New methodology using synchrotron radiation to characterize fast events in food processing

Essay - 7 pages - Biology

In a typical food process, a hot mixture is made, which is then cooled rapidly. A main result of cooling is a change in physical state and/or molecular structure. Often, a succession of physical changes occurs as the product cools. Events occurring at the more rapid cooling rates can be difficult...

28 Nov 2008

Methodology in biological psychology

Essay - 10 pages - Biology

Biological psychology manipulates and observes psychological variables just as do all other fields of psychology. However, to delineate the somatic contribution to behavior and mental functions, biological psychology needs to draw evidence from studies combining methods of psychology with those...

28 Nov 2008

Sociology of the family: global advances and challenges

Essay - 8 pages - Biology

Sociology of the family as a field of research, education and action faces many challenges and critics, both within academic institutions and in the larger society. This paper focuses on recent developments in international family sociology in the context of the discipline of sociology, and its...

25 Nov 2008

Biometric research as experimental method in science

Essay - 5 pages - Biology

Any discussion of research in a scienti?c ?eld is subject to caveats because research must of necessity be less de?nitive than a discussion of the ?eld's established operational practices. First, enumerations of current research topics will be dated and subject to the perspective of the...

25 Nov 2008

Overview of manufacturing beer: Ingredients, processes and quality criteria

Essay - 10 pages - Biology

Beer is one of the oldest cultural achievements of mankind and one of the most popular beverages all over the world. From the technological point of view, beer has four main properties based on its contents and manufacturing processes. It is (i) pure, (ii) wholesome, (iii) valuable, and (iv) it...

25 Nov 2008

Genetic systems of forest trees

Essay - 7 pages - Biology

The term ‘genetic system' was coined in 1932 by C.D. Darlington, one of the renowned pioneers of cytogenetics. His original de?nition was limited: Properties of heredity and variation, methods of reproduction and the control of breeding, we now realize, are in various ways bound up together...

25 Nov 2008

Molecular biology of forest trees

Essay - 7 pages - Biology

In order to genetically engineer a plant, one must be able to insert a gene into the genome of an individual plant cell and then cause that cell to differentiate into a whole plant. The former process is referred to as transformation; the latter, regeneration. The most common way of transforming...

25 Nov 2008

Sap-sucking insects in forests

Essay - 5 pages - Biology

Insects of the order Hemiptera have mouthparts specialized for piercing and sucking, and within the suborder Homoptera of this order two groups, the Auchenorhyncha and Sternorhyncha, speci?cally feed on plants. As their general name implies these insects feed on the sap of plants. This can be the...

21 Nov 2008

Toll-like receptors as part of the innate immune response

Essay - 5 pages - Biology

There are two major arms of the immune system: innate immune response, and acquired, or adaptive, immune response. Phagocytic cells recognize pathogens that bind to specific receptor recognition molecules or through complement fixation, and then activate pathways to contain infection. Essential...

21 Nov 2008

Foliage feeders in temperate and boreal forests

Essay - 7 pages - Biology

Insect consumers of tree foliage comprise one of the most abundant and diverse feeding guilds in forest ecosystems. Known as folivores, this guild is integral to the structure and functioning of forests. Folivores in?uence vital ecosystem processes in forests, including nutrient turnover,...

21 Nov 2008


Essay - 8 pages - Biology

Human skin consists of a sophisticated network of nerve fibers and specialized sensory structures to transduce sensations of touch, vibration, temperature, and pain. Nerve fibers have dual functions: to transmit afferent sensory impulses to the central nervous system and to secrete mediators into...

21 Nov 2008

Biological impacts of deforestation and fragmentation

Essay - 7 pages - Biology

In addition to housing the majority of the planet's biodiversity, forest ecosystems are the basis for trillions of dollars in global revenue. They are homes to indigenous groups, sources of food, medicines, and raw materials for industry, and they provide opportunities for recreation and tourism....