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Thesis in biology

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38 results

14 Sep 2011

The importance of ethnobotany, compilation of data and the potential problems arising from distribution of this information

Thesis - 4 pages - Biology

Undoubtedly, it is beneficial for the catalogue information for the sake of preserving knowledge. When confronted with any situation, it would be great to have all of the relevant information possible to help make a decision. Particularly when yourself or a loved one is ill, being able to have...

21 Feb 2011

Ion distribution across the cell membrane and the Nernst equation

Thesis - 5 pages - Biology

The cell membrane is essentially a bi-lipid layer that contains phosoplipids and proteins. The concentration of ions and certain molecules is vastly different between the intracellular and extra cellular concentrations in cells across the cell membrane. This is because the lipid bi-layer in the...

21 Feb 2011

Key mechanisms that are involved in expressing a eukaryotic gene as a protein

Thesis - 5 pages - Biology

The information contained within the DNA, in the form of a nucleotide sequence, is responsible for the production of the phenotype of an individual. The dna contains specific sequenmces of nucleotides, called genes, that code for specific chasracteristics. The basic concept of how this occurs...

16 Aug 2010


Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

Mycology- sounds more like Mythology. But, the similarity ends there. The science that deals with the study of fungi including their biochemical and genetic properties is called Mycology. The word mycology has been derived from the Greek word ?????, which means fungus. This field of study is an...

16 Aug 2010

Biological membranes

Thesis - 8 pages - Biology

The three main components of biological membranes are carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, and each of them has an important role to play in the functioning of membranes. The first part of this document will detail the various compounds of the membranes and study their role in its operation. We...

13 Aug 2010

Biological chemistry of yeast

Thesis - 8 pages - Biology

Products such as bread, beer, wine and cider depend on microscopic living cells that develop in a fungus. These are called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A number of varieties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae exist in nature and are adapted to different kinds of fermentation. Yeast is said to have...

12 Aug 2010

Effect of oxytocin on residual milk letdown and composition

Thesis - 4 pages - Biology

The Endogenous release of Oxytocin occurs in response to stimuli and mechanical release. Milk ejection is stimulated by the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland. The oxytocin then binds to the myoepithelial cells to squeeze milk out of the alveoli and ducts in the mammary gland....

12 Aug 2010

Fruit abscission in physalis species in response to herbivory by heliothis subflexa

Thesis - 6 pages - Biology

Heliothis subflexa is a Lepidopteran caterpillar that feeds exclusively on Physalis spp. fruits. These fruits are encased in the inflated calyces—a characteristic that all plants in the genus Physalis share. Abscission of the fruits on which H. subflexa is feeding is a mechanism employed...

15 Jul 2010

Genetically modified food

Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

Genetically modified food made from genetic material (DNA) of a plant that has been changed in an unnatural way, also known as ‘genetic engineering'. Selected individual genes are transferred from one organism to another. However, traditional breeding cannot achieve the same effects using a...

11 Mar 2010

Role of changes in wavelength and light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in the chloroplast of spinach leaves

Thesis - 4 pages - Biology

Photosynthesis is the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy in order to synthesize organic compounds necessary for plant life. The light reactions occur in the thylakoids of chloroplasts in spinach leaves. Inside the thylakoids are pigment molecules that capture and absorb light,...

11 Mar 2010

Assessment of evolution in a population of University of Florida's students according to Hardy-Weinberg's equilibrium

Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

TPA-25 is an Alu element which is inserted within an intron of the tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) gene. An individual may be homozygous for the presence or absence of TPA-25, or heterozygous for it. Evolution occurs in a population if the frequency of alleles changes from one generation to...

24 Feb 2010

Potential effects of road salt on the growth of quercus rubra (northern red oak)

Thesis - 2 pages - Biology

The practice of adding salt to roadways during winter months in the northeast is very common. While the exact quantitative effects of this road salt are relatively unknown, it is known that increased soil salinity causes a drastic reduction in growth and biomass of the ecosystem's vegetation...

24 Feb 2010

Lab report of photosynthesis

Thesis - 2 pages - Biology

The majority of my data agrees with my hypothesis. I hypothesized that the color of light which would result in the highest photosynthetic rate for the spinach and red cabbage would be red (650-700 nm) and yellow (400-450 nm), respectively. To fully elaborate on such hypothesis, Table 1 below...

24 Feb 2010

The effects of competition for resources on resulting plant biomass

Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of competition for resources on resulting plant biomass and to analyze the differences between intraspecific and interspecific competition. The study quantified the growth of two different plant species, wheat (Tricticum aestivum) and...

24 Feb 2010

DNA transformation of escherichia coli using plasmids

Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

During this lab, we performed a transformation of genes from one organism to another, more specifically, added genes to a bacteria. Our results displayed much growth (100+ colonies of small size that did not glow) on the +pGLO LB/amp plate. The +pGLO LB/amp/ara plate experienced growth (100+...

24 Feb 2010

Finding if competition exists among the same or different species, and measuring it

Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

Plant competition is something that is very important to study. Like any other organism, plants must consume resources to survive. With limited resources, those that are most competitive generally receive the most resources, allowing them to survive. This lab investigates just that. Using 14...

22 Feb 2010

Proteins in the American dietetic association on vegetarianism

Thesis - 11 pages - Biology

Official position of the American Dietetic Association on vegetarianism (1993): "soy protein proved nutritionally equivalent in quality to animal protein; therefore, they can serve as the sole source of intake protein if desired. Proteins are large molecules consisting of smaller units called...

27 Dec 2009

Sufferings of marine animals

Thesis - 10 pages - Biology

Despite appearances that lead us to believe, the world of aquatic animals is extremely complex. Fish, like humans or other terrestrial animals, see, feel, suffer, communicate. Most fish produce sounds (unfortunately only audible through a hydrophone) when touched, when due, when continuing. Their...

27 Dec 2009

How to produce billion eggs? Exploitation of laying hens

Thesis - 13 pages - Biology

A life of frustration, pain and stress. That is what sums up the life of a battery hen and to this suffering and many who are the corollary. This is corroborated by evidence from numerous scientific studies and behavior. Originally the term "battery farming" was used for hens, distributed in...

30 Nov 2009

The glucose and sugar essential for energy

Thesis - 8 pages - Biology

The foods we eat provide us with energy and nutrients we need. Sugar, or glucose, is the main nutrient that feeds the body cells. The way energy is metabolized by the body is subject to variations over time and depending on the individual. The dietary intake was in fact never constant from one...

24 Nov 2009

The power of nutrition in child and adolescent

Thesis - 9 pages - Biology

Childhood and adolescence are critical stages in the life of an individual, and feeding them is important. As for adults, nutrient intakes for children should cover the energy needs, but they must also ensure growth. The quantitative and qualitative aspect of their food is taken into account....

01 Nov 2009

A study on immunology

Thesis - 19 pages - Biology

Immunology is a subject, which deals with immune system and immune reactions in our body. Immune system works by the principle of learning process. When a pathogen attacks for the first time, it leads to infection, but when it attacks for the second then our body's immune system recognizes and...

28 Oct 2009

A study on cytoskeleton

Thesis - 16 pages - Biology

The skeleton of the vertebrate is a familiar organ system consisting of hardened elements supporting the soft tissues of the body and play a key role in mediating bodily movements. Eukaryotic cells also posses a “skeletal system”, which is of proteinecous network and composed of three...

28 Oct 2009

A study on insecticide treatment

Thesis - 20 pages - Biology

Mosquitoes are among the best-known groups of insects, because of their importance to man as pests and vectors of some of the most distressing human diseases. They are the most important insect vectors of human diseases and the most common of blood sucking arthropods. They feed on amphibians,...

28 Oct 2009

A study on biosensors

Thesis - 26 pages - Biology

A Biosensor may be defined as “a compact analytical device incorporating a biological or biologically-derived sensing element either integrated within or intimately associated with a physico-chemical transducer. The usual aim of a biosensor is to produce either discrete or continuous digital...

28 Oct 2009

Extraction of amylase from bacillus subtillis

Thesis - 17 pages - Biology

Microbial cells produce a variety of enzymes. These enzymes are the biological catalysts for the biochemical reactions, leading to microbial growth and respiration, as well as to produce fermentation products. Enzymes are used for a variety of purposes. They are employed in three major fields....

28 Oct 2009

Analysis of the experiments conducted in the study of micro biology

Thesis - 20 pages - Biology

What is microbiology? Why would any student enroll in microbiology? Now that you were told to take microbiology or now that you selected microbiology; it is important that you know what to expect. Microbiology is the study of science of (-logy) small (micro) life (bios). Biology was first used in...

28 Oct 2009

A study on oxygen binding proteins

Thesis - 21 pages - Biology

Myoglobin and hemoglobin may be the most-studied and best-understood proteins. They were the first protein for which three-dimensional structures were determined, and our current understanding of myoglobin and hemoglobin is garnered from the work of thousands of biochemists over several decades....

25 Sep 2009

A study on stem cells

Thesis - 7 pages - Biology

With millions of people dying and suffering every year from various diseases, scientists are becoming more and more eager to find cures and treatments. One potential treatment emanates from the research of human stem cells. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have the ability to regenerate...

25 Sep 2009

The tree species specificity and inter specific interactions of Spanish moss

Thesis - 5 pages - Biology

Inter specific interactions are the relationships demonstrated between two species and how one species affects the other. The four main types of these interactions are competition, predation, commensalisms, and mutualism. Spanish moss is a plant found living on many trees in the subtropics....