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How to write an essay has a large collection of papers which include essays written by students, teachers, and professionals from various fields. The essays available on the website are published for reference purposes and will help in gaining quality information about the subject in discussion. presenting your essay. The papers you access on are reviewed and carefully selected by an expert committee to ensure high quality standards. Below tips will enable you to write a good essay.

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We have many examples available to help you with your essay.

These examples can help you improve the oral and public presentation of your essay. Get inspired by their style, their way of presenting the issue and announcing the plan. Pimido offers you a succession of essays all re-read by our expert committee offering you guaranteed quality! In the meantime, here are some tips from the experts. The key to a successful essay is one keyword; organisation.

But first, let's discuss the methodology of the dissertation, be it legal, literary, philosophical.

Announcement of the dissertation topic

The topic is the driving force of your essay. Always remember that your examiner does not choose topics by chance, and will expect you to make him understand that the topic of the essay contains a question and a very difficult problem to solve. By exaggerating a little, even make your examiner feel that the problem resulting from the subject of the essay is so complicated and interesting that you are very enthusiastic about the idea of solving such a question. Last point: make it clear in the introduction to your essay that by the time you finish your introduction, you still have no answers to your problem. Almost childishly, this topic should appear problematic to you from the introduction.

Plan statement and introduction

Once the problem of the essay is stated, all you have to do is present the outline of your assignment via the introduction of your essay. The detailed and thematic plan is again, an organised battle plan to solve the problem of your essay. Pay attention to the phrasing, statements like: "We will study in a 1st part ..." are to be avoided. Instead, focus on short and direct sentences, for example: "So if the United States did not sign the Kyoto protocol dealing a major blow to all international cooperation on ecology (I), international pressure and the probable rallying of certain large countries could breathe new life into this agreement (II) "

Plan of the dissertation

The introduction of a philosophical dissertation or introduction of a legal dissertation will follow the same plan around the problem and the theme of your dissertation. Thus, just like the problem, the content of your essay must bring out the anticipation, a problem to be solved. Part 1 usually focuses on ideas that you will systematically contradict in Part 2 of your essay. This is when your 3rd part comes in, a sort of pre-conclusion of the essay, which invites the resolution of the problem and outlines the beginning of a solution for the reader/editor.

Sources / Bibliography

You must include all the resources that have enabled you to write your essay. The greatest authors always reserve a special place for this part. It contributes to the overall credibility of your essay.

Additional elements for your dissertation

Do not hesitate to support your presentation with graphs, tables or images. Lastly, during the oral presentation of your dissertation, make sure that you manage your nerves and your stress, take a deep breath and launch yourself into the presentation!

Now it's your turn to find the essay of your dreams among the thousands of documents offered by Oboolo.