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29 Sep 2010

Media in Germany after World War Two - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The development of media in the Western Germany during the period of the Allied Occupation (1945-1949) and in the first decade of the Federal Republic (1949-1959) The media is present all around the world. The media tries to express facts, entertainment, opinion, and other information. In this...

29 Sep 2010

The fall of the Oyo Empire

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

The Oyo kingdom is located in the south of the actual territory of Nigeria. It expanded from the 16th to the 18th century to become the Oyo Empire, reaching its peak (around 47570km2) in the middle of the 18th century. Less than a century later, in 1836, its capital, Oyo Ile, had been abandoned,...

29 Sep 2010

Why has the historical development of the EU been so uneven? - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

On the 28th of March 2001, Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister made an interesting declaration: 'Europe is more than a market. It stands for a model of society that has grown historically.' . This statement refers to the development of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in...

29 Sep 2010

Debate about the treatment of Indians in sixteenth-century Spain

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Since the discovery of the Caribbean and South America, these territories had been progressively ruled all along the sixteenth-century by Spanish settlers, who looked for labour forces to exploit the new lands for revenue of the Crown and for themselves; and also by missionaries sent by the Crown...

29 Sep 2010

The impact of the Suez crisis on Britain, Egypt and Israel

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

The Suez Crisis of 1956 has been commonly seen as a turning point in post war world history, the moment when Britain's pretension to world power status was stripped away, and when Egypt became the leader of the Arab world, an event which triggered a radical change in the relations between...

29 Sep 2010

The portrait of John F. Kennedy

Essay - 8 pages - Modern history

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963), often referred to by his initials JFK, was the 35th President of the United States, serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. The youngest ever elected to the presidency and the first of the Roman Catholic faith, John F. Kennedy won the election of...

29 Sep 2010

Racism and discrimination against the Black population in the US

Essay - 8 pages - Modern history

The blacks in Africa lived together in tribes and with the families staying together in the village and leading a life based on strong morals. Each tribe had developed a culture and their native language. According to most Europeans, the Africans were ignorant, pagan savages who needed to be...

29 Sep 2010

Desegregation and civil rights movements in the USA

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Although the Civil War had abolished slavery, the black people still suffered from racial discrimination, particularly in the Southern states. Not only did they often feel discriminated against, but were continually looked down upon by their white counterparts in many genres like education, at...

29 Sep 2010

The Frontier

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

During the 19th century the American economy grew rapidly. New inventions and capital investment led to the creation of new industries and led to economic growth. With the development of various modes of effective transportation the opportunities for new business ventures increased. However,...

24 Jun 2010

Essay analysis on sexuality, identity and homosexuals

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

In Halperin's “Is There a History of Sexuality”, he explains that sex as an act is a natural and universal phenomenon and thus has no history. On the other hand, he clarifies that there is a history of sexuality, although it is a fairly recent history and is socially constructed. By...

01 Apr 2010

The US-Soviet conflicts in World War II

Essay - 1 pages - Modern history

There were many conflicts between the U.S. and the USSR during World War II as the alliance between the two countries was held together only by their common desire to defeat Germany and Japan, not by any common ideology. A new conflict arose from the question of security. At the Yalta Conference...

05 Jan 2010

Charlotte Forten Grimke: An American educational pioneer

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

“Charlotte belonged to the prominent member of the Forten-Purvis family. Her family were activists for Black causes and Charlotte proved to be just as influential an activist and leader of civil rights. Her parents were Robert Bridges and Mary Woods Forten. Her father and his brother in law,...

20 Feb 2009

US intervention in Guatemala and Bolivia in the 1950's

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Ever since the early days of European colonization, Latin America has always been a hotbed of unequal distribution of wealth. Latin American economies suffer from disproportionately high rates of inequality, with the richest ten percent of the populace bringing in up to 51.5 percent (Brazil,...

05 Feb 2009

The Red Maestro: Leopold Trepper and the Communist European Spy Network of World War II

Essay - 11 pages - Modern history

There was obviously a good amount of rhyme and reason to the Nazi Abwehr's technical jargon. Each codename had its own justification, and worked fairly well on a metaphorical level. From calling forgers “cobblers” (due to the amount of overlap between shoemaking tools and forging...

05 Feb 2009

Impact of World War I on the American home front

Essay - 8 pages - Modern history

The First World War (WWI), the Great War that ended all wars initiated by the Allied and Associated Powers based on the opposition to the Central Powers of Austria-Hungry, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire was the most destructive and by the most costly to the nations involved. What is...

21 Jan 2009

President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima: Was there a realistic alternative to this course of action?

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

On the morning of August 6, 1945, the United States dropped, on the city of Hiroshima, the first of the only two nuclear bombs ever employed against human population, killing more than 115.000 people - probably as many as 250.000 according to the highest estimates - and injuring at least another...

21 Jan 2009

The treaty of Versailles

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

World War I (1914-1918) left the European continent completely devastated (especially France and Belgium). Human and material losses were massive. Indeed, about 10 million lives had been lost during the war. In order to prevent this nightmare from happens again, the victorious powers (the...

19 Jan 2009

European diplomacy: from the Bismarckian System and the Realpolitik to the pre-WW1 Alliances and the Weltpolitik

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

From 1872 to 1907, a series of alliances are formed among European major powers. The international system formed by German chancellor Bismarck in order to ensure Germany's hegemony within Europe and prevent a possible French revenge disappears in 1890. Then, the European powers gather in two...

16 Jan 2009

The failure of the Arusha Process in the Rwandese Crisis

Essay - 11 pages - Modern history

The 1994 Rwandese genocide happened in the following of a civil war which had begun more than three years earlier. In October 1990, the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF), which gathered the Rwandese who were refugees in south Uganda (mostly since the decolonization period at the end of the 1960s),...

16 Jan 2009

Truman and the post-war years

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

During and due to the War economy, the American factories had been very active. They bustled with triple shifts. The US had eventually absorbed one of the most severe attacks launched on its values. However the role of the family and women within, it highlighted the uncertainties facing the...

16 Jan 2009

The American Revolution 1776-1783

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

The American Revolution is one of the biggest events that durably affected the American population: first this conflict was the only one that ever took place on their territory, and secondly it opposed American people themselves in a merciless civil war. Before 1775, the American territory was a...

16 Jan 2009

The Cecchini report - 20 years later

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

With the Maastricht Treaty, in 1992, the European Community will now be a single market composed of twelve countries, with no more barriers between them. This change was of course studied and analyzed before coming into force. The European Commission, in 1986, mandated Mr Cecchini to make an...

16 Jan 2009

Lebanon's fragility: The case of the Civil War 1975-1990

Essay - 7 pages - Modern history

The states of the Arab East have always experienced challenging political and social issues mainly inherited from their creation by Great Powers after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Indeed, the Western organizational model of the time, i.e. nation-state, poorly fitted the regional realities....

16 Jan 2009

Hungarian history and culture

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The Carpathian basin is composed by the Carpathians, the Alps ands the Dinaric Alps. This geographical situation makes present-day Hungary as a singular country, a land with melting-pot cultures from different ages. Finally, the Magyars has sealed the curse when the prince Árpád has conquered the...

16 Jan 2009

The Japanese expansionism during the first part of the Showa Era: 1926-1945

Essay - 7 pages - Modern history

In 1926, Hirohito, the grandson of the Meiji emperor, reached the throne and chose Showa ("enlightened Peace") as the official name of his reign. However, the General Tanaka Giichi became Prime Minister in 1927, confirming the dominating role of the army. The fast industrialization of the country...

16 Jan 2009

The colonial legacy of the Herero Genocide in Namibia

Essay - 10 pages - Modern history

What is the relationship between Namibia at the dawn of the XXth century, Mein Kampf and UNO? The Hereros establish the link; this community of Southwest Africa who, in spite of it, took part in the ideological elaboration of the genocides century. It is not a very common history which, for...

16 Jan 2009

The Bhopal Disaster: A tragedy in the Indian Industrial history

Essay - 18 pages - Modern history

The Bhopal disaster happened in the early hours of the morning of December 3rd, 1984. It is one of the most terrible industrial disaster or maybe even the most terrible disaster that ever happened. It took place in Bhopal which is the capital city of an Indian state called Madhya Pradesh. The...

16 Jan 2009

The Cold war and the Cuban missile crisis

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

Understanding the Cold War, it is central to understand the history of the 2nd half of the 20th century. Between 1945 and 1991, there were lots of casualties in more than 100 wars that took place in the 3rd World in that period. Moreover, most of the crisis that threatened to escalate into a...

15 Jan 2009

During the Cold War, what role did oil play in driving western intervention to the Middle East?

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

After the Second World War in 1945, a new world order came up: Western Europe had to recover from the damages the war caused, and the US and the Soviet Union were competing against each other for power in a Cold War period. During this era, lasting up to the collapse of the Soviet Union in...

15 Jan 2009

The contribution of the Salon and the Masonic Lodge to the circulation of enlightened ideas in eighteenth-century Europe

Essay - 7 pages - Modern history

The Masonic Lodge embodied the new type of private societies with public effects that developed remarkably over the eighteenth century in Europe. On the contrary, the Salon, as an official exhibition of paintings, was the representation of the influence of the monarchy on artistic matters during...