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Criminal law

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81 results

19 Nov 2013

Criminal Justice: Ethical and Critical Thinking

Case study - 7 pages - Criminal law

Criminal justice is a very fulfilling career field. In this field you will run into so many different types of people. Some, of which will show you the ropes, and others that will let you fall on your face. In this paper, you will read about the different authors who have been used in direct...

19 Nov 2013

Discretion and Hiding Truth

Case study - 1 pages - Criminal law

When dealing with a situation to where you have to dispute a sort of misunderstanding, you have to be very confident in the resolution. I would have to sit and think about the chain of command within the department. I would go and try to find the missing information. Emotionally I would most...

10 Oct 2013

Criminal case

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

A criminal case is referred to as court proceedings involving a trial against an individual who has committed a crime against an individual or the government. This paper elucidates a criminal case through an illustration of a case. This case is between Wardens, Maryland penitentiary versus...

09 Jul 2013

Crime statistics in America and their impact on society

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

“Crime statistics” is a word heard on the news every day, but many American's don't know where they come from or what exactly that means. In this paper we will explain not only what this word means but also what it contains as well as the systems used to measure these statistics. Later...

09 Jul 2013

Correctional officer simulation and reaction

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

After reading the above simulation one must first take into account the contemporary problems in the American corrections system today. Many of the prisons themselves are old and in need of repair. This in turn causes great amounts of health and fire hazards for not only the inmates but also the...

09 Jul 2013

Case scenario analysis and reaction

Case study - 4 pages - Criminal law

In and out of court cases the prosecution has certain ethical guidelines and requirements they must follow as an officer of the court. Should they come into knowledge of a crime or breach in code of ethics the prosecutor is required to report these discrepancies to the court whether or not this...

09 Jul 2013

Counterterrorism theories and policy

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

There are many options when combating terrorism. This form of combating terrorism, or counterterrorism, includes options such as retaliation, preemption, negotiation, covert military operation, special operations, prosecution and punishment. In the case of prosecution and punishment one can find...

09 Jul 2013

Asset forfeiture in combating terrorism

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

Asset forfeiture is a wonderful tool in combatting terrorist financing. By causing those who provide funds for terrorist organizations to hand over their wealth to the US government in a criminal investigation or after sentencing, we are able to use the funds that would once be funneled into...

08 Jul 2013

Classification and imprisonment in the United States correctional system

Case study - 6 pages - Criminal law

Many people wonder who decides what offenders go into what prisons and why some of those prisons are labeled “maximum security” while others are simply “minimum security”. Is it based on a state, local or federal level or is it based on the percentage of felony to misdemeanor...

08 Jul 2013

Case history and their reasoning

Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law

•Facts: McDonnell, a prisoner, filed a class action suit against the state of Nebraska claiming that the disciplinary procedure was unconstitutional in both actions in general and revocation of good time off sentencing. The state courts ruled that the case did not meet the minimum...

08 Jul 2013

Goals of punishment and their applications in corrections

Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law

In punishment, as in all aspects of our world, there is always a goal to an action. For this topic there are not one but five different goals related to punishment and the correctional system of the U.S. and abroad. These goals have evolved over the centuries to fit the needs of society at the...

07 May 2013

Alternatives measures for young offenders

Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law

As indicated in the introduction above, diversion is alternative measures that are giving to younger offenders who commit a minor crime too including their first offense. The very means to alternative measures are basically programs that stored in placed “that uses victim/offender mediation...

07 May 2013

Theories related to crime causation

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

There are theories that can vary greatly when it is related to crime causation. There are many different insights to the cause of crime. Many people have their own belief to why someone does what they do because they expect it is part of their human characteristics. Crime causation is commonly...

07 May 2013

Code of conduct in business

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

As ECG becomes more successful with new implementation of the code of conduct, the business has been running more smoothly by having all employees engaged in training sessions concerning the ethical standards within the organization at ECG. Businesses tend to have a great success, but there are...

06 May 2013

Code of Conduct: Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making

Case study - 2 pages - Criminal law

As a leader of an organization, there are many responsibilities that and leader must take on especially shaping the culture of ethics within the organization. Also as being a leader, operational management and responsibility play a bigger role in the organization when it come sustainability...

10 Sep 2012

Police misconduct

Case study - 4 pages - Criminal law

Police misconduct can be described as a violation, by a police officer, of a legal, ethical, or moral code while on duty. Police misconduct can still occur while off-duty so long as the officer uses, in some way, their status as a police officer to break these legal, ethical, or moral codes....

10 Sep 2012

Racial disparities in policing

Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law

Both institutional and cultural characteristics combine to contribute to racial disparities in policing, but it is my opinion that the institution is the stronger of the two influences. The structure of the institution promotes certain tactics, philosophies, and standard operating procedures that...

17 Aug 2012

The Patriot Act: Why it's Constitutional as well as vital to American Freedom

Essay - 13 pages - Criminal law

The Patriot Act is often thought to be a breach of civil liberties but in reality it is just an extension of laws that already exist. The Patriot Act allows investigators to use the tools that are already available in the investigations of counter terrorism within the world of organized crime and...

22 Jul 2011

Criminal Law

Thesis - 22 pages - Criminal law

What is an actus reus? An actus reus is more than just an act. It includes whatever circumstances and consequences that are required for liability for the offense in question which means that an actus reus is composed by all the elements of an offense other than the mental element. Some crimes,...

28 Jun 2011

Split Brain: 'Puccetti Defense'

Case study - 4 pages - Criminal law

Sitting uncomfortably in the court room next to your public defender, you look around the audience to see who has come to support you in this unique case. Seth Shabo is quietly sitting in the second row, staring straight into the center of the courtroom, and Tyler Doggett can be seen in the...

29 Sep 2010

Is the adversarial system of criminal procedure more or less effective than an inquisitorial system in finding out the truth about an alleged offence? Advantages and disadvantages of adversarial and inquisitorial criminal procedure - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 7 pages - Criminal law

As early as 1866, Faustin Helie, a French judge and legal author, underlined the idea of a necessary equilibrium between the interests of the society (which needs to be protected from infringements) and the interests of the accused persons (whose rights must be totally guaranteed) in the criminal...

29 Sep 2010

Criminal law: recklessness and negligence

Essay - 4 pages - Criminal law

Subject: “Risk takers” present problems for the courts. Critically discuss this statement with reference to the courts' management of defendants who claim “I did not think”, “I did foresee a risk and took it but I intended no harm”, “Awareness of a risk of harm...

09 Aug 2010

Commonwealth v. Berkowitz 641 A.2d 1161 (1994)

Thesis - 3 pages - Criminal law

In the afternoon of April 19th, 1988, Robert Berkowitz was relaxing in his dorm room at East Stroudsburg State University in Pennsylvania. The victim, who will remain nameless, had been preparing for a day with her boyfriend. She drank a martini to pass the time, and walked to him dorm room in...

02 Aug 2010

Current criminal justice

Thesis - 4 pages - Criminal law

The United States has been plagued with the issue of marijuana use for quite some time. The current policy set in place requires the use of many resources to deal with such a minor defiance. As of now, courts are backlogged because of the high number of arrests for minor offenses. Many are...

28 Jul 2010

People v. Kimball 311 N.W. 2d 343 (1981)

Thesis - 2 pages - Criminal law

This trial is about defendant James Kimball, a Sutton Bay, Michigan resident. He was charged with attempted unarmed robbery and sentenced to a 3 to 5 year term he appealed by leave, which was awarded. The case relates to an argument held at a local party store on May 21st, 1979. Kimball met up...

28 Jul 2010

State v. Ulvinen 313 N.W.2d 425 (Minn. 1981)

Thesis - 2 pages - Criminal law

Helen Ulvinen is the defendant in this case. She is the mother of David Hoffman, who killed his wife Carol. On the night of August 10th, to the morning of August 11th, David Hoffman choked his wife to death. There had been issues with Carol and Helen, and David had made references to his mother...

21 Jun 2010

The problem of modern piracy in international relations

Thesis - 2 pages - Criminal law

According to me, another major issue is that the UNCLOS treats only the cases of violence, detention or depredation committed on the high seas (e.g. outside the jurisdiction of any country). However, if people commit the same acts in the waters under the jurisdiction of a country, these actions...

12 Feb 2010

Consent to bodily harm and criminal law

Thesis - 5 pages - Criminal law

In R v Barnes [2005] 1 WLR Lord Woolf CJ considered the decision of the House of Lords in R v Brown [1994] AC 212 and the Court of Appeal in R v Dica [2004] QB 1257 and decided that it is clear that the rule and the exceptions to the rule that a person cannot consent to his being caused actual...

28 Dec 2009

Juvenile justice

Thesis - 3 pages - Criminal law

The juvenile justice system is different from the criminal justice system. Talking to a parent with a child who has broken the law means addressing the parent's concerns, discussing options specific to the case, and giving appropriate legal advice. The juvenile justice system, while bearing...

01 Jun 2009

Plessy v. Ferguson: Utilizing the technique of shepardizing to see relationships among cases

Case study - 6 pages - Criminal law

In 1890, the Louisiana State legislature passed Act 111, also known as the Separate Car Act. This required white and African American people to be given “separate but equal” accommodations on railway trains. It required that: “All railway companies carrying passengers in their...