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433 results

06 Jun 2012

Crohn's disease and its psychosocial implications

Case study - 24 pages - Psychology

Crohn's Disease is an autoimmune disorder that falls under a category of diseases known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (sometimes referred to as Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome; Hanauer, S. B., 1996). An autoimmune disease is one in which a person's body determines its own cells and tissues to be...

04 Jun 2012

Paranoid Schizophrenia

Case study - 16 pages - Psychology

Paranoid schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that encapsulates a myriad of symptoms, including various states of psychosis and disorganized thought, speech, and behavior. Its etiology has not been ascertained, but evidence suggests a genetic role in its development. Those afflicted with...

30 May 2012

Relational aggression

Case study - 12 pages - Psychology

Among modern children and adolescent peer relationships lies a subtle, but sinister variety of bullying that is becoming more prominent, especially among girls. It is called relational aggression and it is defined by “behaviors that inflict harm on others by manipulating their peer...

06 Dec 2011

Are company stress management programs effective?

Case study - 16 pages - Psychology

France has very specific characteristics on stress at work,problems such as suicide are much more frequent than elsewhere. Ironically, France is a country where firms are trying to reduce stress problems. The French case is a good example to study in the current context.The question is:what firms...

28 Jun 2011

Our Unconscious Biases: The Implications of the IAT and Other Implicit Measures

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

“If you are unprepared to encounter interpretations [of your results] that you might find objectionable, please do not continue” (Project Implicit ® - Take a Test). Every visitor to Project Implicit, a self-described “hands-on science museum exhibit” involving researchers from...

27 Jun 2011

Behavior across the Life Span

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

The Home Environments of Children in the United States was a recent study that examined the home environments of children in the U.S. and how particular conditions related to the child's well-being. The following pages will provide additional commentary on this study while utilizing Piaget's...

23 Mar 2011

Cognitive psychology: Language

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

Language is a complex cognitive function that has fascinated scientists and cognitive psychologists for years. Language is a cognitive function that all humans acquire, use, and alter over the course of a lifetime. Language acquisition begins almost immediately following birth and appears to be a...

23 Mar 2011

Overview of Cognitive Psychology

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

The Columbia Encyclopedia (2008) defines cognitive psychology as the “school of psychology that examines internal mental processes such as problem solving, memory and language.” (para. 1). Cognitive psychologists work to understand how people recognize, diagnose, and solve their...

23 Mar 2011

Sources of motivation - published: 23/03/2011

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Motivation is a concept that all individuals are aware of in some way or form. Motivation is the root of many discussions and the cause of many behaviors in humans and animals. Society wonders what motivates individuals to commit criminal acts despite the obvious consequences and the educational...

23 Mar 2011

Motivation and the brain - published: 23/03/2011

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Smoking is a destructive and largely popular vice. Smoking is linked to medical problems such as heart disease, major and minor cardiac problems, lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis (eHealthMD, 2010) . Quit Smoking Support states “ Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals...

22 Mar 2011

Karen Horney and her psychological thoughts

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Karen Horney occupys an important place in psychology and psychological thought. She was dedicated to psychology and the admirable thirst for knowledge. She followed the psychoanalyst school of thought and was instrumental in the creation of the psychological field as it stands today. As one of...

22 Mar 2011

Perspectives of John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner and Edward C. Tolman

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

John B. Watson, B. F. Skinner and Edward C. Tolman were psychologists responsible for a large amount of innovative thought known as Behaviorism. Watson, Skinner and Tolman were important names in the psychology field and each of these men were forward thinkers with ideas that ultimately changed...

22 Mar 2011

History of psychology - published: 22/03/2011

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

Psychology is the study of the mind and the working of the mind. It is a relatively new science when compared to the other sciences. Psychology was born from Philosophy and to understand the history of psychology one must also wish to seek and understand the history of philosophy. Goodwin (2008)...

04 Feb 2011

Examining Brain Myths and Folk Psychology in Flowers for Algernon

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

In today's world, an individual's IQ (intelligence quotient) is a common measure of their cognitive ability. This cognitive ability can make them successful in education and in the workplace. In the United States, individuals in prestigious positions have a generally higher IQ (Sternberg, 1996)....

25 Jan 2011

Confidence is Art

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

If you do not feel confident, do not let that get your spirits down for you can be confident. If you're already feeling confident, then you can become even more confident. Confidence is dynamic, it can go up or down, constantly change and evolve. What you need to do is keep it at optimal and...

20 Oct 2010

Psychological profile of John Adams

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

John Adams' life and political career were mostly and profoundly shaped by his egrarian roots, the period in which he lived, and his founding father cohorts. His father's assertion that John must be a man of liberal education in the law, as well as a farming man of New England made him hard...

29 Sep 2010

Civilization and its Discontents, Freud: the "death instinct" (chapter VI)

Book review - 1 pages - Psychology

To understand Freud's discussion of the death wish or « death instinct » in chapter VI of Civilization and its Discontents, suffice it to start with a paradox. The work of culture is placed under the authority of Eros, of a life force that aims at combining individuals into greater units and...

29 Sep 2010

Evolution of Investment Strategies, and Case-Based Decision Theory

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Gilboa and Schmeidler's work demonstrates an important distinction between behavior as predicted by Expected Utility Theory and as predicted by Case Based Decision Theory: in the event of a posed similar, familiar decision, people will revert to their memories of past situations to determine...

29 Sep 2010

Museums and heritage

Essay - 9 pages - Psychology

The interest of tourists in death, disaster and atrocity is undeniable (Lennon and Foley, 2000). Dark sites are fashionable: tourists rush to visit Père Lachaise, San Vicente, or Highgate cemeteries (The Guardian, 2005), in-flight magazines talk of the "joy of prison museums" (Strange and Kempa,...

29 Sep 2010

Emotional Intelligence

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

The study of intelligence within the scientific community is not a new development. Symbolically, the study of intelligence is related to research in the cognitive domain. The cognitive domain refers to the knowing domain. That is why when knowledge is imparted, the objective is to ensure that...

25 Aug 2010

Fears and phobias

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Fears and phobias are prevalent in human minds. Fears, phobias and anxieties are generally found hidden deep in our minds and constitute an essential part of our existence. A phobia is an excessive anxiety to face the reality of danger. A fear is an anxiety and becomes a phobia when it becomes...

25 Aug 2010

Values in social psychology

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

Every culture is organized around values, that is to say, it is governed by organizing principles of behavior and perceptions. They are defined in the form of ideals, shared by the members of a community and determine a way of lifestyle. Different people may move to different focal objects of...

25 Aug 2010

Psychologist's role in abortion

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

The objective of this document is to summarize the research information related to the professional practice of psychology. For this, we decided to work on the role of the psychologist in a hospital. As this is an area that interests us, we wanted to know the role of the psychologist during the...

17 Aug 2010

Sigmund Freud's The psychopathology of everyday life

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

In this book, Freud tells us that the acts of daily life that we consider irrelevant (forgetting a name, an appointment, ring the bell to enter) actually have a meaning and are manifestations of the unconscious. For Freud, forgetting is a spontaneous phenomenon. It may be a word or a sequence of...

16 Aug 2010

The role of the brain in cognitive functions

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

The human brain is an extremely multifaceted organ. It not only holds the mysterious entity referred to as the human consciousness, it additionally arbitrates particular behaviors. The configuration of the brain and its advanced cognitive operations are the creation of many centuries of evolution...

16 Aug 2010

The sexuality of disabled people and related issues

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

I did my internship in a hostel, where there were twenty-one adults with intellectual disabilities and psychotic disorders, in the age group between twenty four and fifty nine. These adults were supported by an educational team consisting of three monitors or counselors, two educators, a...

16 Aug 2010

Dreams and Sigmund Freud

Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology

Dreams are images, sounds or emotions experienced by the mind while in sleep. The specific purpose of dreams has not been understood completely, though there has been quite an interest in this field. The scientific study of dreams is called Oneirology. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist, who...

12 Aug 2010

The effect of religion on perceived sense of happiness

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

The idea of religion has been one that has existed since the invention of writing around 3,000 BC. The religious groups in the world with the most adherents in order are: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Confucianism. Only 11% of the worlds population consider...

10 Aug 2010

The theory of psychology

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

In the quote, “The purpose of psychology is to give us an entirely fresh viewpoint about things we know best,” Paul Valery is basically saying that psychology gives people the ability to analyze themselves and the people and things closest to them from another perspective. For example,...

10 Aug 2010

Neuro-physiological and evolutionary theories

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

The brain is the most important part of the body. With the use of the brain all other limbs and bodily functions receive information about what should be taking place. With all that the brain is responsible for there is still another task that people maintain almost seamlessly. That task is the...