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149 results

20 Jan 2009

Ambiguity of the term "objectivity" in the media

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

The importance of the concept of objectivity in the media is well attested. Since the beginning of the newspaper press in the early nineteenth Century in the United States and in Europe, rising democracy in the Society has produced various economic, political and technological factors which have...

20 Jan 2009

The magazine 'What else?'

Essay - 7 pages - Journalism

Each year, at the same period, at the IUT, students of 2nd year spend one day with their counterpart of 1st year, that permit to everyone to know the others. The journalists of "What else" were of course on the spot. This day starts firstly with an afternoon of games, where 1st year students were...

20 Jan 2009

Cultural project: Museums in Bradford

Essay - 13 pages - Journalism

Bradford is the 7th city in United Kingdom, with more than 478,800 inhabitants (metro district). Located in the West Yorkshire, this city has been developed thanks to the first industrial revolution (1780 - 1840) and the second one (1840 - 1900). During this period, Bradford has become very rich...

19 Jan 2009

Corporate web communication: Lastfm

Essay - 12 pages - Journalism is a open content music community website and also an Internet radio station with music recommendation system based on each user's and friends' musical taste on the base of a collaborative filter. Objective of this site is to become the biggest music database completed by all users and...

19 Jan 2009

How do magazines construct identity?

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

The many different types of magazines that are present in the market could be seen as a proof that editors are constantly looking to target an audience. Indeed, in order to secure the right type of advertisers, magazine editors have to find the right type of readers so that the efficiency and...

19 Jan 2009

Violence in South Africa

Essay - 13 pages - Journalism

While South Africa is one of the richest countries of Africa, why is there so much violence? 25 of the biggest African firms are South African, and its economy is the largest and the most developed on the continent. It grows by 5% every year. Yet, South Africa has a high rate of unemployment and...

19 Jan 2009


Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

Have you ever read Poe's, Maupassant's or Hemingway's works, examined Van Gogh's, Picasso's, Toulouse-Lautrec's or Manet's paintings, or even studied Baudelaire's, Rimbaud's or Wilde's pieces of art? Chances are you have, which means that you have also tasted the effects of la fée verte, the...

16 Jan 2009

Discuss the methods by which Britain became a great power

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

The very notion of power and by extension the one of great power, have always been elaborate concepts to grasp. Should one study the strength of a nation from a historical perspective, then it appears that the notion of great power could only be defined comparatively. Indeed, it is only in its...

16 Jan 2009

Democratic Republic of Sao Tomé e Principe: Parties, influence groups and human rights

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

The islands of Sao Tomé and Principe were colonized by the Portuguese in the 16th century and were then used as a slave trading point. Later in the 19th century they began to export cocoa. After the decolonization in 1951 the country finally came to independence in 1975. A one-party-regime was...

16 Jan 2009


Essay - 2 pages - Journalism

Romania is the old roman province of Dacie created in the II nd century. Since the IIIrd century, it was invaded but the farmers went to the mountains and kept their latin language and traditions. Between the Xth and the XIIIth, Orthodox principalities were created. Until the XVIIth century,...

16 Jan 2009


Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

The Harley-Davidson brand was created in 1903 by William S. Harley and the Davidson brothers. At the beginning, Harley-Davidson was built to be race motorcycles. As soon as 1907, the brand won several races, which allowed for the recognition from both professionals and customers. Harley-Davidson...

16 Jan 2009

The Russian business culture

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia emerged as a nation. A new constitution was adopted in 1993, representing the end of communism. Russia has now a federation style government with a market economy (“CIA”, The World FactBook: Russia, online). Despite important...

16 Jan 2009

Sampling methods

Essay - 9 pages - Journalism

As time and resources available are limited, we cannot interview all members of a population. Therefore, researchers use sampling to obtain the information they need. They select a limited number of people (a sample) to represent the characteristics of a whole population. There are different...

16 Jan 2009

United Kingdom: In and out of Europe

Essay - 10 pages - Journalism

The United Kingdom has always been in and out of Europe. Such posturing is in keeping with a series of mantras [religious beliefs] upon which Britain's policy towards Europe is predicated. The latter have never been really challenged in the last century. Britain's Europe is a paradoxical...

16 Jan 2009

Euro Disney case

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

Disneyland Park is one of the theme parks belonging to the Walt Disney Company. It is settled in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris (France). The theme park opened on April 12th 1992 as Euro Disneyland. In 1994, it was renamed Disneyland Paris until 2002. It is now known as Disneyland Resort Paris. A...

16 Jan 2009

Research methodology business tourism in France

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

Welcome to the wonderful and interesting world of Business Tourism! This essay is the second step of a huge research to find solutions to questions in this market of the wider tourism industry. Meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions, outdoor events and individual business travels justify...

16 Jan 2009

Will Narco-trafficking ever stop in Afghanistan?

Essay - 8 pages - Journalism

Since December 1979 and the Soviet Christmas invasion of the country, we could say that peace has never been satisfactorily reached again in the country. The Afghan War has firstly destroyed the country from 1979 to 1989 and caused the death of nearly 2 million civilian victims among the Afghan...

16 Jan 2009

Rapport de stage "State Street Bank"

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a sovereign state of 2 500 square kilometers bordered by Belgium, France and Germany. It has a population of over 455 000 of which 38.6 % are foreigners. The city of Luxembourg has a population of 77 300. Each working day, over 117 000 cross-border workers travel...

16 Jan 2009

The business travel industry in Lyon

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

The Business Travel and Tourism industry is one the most dynamic sub market of the MICE market at this time. There are many definitions relating to the MICE market which make it difficult to define. However, MICE stand for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions related somehow to forms...

15 Jan 2009

A new type of tourism: Activity-based tourism, the examples of dark tourism and sport tourism

Essay - 8 pages - Journalism

During the last decades, we have witnessed the existence of a tourism consumption model were consumers massively colonized all destinations worldwide indifferent to quality, environment and local cultures. However, for a few years, we have noticed the appearance of new trends in consumer...

15 Jan 2009

Amsterdam presentation

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

Nowadays, Amsterdam, the Dutch capital, is a city well-known in all Europe, thanks to its great charm, due to the global architecture of the city and the inhabitants' conception of life. The town, which has been a famous trade center for four centuries, was built around a lot of canals, which...

15 Jan 2009

New Rome

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

French Minister Hubert Vedrine has admitted that since the fall of the Soviet Union's America is the only “superpower”. The United States is no longer in competition with other countries. America seems to be invulnerable and rules over international relationships because of which...

15 Jan 2009

The hidden side of counter-terrorist measures: a threat to the civil liberties

Essay - 9 pages - Journalism

While watching the movie “in the name of the father”, I was like everyone else, I assume, was deeply moved and overwhelmed by the gravity of the miscarriage of justice and police force abuses of which the protagonists were victim. However, what chocked me the most was the fact that this...

15 Jan 2009

Drugs and globalization

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

Relations between drugs and international trade are a long story, we could think of the 19th century and the important consumption of opium in Europe, as can be seen for example in the film From Hell. Opium was obviously not produced in Europe for climatic reasons and essentially came from Asia....

15 Jan 2009

Fighting against AIDS: Acting for human rights and development

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

If developing countries have to cope with many handicaps setbacks as well as in terms of political development, then one of the main plagues that seriously affects these countries is the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Indeed, 40 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. Among them, 95% live in...

15 Jan 2009


Essay - 12 pages - Journalism

Increasing international communications in volume and diversity (physical or virtual) as well as increasing threats (terrorism, piracy...) appeal for a need to identify individuals. Indeed, important issues raise the numbers of terrorists, criminals and so on. People can prove their identity...

15 Jan 2009

International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

After WWII, the world realized the madness of mankind: although the Jewish genocide wasn't the first one in history, it was the first one which the international community became really aware of. In order to punish the terrible war crimes, 2 international military tribunals were created: one...

15 Jan 2009

Drug related offences

Essay - 14 pages - Journalism

In modern societies it is easy to recognise that consuming drugs is an every day reality; not only taking heroin or marijuana, but also smoking, taking painkillers, having a coffee, a tea or abusing of alcohol for Saturday as a required “Saturday night” obligation. The illegal drug...

15 Jan 2009

Should Kashmir be unified under or as a single state?

Essay - 5 pages - Journalism

Since the departure of the British from the region in 1947, the Kashmiri population never stopped suffering form the struggle and wars between Pakistan and India. In this conflict, everybody had first their own reason to struggle for Kashmir but the conflict soon became about national pride. The...

15 Jan 2009

The clout of the British aristocracy

Essay - 11 pages - Journalism

The British aristocracy is known worldwide, not only because of its prestigious past, but also for all its special ways of life. Many stereotypes can briefly define them: they have a great economic power, they are important actors in the British political life, and they have very specific habits...