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16 Jun 2009

Foreign exchange markets (12 slides)

Presentation - 4 pages - Finance

Forex market is an over the counter market, through which we can convert one country's currency into another. Participants like market makers, brokers, corporate and individual customers are physically separated from each other. A Forex trader can work from home or office at his chosen hours of...

15 Jun 2009

Investor's awareness about the depository systems

Case study - 39 pages - Finance

Technology is revolutionizing every field of human endeavor and activity. Indian capital market is barrow meter of Indian economy; one of them is introduced technology into capital market. A major development in the Indian capital market has been setting up of Depository system. The rapid growth...

15 Jun 2009

What is "Finance" and what is its importance

Thesis - 27 pages - Finance

In our present day economy, “FINANCE” is defined as the provision of money at the time when it is required. Every enterprise, whether big, medium of small, needs finance to carry on its operations and to achieve its targets. Finance...

30 May 2009

Stocktrack simulation

Thesis - 5 pages - Finance

I had $50,000 to spend and see what happened in a six week period. It reminded me of fantasy football. It simulates all major securities and all the results are based on the actual market performance so the only real difference is that the money involved is not real. As such, I tried to treat it...

30 May 2009

Mutual funds and their investment options

Tutorials/exercises - 42 pages - Finance

A mutual fund is a pool of money, collected from investors, and is invested according to certain investment options. A mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. A mutual fund is created when investors put their money together. It is...

30 May 2009

Impact of Herberg and Maslow's theories in organizations

Tutorials/exercises - 49 pages - Finance

Among various behavioral theories generally believed and embraced by American business are those of Frederick Herzberg and Abraham Maslow. Herzberg, a psychologist, proposed a theory about job factors that motivate employees. Maslow, a behavioral scientist and contemporary of Herzberg's,...

30 May 2009

Analysis of stock markets using GANN studies

Tutorials/exercises - 50 pages - Finance

Tradegen systems is a one stop solution provider and guide to help Indian traders and investors maximize their returns from the markets and create wealth for themselves and their family. Our range of profitable products and robust trading systems together with our principles will help any Indian...

29 May 2009

How AG Edwards investment firm relates to economic theory

Thesis - 6 pages - Finance

Any business - financial, manufacturer, distributor or service provider - follows the standard assumption in microeconomic theory of the firm states that the primary goal of a firm in a market-based economy is to maximize economic profits (Varian, 1999). However, unlike a manufacturing company...

28 May 2009

A study on mutual funds and investors behavior

Tutorials/exercises - 33 pages - Finance

Mutual fund is a pool of money collected from investors and is invested according to certain investment options. A mutual fund is a trust that pools the saving of a no. of investors who share a common financial goal. A mutual fund is created when investors put their money together. It is,...

28 May 2009

Working capital management in Hindalco (Aditya Birla Group)

Tutorials/exercises - 60 pages - Finance

The foundation stone of the Aditya Birla Group was laid down by the great visionary and the founding father of the Indian industry- Lt. Shri Ghanshyam Das Birla. The succession torch was successfully carried on by his son, Lt. Shri Basant Kumar Birla. In the year 1943 was born Aditya Vikram...

28 May 2009

Success in financial business management: A case study Site and Sounds Ltd

Case study - 7 pages - Finance

List the factors that may affect your assessment of S&S's inherent risk i.e. factors that increase as well as those that decrease inherent risk. Briefly discuss the impact of your analysis on your overall audit plan. Audit risk is the risk that my audit team provides an inappropriate opinion on...

28 May 2009

Commodity markets Vs share markets

Case study - 77 pages - Finance

Indian markets have recently thrown open a new avenue for retail investors and traders to participate in: commodity derivatives. For those who want to diversify their portfolios beyond shares, bonds and real estate, commodities are the best option. Till some months ago, this wouldn't have...

27 May 2009

E-banking and Canara Bank

Case study - 56 pages - Finance

The banking sector is the lifeline of any modern economy. It is one of the important financial pillars of the financial system, which plays a vital role in the success/failure of an economy. Banks are one of the oldest financial intermediaries in the financial system. They play an important role...

27 May 2009

Comparative study of institutions offering home loans

Case study - 40 pages - Finance

Housing finance is one of the industries which are driven by ups and downs in the real state industry. Although there has been an upsurge in the demand for the home loans in the recent past, it has not translated into a stupendous performance by the housing finance companies (HFC's).the housing...

27 May 2009

Comparative analysis of investment patterns, market segmentation, market feedback and the formulation of new strategies

Case study - 49 pages - Finance

HDFC commenced operations as a mortgage bank; it raised large wholesale resources (domestic and international) and lent primarily to individual households. In mid 1991, HDFC entered the retail deposit market by offering savings and investment opportunities to households. Incorporated in 1977 with...

27 May 2009

The role of National Bank Ltd in export and import in Bangladesh - NBL Dhaka

Tutorials/exercises - 41 pages - Finance

A bank is an institution, which deals in money. It means that a bank receives money in the form of deposits from the public and lends money for the development of trade and commerce. It is very difficult to define the term “Bank” or “Banker” precisely. Even the best...

26 May 2009

Need for financial statement analysis in a computer hardware industry

Tutorials/exercises - 38 pages - Finance

Financial management, as an integral part of overall management is not totally an independent area. It draws heavily on related disciplines and fields of study such as economics, accounting, marketing, production and quantitative methods. The scope of finance function was treated by the...

26 May 2009

The impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the retail industry in India

Dissertation - 102 pages - Finance

Retailing is the largest private industry in India and second largest employer after agriculture. Retailers not only provide consumers with a wide variety of products, but also a wide range of complementary services such as assurance of products delivery which can lead to more informed choice and...

21 May 2009

Investment opportunities in relevance to ICICI

Case study - 74 pages - Finance

In the '90s there has been a decisive shift towards a new wave, the domain of financial services. In the era of the consumer, financial services, which seek to put the consumer in the forefront, have come to stay. Skillful marketing has opened up a wide spectrum of areas where financial...

21 May 2009

Fundamentals of fund management

Thesis - 6 pages - Finance

The easiest way to harness your savings to the stock market is through investing in a fund which pools your money with that of many thousands of other people. Investment funds are commercially run organizations, often owned by banks or insurance companies, which buy shares in bulk, collect the...

21 May 2009

HDFC and the mobilization of funds in the insurance sector

Tutorials/exercises - 63 pages - Finance

It has been established that village co-operatives insured against loss of profit in an industry in the early days of the Aryan Civilization. There were contacts safeguarding risks of transport by sea or land. Further these well renowned joint-family system rendered services similar to those of...

21 May 2009

Creating an application for proper implementation of wealth management

Dissertation - 101 pages - Finance

“ Without order nothing would exist, without chaos nothing would evolve “. As the saying goes nothing would evolve without chaos and nothing would exist without order, the same applies in the areas of business. Something new comes into the market to bring order and safety in the markets...

21 May 2009

An overview of financial management

Thesis - 6 pages - Finance

Finance is known to be the life-blood of business. It is extremely important to carefully look after the financial transactions and activities that go on in a business. Proper analysis and insight is necessary in order to plan for the future. The word finance comes from the Latin word...

21 May 2009

A study on currency correlation and variability as a hedging tool: An analytical study of their relationship

Tutorials/exercises - 47 pages - Finance

Organizations are becoming increasingly more globalized. Currency transactions and risks there upon influence an organization portfolio. Firms are finding it necessary to pay special attention to foreign exchange exposure and accordingly design and implement suitable hedging strategies. The...

21 May 2009

A study and an in depth analysis of the Indian capital market

Tutorials/exercises - 33 pages - Finance

The medium capitalized segment of the stock market is being increasingly perceived as an attractive investment segment with high growth potential. However, the lack of awareness among the investors has not been able to prove much as per the above statement. Majority of the investors invest...

20 May 2009

Black and Scholes option pricing model and its applicability

Tutorials/exercises - 45 pages - Finance

The world financial market has undergone qualitative changes in the last three decades due to phenomenal growth of derivatives. With the world embracing the derivative trading on a large scale, the Indian market cannot remain aloof, especially after liberalization has set in motion. Derivative...

20 May 2009

A study on foreign currency funding option

Tutorials/exercises - 35 pages - Finance

Globalization of economy has resulted in interlinking of financial markets in different countries into a common worldwide pool of funds to be accessed by borrowers and lenders alike. No sector of the economy seems to be more global in its orientation and operations than finance. To succeed in...

17 May 2009

Corporate finance: Opening a retail music store

Thesis - 9 pages - Finance

Friends Jane and Elizabeth have decided to open up a retail music store. They will open up a store in a large shopping mall, purchase CDs from the large music distributors, and resell them to the public. Their first decision is to determine if they can profit from this venture, therefore they...

17 May 2009

The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh

Thesis - 9 pages - Finance

“Where businesses cannot develop, countries cannot flourish. Let us use this International Year of Microcredit to put millions of families on the path to prosperity. I extend my gratitude to the nation and people of Bangladesh for helping to show us the way.” the former UN general...

15 May 2009

The implications of the operations of the banking sector on money supply

Thesis - 8 pages - Finance

The UK banking sector plays a crucial role in determining not only the amount of money in circulation in the economy but also the form that it takes (e.g. fiat money or current/deposit account holdings available to be given by the banks as loans). These aspects of the monetary policy can, in...