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2933 results

08 Jun 2024

In the European Union, how can the current generation gap be bridged?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The generation gap is not exclusive to our time. In fact, this phenomenon has been documented in literature since antiquity. In each generation, an arbitrary label is given to each side, but the deepest essence of the gap remains the same: economic, social, and political divergence of points of...

20 May 2024

Interpreting macroeconomic signals

Course material - 46 pages - Economy general

As an economist, what you need to forecast is not so much the end value of the economic indicators. Indeed, markets already have some believes and price in those expectations. What is important to forecast is what the markets are going to change their expectations and when this will occur. To be...

20 May 2024

Macroeconomics Theory

Course material - 57 pages - Theories and economic notions

A confusion is often made between the level of GDP and the growth of GDP. The growth of GDP is the slope of the blue line while the level of GDP is the relative position of the GDP curve to the trend curve. It's entirely possible for a country to experience strong GDP growth while still...

20 May 2024

Competitivity policy

Presentation - 5 pages - Economy general

Small companies make a large share of the surveyed sample in all regional groups, with some changes. Sub-Saharan Africa has the largest share of SME (Small-Middle Enterprises) at a little over 40% of the surveyed sample. The distribution of firm sizes is an important indicator of how resilient...

19 May 2024

How is the nomination of Jerome Powell at the head of the US Federal reserve going to affect the global economy, especially on the issues of monetary policy and financial regulation?

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

Federal Reserve Chairperson Janet Yellen is stepping down from her position in early February 2018. It is widely that her successor is going to be President Trump's selected nominee, Jerome Powell. In contrast with the last three Fed chairpersons, Powell is not an academic, though he has an...

17 May 2024

How does Hungary's and Poland's illiberal approach to democracy, accompanied by a nationalistic retreat, constitute a break with the values of the European Union?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

On 28 July 2014, at the twenty-fifth summer university in B?ile Tu?nad, Romania, Viktor Orbán declared: "The new state we are building in Hungary is not a liberal state, it is an illiberal state based on the value of labour." Indeed, since he came to power in Hungary in 2010, and won the...

11 May 2024

Andrew Jackson's Seventh Annual Message to Congress (1835) - Territorial Expansion

Text commentary - 3 pages - Political science

« Americans are not perfect people but they are called to a perfect mission », such is one of the key visions of the seventh President of the United States from 1829 to 1837, a period in which America had to face many struggles to achieve a real and one federal nation. To that purpose, the...

22 Apr 2024

Captain Ibrahim Traoré

Biography - 3 pages - Political science

Burkina Faso, the Land of Upright Men, is a semi-presidential republic. The President of Faso is the head of state. Since 2014, its political situation has been turned upside down, particularly because of the security context and coups d'état. The constitution was suspended on 31 October...

14 Mar 2024

Is the European Union still relevant nowadays?

Essay - 2 pages - European union

In his declaration of May 1950, in the aftermath of World War II, Robert Schumann emphasized the goal of peace that the European Union (EU) has to play in European politics. Throughout its history, the EU evolved and gained more and more power over several aspects of our lives. The EU that we are...

08 Mar 2024

China's Economic Model - The Silk Road

Case study - 1 pages - Economy general

The Silk Road is as ancient as the Roman Empire and was the link between imperial China and the Western world. Chinese products transited overland, through central Asia and Asia minor, as well as on the seas, through the Gulf of Persia and then the Mediterranean Sea, before reaching Europe....

07 Mar 2024

The United States: internationalism or isolationism?

Essay - 1 pages - International economy

Despite the growing international spirit within the United States, many bristled (and continue to do so) at the commitments implied by the United Nations. Was the United States correct in fully embracing internationalism following World War II or should it have returned to its unilateralist and...

23 Feb 2024

Cameras in Classrooms of UK Schools

Sample letter - 2 pages - Political science

"I'm writing to tell you, about the 100 cameras of your company C** that have been installed in my school: the S** P** High School. As a student in this high school, I am convinced that my opinion on these cameras is important and should be heard. I'm not asking you to approve all my...

20 Feb 2024

Responsibility for the Climate Change Crisis

Course material - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Beginning in the Industrial Revolution era, developed countries particularly in the European Union have contributed to a greater part of the heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions. Developing countries have a significantly lower footprint but they bear an equal or greater brunt of the forest...

11 Feb 2024

Life cycle assessment of Solar panel - Mini project using Open LCA to conduct the life cycle assessment of a solar panel

Dissertation - 28 pages - Ecology & environment

This study presents a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a photovoltaic solar panel, aiming to evaluate its environmental impact across various stages of its life cycle. The assessment considers raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, installation, operation, and end-of...

07 Feb 2024

Recent Prime Ministers

Presentation - 5 pages - Political life and election

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's popularity has declined, to fall below the popularity rating of Liz Truss. The party is trying to save itself by implementing an increasingly right-wing policy. Also, polls indicate a radical decline in the popularity of the Conservative in favor of the left....

29 Jan 2024

12 Angry Men - Reginald Rose (1953) and Sidney Lumet (1957) - To what extent is debate necessary for a trial in the American Democracy?

Text commentary - 2 pages - Political science

This document tackles three documents : - Document A is a still from the film 12 Angry Men entitled « Preliminary vote ». The film is a courtroom drama, it was directed by Sidney lumet and released in 1957. - Document B is a literary extract from a play called 12 Angry Men written for television...

20 Jan 2024

Is Georgia, Despite Its Complex Political Situation, Its History with Russia and Its Geographical Remoteness, Likely to Join the EU?

Essay - 2 pages - European union

Georgia, a nation situated between Eastern Europe and Western Asia, is a relatively small country at the heart of strong tensions between different powers. Turkey to the South, Russia to the North, Azerbaijan to the East and the Black Sea to the West, the Georgian identity is shaped by different...

18 Jan 2024

What Defines the American Race for Presidency?

Essay - 2 pages - Political life and election

The American democracy is one of the oldest ones that hasn't changed its core in the modern world. For example, countries like France went through five different republics. It was created on the fourth of July in the year 1776 after the American War of Independence against the British Empire....

13 Jan 2024

To what extent has Iran been a destabilising force in the Middle East since 1989?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Iran is a non-Arab Shiite Muslim country of nearly 80 million people, heir to a thousand years of Persian history, and a major regional and international player. Involved for several decades in supporting various armed groups, some of them terrorists, operating in the Middle East and other...

08 Jan 2024

You cannot regulate your way down to 'Net-Zero' but you can invest to get there

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

The European Commission has published a new communication on Better Regulation in 2021, aiming to improve policy-making processes in the EU. This communication demonstrates that the Commission is on the right track by renewing and better regulating the agenda, mainstreaming the Sustainable...

29 Dec 2023

What are the main obstacles to the EU being considered a major global actor?

Essay - 8 pages - International relations

"If I had to sum up the objective of this presidency in one sentence, I would say that we must move from a Europe of cooperation within our borders to a powerful Europe in the world, fully sovereign, free of its choices and master of its destiny." In a press conference on December 9, 2021, the...

26 Dec 2023

The UK's unwritten constitution is put to the test by Johnson's unprincipled acts, The observer - Catherine Haddon (10 july 2022) - Analysis of British politics and its impact

Text commentary - 3 pages - Political science

The English constitution is not a single, codified document, but a collection of texts and unwritten principles. The government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in office between 2019 and 2022, would have undermined some of these rules, particularly regarding transitional governments, and thought...

25 Dec 2023

Understanding Financial Concepts: From Government Bonds to Economic Booms and Busts

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Economy general

A government bond is a debt security issued by a government in order to support government spending and obligation. These can be paid periodically, and they are sold to investors to support government spending.

24 Dec 2023

Econometrics - Casual Inference and IV

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Economy general

This document is a complete corrected econometrics exercise, with some R programming.

23 Dec 2023

Issues Surrounding Scottish Independence

Case study - 4 pages - Political science

This presentation explores the complex issues surrounding Scottish independence, covering the historical context, the 2014 referendum, and the transition in SNP leadership. It delves into the new plan for a referendum, public reception, and the challenges and goals involved. Ultimately, the focus...

21 Dec 2023

Immigrants and access to welfare

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Political science

This document contains the answer to the following question : In which ways do studies of deservingness perceptions illustrate that immigrants are the least deserving of access to welfare? Are there any exceptions?

20 Dec 2023

Does Being « Politically » Represented Necessarily Means Being Represented by Actors Who Directly Have a Position in the Institutional Realm?

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

In a society in which our interests may be represented by a variety of actors (NGO, patries, citizens, social media influencers, politicians...), the necessity of elections depends on the power of these actors to effectively defend our interests. In other words, if we define representation...

20 Dec 2023

Ukraine joining the European Union: myth or reality?

Essay - 1 pages - International relations

Ukraine is an Eastern European country located between Poland and Russia. However, it is not a member of the European Union, which is a unique partnership between 27 European countries, known as Member States, or EU countries. This country has shown interest in joining the EU since 1993, two...

19 Dec 2023

Wind Farm Project in Victoria, Australia

Case study - 30 pages - Ecology & environment

For our project, we were tasked with finding a country and building some form of clean energy system in the country of our choice. Our group decided to go with Australia and to build a wind farm there. We came to this conclusion after searching on Google, "locations with the highest amount of...

10 Dec 2023

Brexit's Impact

Summary - 1 pages - International relations

The skepticism of the European Union became increasingly widespread in the United Kingdom following the financial crisis of 2008. Since then, the euro zone economy has increased and the perception of the European Union has deteriorated due to an increase in regional immigration and a large influx...