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Management & accountability

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3592 results

08 Mar 2024

What corporate strategy to overcome the Indian food regulation issue?

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

The document is a presentation answering the following question: What corporate strategy to overcome the Indian food regulation issue? The study is based on the company Nestlé and its Maggi products.

08 Mar 2024

Managing Hospitality and Tourism Projects - Aster Restaurant (London)

Case study - 11 pages - Management

Project management is a temporary action with a beginning and an end, which mobilizes identified resources (human, material, equipment, raw materials, informational and financial) during its realization, which has a cost and is, therefore, the object of budgeting of means and a balance sheet...

07 Mar 2024

Press release - H&M's commitment to ecology

Case study - 1 pages - Communication

Write a fictitious press release about an ecological action carried out by a ready-to-wear brand.

07 Mar 2024

Social Capital Ventures: Water for life in the Cambodian countryside - Anne-Valerie OHLSSON-CORBOZ and Philip C. ZERRILLO (2014)

Text commentary - 2 pages - Business strategy

Social Capital Ventures Development (SCVD) equips Cambodian rural and farming communes with water-filtering devices. Co-founders Christopher Wilson and Khov Boun Chhay are trying to figure out how a large number of Cambodians seem to be unable to get out of the poverty trap. SCVD pinpoints health...

04 Feb 2024

Principles of Finance

Worksheets - 3 pages - Finance

This document proposes a list of formulas to know for a finance exam.

04 Feb 2024

Digital Transformation in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Roadmap towards Innovation and Growth

Course material - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

The slogan of digital transformation is not a buzz but an imperative strategic drive in this current century economy where technology is taking the centre stage of shaping business landscapes. The use of digital technologies is vital for the SMEs playing so important role in terms of making up a...

02 Feb 2024

Crowdfunding for sustainable energy projects: the criteria of selection by platform managers and competition between investors

Thesis - 25 pages - Finance

Despite the contributions of research on the crowdfunding phenomenon, there is a lack of knowledge on the link between crowdfunding and sustainability and renewable energies in particular and also a lack of understanding from the point of view of investors and managers of crowdfunding platforms:...

02 Feb 2024

How to write memos?

Practical guide - 8 pages - Communication

A memorandum is an internal document used within an enterprise to "formally" communicate information and policies. For a variety of both operational and functional reasons, businesses should use memo formats only for internal communications - or communications inside the boundaries of the...

10 Jan 2024

Organizational Behavioural Management - Assistant project manager for the launch and management of a brick factory at LOME BETON

Internship report - 25 pages - Management

From February 28 to August 28, 2023, I was an intern at LOME BETON in Lomé, Togo. This internship, which I did as part of my third year at EM Lyon, enabled me to discover how a company works, develop my skills and refine my career plan. The company specializes in setting up construction projects...

10 Jan 2024

With the vast expanse of leadership theories and their historical evolutions, how does a multinational technology leader like Thales Group manifest its leadership behaviors and approaches?

Essay - 8 pages - Management

The history of leadership is intertwined with the tapestry of human civilization. From the annals of ancient legends, world religions, to classical Greek and Latin literates such as the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey", tales of prominent characters and leadership principles have been perennial....

10 Jan 2024

Trainee position in the finance sector

Sample letter - 1 pages - Finance

I'm writing to draw your attention to a trainee position in the finance sector, and more specifically in financial auditing.

09 Jan 2024

Exploring Leadership Potential Through Self-Reflection

Essay - 2 pages - Management

Instructions - Write an essay on critical and reflective thinking about yourself as a potential manager / leader together with how you perceive yourself from the point of view of three core management capabilities: team, culture and structure.

07 Jan 2024

Someland's main exports - Analysis

Case study - 1 pages - Business strategy

The chart below gives information about Someland's main exports in 2005, 2015, and future projections for 2025. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

07 Jan 2024

Questions on Management and Leadership

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Management

This document is made of five questions regarding management and leadership, and how important the latter is in a workplace environment.

07 Jan 2024

Leadership - published: 07/01/2024

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Management

Transformational leadership is a leadership paradigm that galvanizes and propels employees to transcend their individual interests for the collective good of the organization. Transformational leadership has been positively correlated with performance metrics across teams and entire...

02 Jan 2024

Structure, Leadership Impact, Collaboration, and Innovation

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Management

1) In your initial post share an overview of the organisation you work for, or one with which you are familiar, (you do not need to share the name of the organisation).  How is it structured?  What is the culture of the organisation (real and espoused)?  What are any accepted leadership...

02 Jan 2024

Management and leadership theories

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Management

This document contains the answers to the following management questions : 1)What distinguishes the democratic and transformative leadership styles, and in your opinion, which of these approaches do you consider more effective? 2)What are the main factors that shaped your work environment and...

30 Dec 2023

Corporate Social Responsibility

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Corporate social responsibility

Within the last 12 months, many Environmental, Social and Governance failures showed us that many companies, corporations and even governments are trying to mislead consumers or citizens and to improve their reputation, by promoting sustainable initiatives or products. These claims can be...

29 Dec 2023

International business management

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Business strategy

For the purpose of this comment, I picked different elements depending on my personal interests especially on management issues and how it is possible to bring people from different cultures, with different expectations and ways of communicating things to work together in the same project, with...

28 Dec 2023

Acme Pharmaceuticals Growth Model

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

This document presents the growth objectives of Acme Pharmaceuticals, along with the planned actions to achieve them. The GROW model is utilized to structure the objectives and necessary steps for realizing growth. Visual tools are employed to illustrate the company's ambitious quantitative...

27 Dec 2023

Negotiation exercise to prepare an interview with the HRD - 10 preparation points template

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Business strategy

We will first, define, the relationship table presented in this negotiation round. Fabiessi appears as a well established and successful medium-sized Italian manufacturing company specialized in high-end kitchen equipment, and recently listed on the stock market for ten years, thanks to its...

19 Dec 2023

How does the Netherlands establish itself as a leader in the world agricultural market and food industry?

Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy

Agriculture is one of the most strategic sectors in the world today. In addition, the current circumstances linked to global warming require us to question ourselves more and more about new ways of farming to adapt to such a situation that none of us have known before. In addition to agriculture,...

19 Dec 2023

Financial Analysis - Airbus

Financial analysis - 24 pages - Finance

Airbus Group is the European leader in aeronautics, space and defense. The group was founded in 2000 following the merger of three companies of German, French and Spanish origin. It is present throughout the world and, along with the American Boeing, is positioned as one of the two leaders of...

17 Dec 2023

Bond Markets

Worksheets - 2 pages - Finance

This document is a review of the bond markets.

16 Dec 2023

Introduction to Hedging and Derivatives

Course material - 3 pages - Finance

A firm establishes a contract in the form of a loan. The firm borrows in one currency, converts it to another, invests that currency. When the loan comes due, the firm receives payment from its operations and uses that money to repay the loan.

16 Dec 2023

Introduction to Sustainable Finance

Course material - 2 pages - Finance

Green Finance: financial investments flowing to sustainable development projects, initiatives, environmental products, policies encouraging the development of a more sustainable economy.

16 Dec 2023

Financial Markets and Institutions: Financial Intermediaries

Course material - 2 pages - Finance

This document contains a course on Financial Markets and Institutions.

16 Dec 2023

Introduction to Financial Markets and Institutions

Course material - 2 pages - Finance

This document contains an introduction course to Financial Markets and Institutions.

15 Dec 2023

Extra-financial analysis of the LVMH Group

Case study - 15 pages - Business strategy

This presentation offers an extra-financial analysis of a group with a global footprint: LVMH.

03 Dec 2023

Entrepreneurship Among Young People - How does the Emancipation of Young Graduates Ring a New Dynamic to their Professional Evolution?

Dissertation - 30 pages - Business strategy

Many young people, especially in developing countries, tend to view entrepreneurship as a viable and attractive path. Many young people, especially in developing economies, turn to entrepreneurship because of a lack of employment opportunities. The role of this thesis is to understand the...